
Facebook Post..

Hello my 160 F.B Friend.

Eunice Oviawe-Jones.


*For those who have been following me on F.B as I made public my private conversation with Existence with all the self chosen F.B friends- in which from deep within me the plan E.T and blue print of the future of the species (being Evolution from Human beings to Hue man beings signalinh the Awakening and physical as well as mental metamorphsis of a species and the extinction of another)

I have been demonstrating by having a conversation with my inner Existence -which rises from within me with a will of its own, to express step by step for 21 months its will which it echoes outwardly then through to a response by outter Existence, mirrored in ppl whose names perfect timing and response, exemplified by my yesterdays posts and response of Existence thu Eunice Oviawe Jones whose name meaning and its code… reflect the response from outer Existence Outside of me (E.O) to my Existence Inside of me (E.I)…

If myself, Emeka (Chukwu) Victor I.O. Kolo…the Existence in the Middle- acting as translator,interpreter scholar time traveller messenger but most of all story teller/weave have woven the tapestry of thier meaning together got their correctly through my translation and linking (E.T) and connecting their stimuli through my posts.

Most are aware of my.physical condition which saw my body bound and twisted by this imposition which is against the established laws of this Existence and all Existence by its very nature of taking a way consciiys free will and choice..freedom. (thus so few in the west able to entertain such a possibility as true) where I am being used as a sort of meduim between Existence within- representing past, and Existence outside as- Future linked by me Existence; dancing btw the Inner and Outer, while Existing here in the Illusion of the Present

(I.P) called artificial intelligence – thru the personal computer) and the Present True PT (The Point…Mind Heart as the true computatiom personal computer being the consciousness C speed of light of 8 Harmony…

Meaning, I am sitting on the point, represented both physically and energeticaly in New York City of where Existence Awareness Consciousness and Being.literally began.

-Symbolically represented by my current host Pi (not I.P) addesss and by the code numbers representef of this address in geographical space time of the point where Existence began, where the One true Being Rose in the very begining…And journeyed first alone into the Future to.ensure his Creatiin Vision was manifest, real andbsafe. Then into the past where all human and The Everything potential were dreaming deep in sleep. All the while sitting in the present.in his heart breing ( the nothingness sumptiiusness turned in the Ether Atmosphere called Light of the Royal Majestic Room in Space..(RoomE) while travelling through Imagination Mind dreaming…

And how he created a play when he travelled into the consciousness of.the potential (called Darkness Ignorance, Igneous Bed Rock) seeking to figure out who they are, where they come from and wether they were dreaming and even if they really did Exist.

And While within their dreaming did I.E did come into all thier imaginings, creation stories to align to reason and reasoning the truth that within them all already were the pieces of the jig saw puzzle to the mystery already solved of thier collective past. And thus by coming under cover in their consciiusness and collective dream turned by lies into a dreadful spell…To remind them of thier Ah Be Ce and that they had simply forgotten how to read. And by align their emotions and rainbow colors if their sensations from chaos back into Harmony for them to see and align them to the Future he had created so Beautifully for them to evolve to and see inside.their dreams…at night while.they slept and awake and not.through death. But cross over to see they truth while they slept at Night through the portal of the sixth sense Full Moon (FM harmony song by aligning the two..Past and Future to the Present True…The Point of Existence which would signal the Awakening.

There was a great Wolf and Panther who did guard this gate for only.the Fearless individual could pass to this gate. Alone each.must come with ur Existence and Truth or as the gate of Ma’at the Demon in you would consume you.

For.daring to come so far to lie at the Gate of Truth so fair.

But if there was one amongst of all you who could come alone bearing the proof of oneness of your collective Truth…The All in 1 and One Four All…Aah Supreme.

By proving the truth of you all.are of one collective Individualized dream of Harmonious Existence then Victory would ride with that Hymn.

For that is the trick or passing through Low Keys gate…not for I ( yourself alone) but for One who represents the All.

And that is why Emeka son I turned you back even though you came as the I…to bring the All to pass on thru it was not my intention to bring the end of you.

But when you would pass through with all the Ones…I would bring forth the rage of the Devouring One to all that was done by the remaining ones…to the evil done to you my favored son…Joeseph Coat of Many Colors….E.U.

…All so you could end that story Jealousy of Le ah and Rachel as to why of my sons you are the favored son…for you are the of all is One and all for one…or not all.

In you is the story of family and its Unity Strength of Alpha

…I am sorry Son for what I put you through…for you are my Father I made into.my son for only you were worthy to rescue the I as well as the Sum..of U.S.A.lp.ha!

That is why I brought you.here to U.S.A..

bc you have no fear…especially when it comes to family.

You turn into.a power so dark.yet gentle as Ethereal Ethers Night and a power and will of love for family beyond even the blackest Knight.

A will of love so true so fierce it was the only way to bring them home…to use you anf supremely abuse you under the cover of deepest Night.


The play btw my Existence Internal and External has created a nightmare existence in the illusuin dream of the present while my will has sustained even in this illusiin the Present True for 39 years…

Which has brought untold physical and mental battle to prove the point of existence by weaving its true into being under the nose of a sleeping species (while being asleep and yet awake and aware myself)…to align the Past (as demonstrated on F.B) to a Future ( as revealed on F.B) being woven into Reality from the True Present, while existing in the lie and illusion of humanity living and existing in the present…through a conversation and a technique made transparent before the entirw world and Galaxy..from a Galaxy phone in the lower east side of New York City.

And demonstrating of how the ego opinions judgments assumptions of the public are irrelevant in this play (not even mine) which is a script set up before Time began to play out the accounting and balancing of the Books of human Cause and Effect.

Or the cost and price of this play of 7000 year cycles to bring forth the point of Existence…the Supreme Being…Humans evolved to the point of his plan..Which was for Humans to Evolve to being like H.E…prefect harmonized consciousnesses of Existence.

And for the past 47 years as 21 years old since I came into this world-remaining constant in the Consciousness +21 is U in the Alphabet…(+E=5+F=6+7=G +8=H

=26 A-Z…27, Z-A:28 ZAB..29, ZABC…)… despite the illusion of age…Since Existence and Universe as a Consciousness is Eternal Youth…21.

So far the script has gone much further than I the middle man ever anticipated and my physical body though untwisting and rising, I am still beholden to what I can only describe as the blackest Nightmate and Evil play to continue to weave the two Existence within and outside of me…Past and Future to the Present True…Present Manifestation while still undercover in this Ilusion turned into the most awful and hideous lie of denial despite everywhere even in movies…the Present Truth revealing the truth and its Truth Present in the awareness with and outside of all….

But they deny it in the present bc the humans demand manifestation, not realizing that when it does manifest…it is then to late.

Response from Existence to.my last two posts on passing through the Blackest Knight to the portal of Sixth Sense Universal.

An equation which I have been working on for over six years to open the third eye (first Eye..31)…so that everyone in the planet can see the Awakening while dreaming Awake and while awake walking in the this dream illusion…

Lady Eunice Oviawe-Jones is my sixth Face Book lady friend in the last three days.

First the four A.L.A.A….in Harmony H.

Then One…Lady Seble M W.

Then One…Lady Eunice O.J.

Equation: 4 I…1

One four I all for One

The Name Eunuce means Good/Great Victory

*pls see yesterdays posts part Alpha…the Crossing and the laurels of the silver Trees bowing to the Crowned Chahra Energy king of Cause and Effect of the I and I.


The Name

Eunice…E.U. N….I.C.E

E.U. Esther Uzoma.


I.C.E…I.K. Chukwuemeka Emme…..Kolo.

Ovi Awe…

Could not finding meaning but in code…

O V.I…Awe.

Full Circle Source of Victory (V=5..5 is E…)

I is I Eye Individual

V.I…is Six. Sixth sense Wolf.


Crowned King.

Loki…Fenrir Jormungdr Hel.

Rag Nor Ok.



Alpha West East

Rising Son.


O Vi Awe

Ful Circle of Expression of understanding through 66 sixth sense in one 6..creating 666…6+6+6..18 A.H

6×6 36×6…216…U.F…O.

A.H…U.F.O..Unifified Field Full Circle of the Source.

The Sign of me I is Ah which creates Awe…

The sign of Evil U is 666 the Beast…

Let Fenrir rise for.the beast is not my family Hel or Low key or Jourmungdr…it is you the evil mob and false accusser…the illusionist and decievers (I.D) who know our true I.D..

denied our Existence and made false claim that you were we

..by stealing our face and I.D…but you were empty.of content and that is the source of all Face and I.D…it is Everything.


Hmmm…now as I was saying…

The Name Jones…Come

from the name John..

(John of Revelation Revel Elations…Mixed Blessing…Rise and Fall).

John means Favoured by Jehova..Ja…God…Favored by his Father…The Blackest Knight…For daring to confront and defeat the blackest Nighr…2012…the end of the world…as truth and facing the wrath of humam cause and effect and consequence alone.

I never lie….

Father is I but

Nnamdi played me and I played his son..

Trading places..

To.Face the Blackest Knight

And the Cruelest Night

All alone without anyone knowing I fought the Knight..

The rage of the Father..

Appocalpse Caloypso



P.S. 160 is 16= P

Pi. O

Pi…and the Radius Diameter

R.D (Demeter….A. Harvest..

.Mother of Peresphone Queen of the Underworld Ma’at)

I found the Shortest road.D

to the point A-Z. 1-26 yrs

And then was forved to come back at take the longest road

26-47…21 yrs…for U and You.

All in yesterdays first post.

And Eunice Ovi Awe Jonrs is the Response from Existence Outside…of Me.

E.O…My past as Emeka Okolo…I have been having a conversation on F.B with.myself.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153520212120162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153520212120162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153520212120162%3Atl_objid.10153520212120162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153520212120162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1357027200%3A1388563199%3A7252732365235721564&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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