
Facebook Post..

Dawn Piercy sent me this photo when she pulled up with at Walmart to change the Western Union she sent to a Ten Digit- the new code,

because Walmart uses a different Western Union code than the other Western Unions- which is nine digits instead of Ten.

The New code is 86 93 03 80…

8 69 30 38 0..

My coffee yesterday was 690…Nnamdi…( Father is Present) 30…( Peter Ny-ark-O..Paris New York P.N…16+14…30… Add I…Istanbul.. P I N.. It becomes 39… C.I…) 38.. the coffee I just had at the Arab Bodega was number 38…O is the Full Circle of Symetry…

Her son Armondo..( Royal Child..R.C… A R C..) will be 10 ..T E N .3-9-2008….

My Grandmother who has the code name Mama Dawn Mother of Dawn- recall Dawns Mother passed away while I was at room 4A and the Usurper was on bed 4-003…Blocking the Door of Life…Eternal…

With the Spirit of Jealousy… which challenged me and my Grandmother.. The Great Queen who was there in my visit to the Spirit Realm 4th dimension where a great meeting of the Ascended Masters Great Kings, and one other Queen where having a meeting about what to do about the White Mansanger with the Past Africa Pangea and who were creating an End of the world based on the cause and effect of a misunderstanding when they left Africa-America and then returned to both Africa and America with the rage ( and hurt) of the child rejected because of their complexion and the Sun which forced them out.

My mother had elected me as one who could bridge the gap…

6:39 p.m.

Because it was all a problem of communication. My mother was the only other Woman there a Queen.

Recall Peter Nyarko and his showing me and making sure I saw the jacket Ludacris was wearing of Queen Elizabeth… Yes Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria – but the original true version who came undercover into this world to find out what was wrong with the people of the World and to accompany their sons.. the two who are One Nnamdi David-Alexander ( Emeka)

I was 9 years old of a meeting.

That was the meeting of the Beautiful Truth of the past..

I was given an Metro Card yesterday, in exchange for two rollies…I understood this morning when I went to get the money code with Allen that it was to go to Walmart..

But Allen Murray- who is sixth sense, just as that which my grandmother represents, refused.

I trusted his harmony- and he checked the facts by calling his sister who told him that it was very faraway, just as a older black woman- graceful said the same to me when I inquired at the cashier…

Walmart has their own W,U Number 9…my my I commented how rich and powerful they have become…

I knew about Walmart.. My aunt a Phd Pharmacists and the widow of my uncle Lord Charles.. ( Link Face Book Friend Charles Curtis.. C C.. 33….

* I am the true Charles Curtis… 33 is the cap number I used to wear as a Director- and in my last production in Istanbul Turkey…The Story of Colors O-8..)

The ladies at the counter all laughed shaking their heads and nodding commenting on the irrationality of it…

But I understood that it alluding to Armonndo… ARC Mondo… The Arch of the World being the Children and what had been done to them, their truth in the World in this War.. espeially in the Spirit-Mental Versus Material World between the Adults fighting…

In the physical Material World the White People creating such poverty and suffering in the so called Third World… And the Shamans of that world retaliating with the destroying the Minds of their children…

Mental versus Material..

I wrote about the war when I was Hells Kitchen when I discovered the entire Roofs of the estate of lofts covered in Taupe, when I removed the Taupe which stretched as far as the eye could see, and was artfully concealed that it was filled of toys which were brand new and they were covered with urine and feaces Nsi but like a paste which was the same Voodoo I recognized that had covered the things in the giant loft the owner Miraom had left me to live in alone while she lived at 17th Street further down town.

On the floor below me was a woman who was married to the Royal OINri Family of the Taba-Nsi family…

This Woman had fled that family.. and looked startling like my mother and had two sons called… Emeka and Nnamdi…

I had found the Voodoo all over the Rafters of the Loft.. Outraged I called Miriam and asked her…She claimed to not be aware… Axel who introduced me to her was witness.. Axel Miriam… A.M.. Allen Murray.. Anthony Malgren ( Walgrens).. You get the picture..

It was a war to stop the A.M…

An Ancient War.. While the Ascended Masters sent emissaries to find a way to stop this war which would bring the End of the World according to their See.

I spoke at my outrage and how the police were summoned.

How I had recognized that it was a portal opened with a Woman who was arrested entering New York, with a Dead Baby stuffed with Cocaine, she was from Nigeria.

It was not about the Woman… but she was a sacrifice used to open up a portal of Awareness – by her odious act being splashed about the Worlds News Papers, the portal had been open in the Western World Minds of this Action which then opened up the way for that Dark Magic’ to enter the brain waves of this reality and for the true Intent behind it to manifest…

That is how ancient Voodun works- through establishing awareness… vibrating intent.. then the Awareness Wave – Meaning Intent veiled become manifest… A W M I…..in this World which is not really real.. It is all M.I..N.D…a Matrix… of Thought… But it required the E… M I N DE… To bring the E N D…I M…FACT… Not a Magic Trick or Spell..

And so I fought them … 7:08 p.m.

78 Degree’s… New York City.. 2-21-2018…

And both the Black and White worlds fought me…

Link Dark Crystal…

There were the ones filled with hate and rage for each other, and then there were the Good ones.. who also meddled … Forgetting that Everything is in Harmony…

That NNAMDI… Father is Present… that there was a PLAN ET.. set up which saw everything all possibilities..

*Rise and Shine .. that is on the T.Shirt of a Woman- Pregnant is wearing who just sat to me left…

To my right a man who I saw him open his computer with his screen saver which showed a Beautiful Star – an Epiphany of light moving through the Day in the back drop of a city… His name was on it.. Black Robb… B.R…O…

It was all taken care of already..

The two World Material and Mental.. Spirit and Physical.. panicked when they saw the vision of the end of the World.. and the play of the Evil ones…

But Good became Evil.. without realizing it by feeding into a Vision of Seers… of actions without comming down into this Realm to Investigate…

But a few did… Mother and Son… Father sent them .. and was undercover with his Daughter…Father And Daughter…

M A S… F A D…. They are the E…

E.. M A S…/ S A M..E…. E F A ..D..Delta…

F A D E… M A S E…A play to bring the END of the STORY and play of Universal Education as to why Harmony E is the only principle which manifested in the Eternal Beginning .. E B… 5 2…As Factual… Real… E F.. E R… Everything else was an illusion..

It was the play of the Children as the Flesh Awareness and the Spirit awareness to understand that there is no duality.. that they are all One…


O…is Natural Expression…

See sacred portal 55… it shows the arrival of the E line who were undercover in this world in the Human Play, since the beginning of TIME…And whose portal and pathways were blocked from rising by the perversion done to their truth…

V.E… Victoria… Elizabeth… Constance… Queen and Mother of King Constantine…Istanbul.. C.I…

Ancient Turkey… P I N…C OD E….

7:25 p.m~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10160026739580162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10160026739580162%3Atop_level_post_id.10160026739580162%3Atl_objid.10160026739580162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10160026739580162%3Aphoto_id.10160026542475162%3Astory_location.4%3Astory_attachment_style.photo%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1514793600%3A1546329599%3A194029304779595588&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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