
Facebook Post..

The Royal Pathfinder

….and Tourist Guide.


Many may believe that my predictions or what I read and translated on F.B of on certain dates like the 5th and the 28th of certain manifestation happening were dissapointed.

The truth is on all those dates those events did manifest but privatley not just for me (with witnesses) but for all of you individually and privately.

But perhaps bc it did not manifest in the way you, I or we expected it to did not mean it did not.

Perhaps you did not see it or percieve it…meaning either somethings is wrong with your eyes or the seat of your consciousness…or you thinking you were or are in control of how Existence chooses to manifest itself.

I am never disappointed bc Existence always responds…my nody has been rising steadily but you can not see it.

Because this is an individual experience which manifests individually in a way unique to your existence.

Of course, I wish the entire collective to experience this together for the simple reason that it signals the end of my work and finally going home to rest bc I am exhausted…unimaginably so.

But I am the guide, simply exemplifying how Existence works…And guiding you for 21 months through the pathway which is experienced by each of you individually and uniquely, reflected in your personal liges…

Inner and Outter which only you truly know.

I have transparently expressed and made public my own journey which reflects all your journeys translated in billions indibidual ways…But it is all One and the same.

I began posting from this address five years ago and then three years ago and then last year when I left the seventh place I moved to since I came to this address and was brought back here on April 5th…4/5…

And documented my last journey to from this address to Miami, to Queens to the Wikderness of Pelham Park to the streets and Park Benches of Balthazzar to The Cafe Bean and back to this address…

Where Seven years ago I had stated the Awakening of the Collective (not the Individual) and the end of my proving it…the Z…

Its Manifestation begins from this address..

What I am saying is that my physical and even emotional journey as guide and blindfolded devotee is simply a reflection of the internal journey all must take.

Some decided that perhaps I did not know the way, some followed me on F.B sceptically, and a very few recognized where I was going simply bc it reflected thier own inner journeys.

Some got off some stayed some recognized and quietly followed saying I will follow Emekas posts but I will let him go first incase he fails or falls we will be safe and others, few that they were who gave encouragement…and the blessed who walked with me even up the steep mountains and feerlessy crossing over that narrow bridge.

Why? because they recognized that this had nothing to do with Emeka…the guide.

That is is each persons decision and choice to come along with this guide who so confidently and proudly walks with sure steps along the newly created pathway and trail towards home.

A trail he created at the age 21 when he left his girlfriend Mary Jane to go on a journey first alone, to ensure that it was safe, before others could tread upon should they disvover the path he had built (Now turned into a wife Avenue after 21 years of forced expansion), which he reached at 26 when he saw the light but was not allowed to cross over…But was sent back to get the Others..much to his chagrin bc he felt that each to his own…

And how can this be the journey of each Individual Existence if he found a way home thru this reality if he had to come back in 1993 and share with others how he did it?

Was it not meant to be an each Individual must do this journey alone?

Is this some kind of hypocrisy? A double standard a breaking of the rules and laws of Existence to be forced to share the pathway each was meant to discover and awaken to on thier own?

And then be crucified by others he is forced to sharw how he did it for 21 years..many being jealousy envious even malicious and spiteful. Claiming that they did not.need his help or knowledge l…that they could do it on thier own (even though he noted, and could not help but notice that though they could fond a way, that they had missed a turning point or a signal here or there which would lead them to the abyss, a dead end, or even to Hell…).

And when out of love, he felt that he could not remain silent..and just stand by (which he realized was his test). because he was forced by this Light to live with them…he was cornered by it..(having spent most of his life running from it only to find he was running towards it until he gave up).

Thus, breaking its own rules of the play to take away his Existence by making his Existence, the Existence of the Collective…The will of the Collective governing his existence and subordinating his supreme I to its will.

Thus, giving him no choice in a play which those he was sent to did, not believe, refused to believe that God as the Collective had taken away his free will will and choice to play a big brother to ween the humaniry of thier convienient attachment to a God who sacrifices his beloved for them.

Because it was unheard of to break the laws of Existence in which each person is required to do this journey on thier own..

And so out of love when he did intervene, (bc the One Collective made sure he was conventiently placed) having already discovered the short route to the light in just five years at age 26…they would lash out at him, resent him…call him a show off and even spite him by choosing a different way.

And this Light of the Collective, (The parents Father/Mother), forcing him to follow them and unobstrusively forge new pathways for them, giving them the credit so they could keep face…

And yet deep within them they knowing and still resenting him.

And he resenting this light called God or the Children of Light who made him go through such a hell again and again…

Until he understood that the Light was not the Light but the blackness, the Darkness who being too proud to Ask…him…or tell him that.the light he saw at age 26 was himself.

The Pathfinder who becomes the Light.

Everyone can become a light.

Everyone who forges a new path out of the cycle through each age becomes the light.

And so for 21 years the blackness, the potential…the hard hearted proud Rocks…too concieted to simply ask trick the Pathfinder to indulge the potential collective by forcing him to share and create pathways again and again to those who would continually deny him and his light…saying that they have already found their way yet so many seeming to be unhappy in the way home that they claimed they had found…which to the pathfinder, was their using ways unnatural to their true natures…taking them so far away from thier true natures whom he could see…The ones he once called his family being buried deeper abd deeper in the Dark Evil twin called obstinacy of Ego willfuly refused to listen to the cry of their true joyous fun filled self. The Ego harshly silencing their true selves and feelings under iron will of dogma often insincere to thier ears and which little to make the full circle of thier lifes light and the riddles of their Existence fun.

And when they got stumped they would listen to the Pathfinder but once they could walk again they became once more proud and dissmissive, as if not wishing to acknowledge to themselves that the pathfinders ways not only works but that it made more sense and was more fun.

But how could they admit this? Especially to one who had no home, no great wealth or following

One who always walked alone.

They saw only that which they wished to see or imagined…what a horrible path what a horrible lonely pathway home

If they only knew it seemed that way because of the stubborness of them.

But they did not see or turned a deaf ear and a blind eye..Saying it was his fault, Wishing to see him fail, to fall…so that they could feel better about not having done what he had so easily done, see what he could see easily

If your way is so great how come you ask for donations to sustain your Existence…

To which he would respond bc the knowledge I share is Energy mined and polished diamond polished to a gleam of such light guarernted to guide you to light…because I was taken out of my life my existence to ensure you had the information to ensure that you are safe

To which they would arrogantly angrily reply inside Are you sure it is not the other way round

I could hear them but mostly I would not make a sound.

Not realizing that they all could have done so, (found a new pathway) quite easily if they were seated in the correct consciousness of thier hearts; instead of focusing on him and his confidence…

And they would have seen his humility and grace and patience of leading one after another back to themselves and showing them that they already knew the way.

And that they never really required his help…But that they had just forgotten to see from thier seat of love…they were in the passenger seat letting whatever God they worship drive them home and find way.

Even if that God they invented was a Ghost an illusion or some demon of thiers they had enslaved.

And if they had done so they would have seen him properly and that his finding the way home at age 26 was not his fault…but was because he used the principle of Universal Existence….

Which is seeing the Beauty and symmetry in all things which creates the awareness of patterns, seeing the Order and Logos in all things…

Which reveals that the narrow bridge is not a narrow bridge but floor mosaic of lines and squares…

A Unifying field in which it seemed like a narrow bridge, only bc The Pathway you discovered is highlighted as a seeming narrow strip.

But if you understand All pathways…not just yours, you will discover that it is not a narrow bridge but a floor plan for all…

And thus, understanding all roads leads home…it lights up the whole space turning the Black into Darkness then to Ether, then to Royal Purple…Then to Read/red and then blue until it transforms into Light and leads to an alcove of Silver trees which form the triumphant Laurels of the portal home.

The Silver Trees Bow..forming a Bough for the passage of the 1 for All for and all 4 One.

The Seventh and now Eighth rainbow colors alinged into the silver light of Consciouness Clarity of the third eye opened.

The Full Circle of the Full Moon which clarifes the Darkness…Revealing the Royal Indigo drapes opening to reveal Purple Royal blue skies…and the robes and stars of Majesty Royal Room of the Space of E…

And the silver trees are the crowning laurels..

The Victorious U crowned and draped in the Royal robes of Energy of the Seven seas, crowned with the silver laurels of firament of the seven sisters and The Crown Jewel of Queen Eshtar Harmony sister!

The beautiful way navigated through 2 sixth senses 6 and reason in one Harmoniously vibrating 8.

Arriving at the Silver gate through the deepest Blackest Knight…

The Wolf Panther Fenrir!…sky

who crowns you Victorious King of Knight and Dey Full Circle to Light.

…Your fathers 24/74 GD proudest moment…that his son so deeply placed undercover has finally been acknowledged as the Lord who single handedly brought Light to Even the blackest cruelest Play of the One Day…of the Wolf King..

The All Devouring Wolf of Odins Valhallha

The Hall and Doom of Kings.

The Bridge narrow is seeing only One way…the pathway only you discovered.


For if one does ones journey based on seeing through the lifes and eyes of others…their expressions, their stories..their beauty and experiences as was done by he, Reflected in his accounts and adventures seen through eyes of others in his Journals Talking to The Silence…

in which he gave such respect to the experiences of others by not publishing them when Big Wigs sought to diminish the worth and truth of all these ppls stories and views by seeking to transform the attention and focus onto him and his Beautiful E.T nature, while he was pointing out the Beauty in your, our human nature…Perhaps you too could have reached the Light and finish line on turning 26 as he did.

Completing the course of miracles (race course A-Z) by crossing the finishing line.

It was never about the Human Race…who crosses the finish line first…

Our who finished the course the fastest to incarnate C speed of light…or even beyond.

It was simply about crossing over…finish.

Each was meant to do it in their own unique way.

Instead most focused on what others were doing and how they were doing it…Cheating and Copying and interfacing with ways which were not thier own

And holding each other back…finding such elaborate ways to cause others to fall or fail that they forgot to focus on themselves and create thier own unique and beautiful way.

The way of the I…the Individual…Unique

Snow Flake..

The Line of the Individual Pi.


Lady Echo Harmony Existence. I…1 55-9

Oceania Mary Jane Od Ala.

Source O.U.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153516539475162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153516539475162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153516539475162%3Atl_objid.10153516539475162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153516539475162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1357027200%3A1388563199%3A8660245859743187956&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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