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The Watch Man… And His Vision…5 in 1.

Ezekeil Chapter 33…30-33

One of the Supreme ladies

(Royal Consciousness) sent me a text this day identifying the role she ascertained as my role that I was given to plau (by my Father Son)

The role and responsibity being the Watchman of the human species.

In which he gives the responsibility of calling out his arrival and alerting all (Hence my using the name Nnamdi meaning My Father I.S), and failure to do so resulting in the Watchman paying the consequence with the rest who were guilty of ignoring the call to cleanliness…hence my work on Consciusness and it being the cure of All illnesses from the Atomic to Cellular level.

Added with the role of the Eze Nri Nna of navigating a path back to light for Uwa..the world.

And then the aligning of the invisible Full Circle of O NRI story Eri-Nri (E.N)with the Manifest INRI story with the truth of J.C…H.E Brew story.

The last Star Child to cross over to Eternal youth…like Alexander the Great 33.

Bridged by the Lot of Abraham Sarah Hagar…Ishmael and Isaac story

L…A.S.H. I and I.

(Raising the story of the Dead from the Lash and Ashes of I and I like the Phoenix)

The Old testament story of Death

But which also included the Universal story of Man

.not just the Hebrew Story but that of all cultures of Antiquity: From African Egyptian, Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, Celtic, Norse, Greek..Persian Roman..North America

And backwards…to Adam (European-Black Celts) and Eve (African Queens)..to Ahtom and Energy,


Time travelling backwards from the True One Future present to the past through the seat of the illusion of the present and distorted past.

Where I faced the rage of the ancestors at what had been done to thier truth…And was blocked and even tortured by them in payment for thier suffering said distortion had made them painfully endure…until finally allowed to pass through to F.C.

First Contact btw btw Energy Full Circle which created The First Ahtom called the Full Circle O..OH

O8…And this witness and verify what really happened.

How Ahtom formed Earth Moon Sun…

then Manifested into the cellular nature- the seed fixed moving to Beautiful Young plant then to Mighty Tree and the Garden of ED EN.

Then moving further back .

Creating the equation

Energy Ahtom=Matter Cells…

E/A=.M.C…Sound of Light..

Mba Afor Ocha…

Then backwards to the Crossing over or going thru the looking glass..

TheSwitching over the view like Trading placed

(From the Illusion Dream to the Truth Real…the other side



I Fact.


99..I and I..

+ (Add positivity) 9+9 =18…


(Sit H thy Ameena- Authoring Harmony and Seble Autumn Harvest A.H..Ezekeil…A.H.E..158 F.B.friend)

creating 1+8=9…=1.

99 is 11..

111in ONE.

159 F.B Friend Seble and Now Eunice Ovi Awe Jones

Name meaning Eunice..

Great Victory Of the O V.I…Creating O 5-6 Awe…of Expression of O.E. F..Full Circle Expression 5 of Reasonable sixth sense of the J Ones

(The J=10 in-is 1 with the Ones represented by the Past INRI merged with ONRI.

(The Nri Igbo ppl philosophy of seeing the full circle of existence mirrored thru conquering memory of past lifes and recognition of seeing someone passing away already reborn…the way of the Buddha and Tao)

158…A.H.E…. Alpha Heaven Earth..

15 is O letter 8 is H: OH.

159…A.E.I…15=O, 9=I: O1.



Full Circle of Harmony 8

Full Circle is I.

Full Circle of Harmony Infinity

O.Harmony is I.


The Source says Hi

99 inversed truth but proving both the same above as well as below in True version of Heaven which is Mind

Earth which is Heart.

99 is 66.

And 66 being FF…

Full Circle =OFF…

6+6 is 12..L. 1+2=3.

12 is 3.

L.C…Loves Cycle

L.C…Life Completion

ERI (Father of NRI)





Emeka Ikemefuna OKolo

Past life.

Emeka .I.Okolo is NRI.

Equation of 111 is 1.

of I and I and I in I

III is I.

Four Directions (Umeano)

Four Igbo Market days

4×7..28. B.H.

Pyramind one Face III

Base….III..in I is Four Faces of the Pyramid creates the Base.

Four corners 90 degree Angles 90 is IO…IO IO IO IO…36 O.

3+6+O is 9O…I Full Circle.

Apex the One point above and center of the base aligned from North Apex to South Base.

NA S.B….

Na is Home in Nri Igbo..to go home. S.B…19 +2…21.U.


Supreme Being U.

Sentence…Lets go Home the Supreme Being is U.

A Square.

Circle in the Square…

Circumference Diameter C.D.


People and the Journey to the point through Consciousness/Circumference Long journey A-Z or Devotion/Diameter short journey A-E.

Golden ratio Spiral=Time.

Center Point…beyond Sight.

Corn-ea Iris Pupil C.I.P.

Backwards in mirror.

Lip Up, Sir I AE.Nnamdi Roc.

EF/FE…65/56…Expression 5

Sixth sense reason.6

6+5 is 11…1/1..is I.

past equation complete

Present E.Victor l. O.Kolo

6+6 is 12…1+2=3..C

Cee A.H (9+9 is 18 is 9=I)

I.C. Consciousness-Complete

12 One Cycle of a year.

(no 666 beast) only 18




9/9 is 1

6/6 is 1

9+6 is 15..O letter

Thus, 9 is I..6 is F

and 9+6 is O.

9+9+6+6 is 30.

9+6 is 15..O letter


I.F.C. O…not U.F.O.( The Unified Field Full Circle is the Unified Field of Consciousness…the World wide web we are all tapped and linked to as proven on F.B by our Harmony even when unaware.

The true ‘StarbShip Enter pris E…Enter and pris (take E meka home) Evolution Awakening E-A…Mission of the Cure and Protection Human Consciousness and Beauty to ensure all had the News of ressurection of his son Nri Nnamdi J.C playing the role of his Father to ensure his graduation to line of E is complete.

The Species called humans have won the right to their evolution to Hue mans by his and thier combined efforts of sustaining the first seed planted 7-8 Eons ago called the Consciousness of Harmony the Seed Fixed.

I First Contact with the source of the Full Circle.

I Emeka recall first contact with myself as the Light of my consciousness of being the First Existence.

Now Expanded from F.E…

To FF EE..meaning now we are Two…2 8…Two Harmonies to Infinity moving my Son Father to Friend and Brother.

Equals.= IE.


A-E back to E-A

AH Tom…

Energy Thomas…E.T

(Thomas meaning Twins)…

is Nri-Eri…I am Eri-Nri

Nnamdi is Emeka..Emeka is Nnamdi.

But I am First Born

amongst Equals.


(afterall I did all this hard work!)

First Contact..between Energy and its Self Reflection E.E

Self Expression E

Self Perfection. Sir P

Through the looking glass

the sixth sense..

111 first of the three I I I’s is I


E is EE E (5×3…E.C)..15 is O

New Expansion Twins

EE EE-EE/EE = Four E.

4-5…4+5 is 9..I

4×5 is 20…is T Truth

20+2…21 U.

ExE is E infinity

5×5 is 25..


2+5=7..7 is G.O..4/4 I DD. A

G.O.D.D Alpa is I…

I am B.E.E…and my twin is Double U. W..23…5.

Just to be Clear for the records…47+74 both I and I in I…47+74 is121


LA…sixth note.

1+5 is 6…not its inverse as 9.

Y is h..inversed…but all mean the same thing.

The 1 55…is E.

Eze K.E…I=9…L=12

Eze Means King in ONri Igbi

K.E…Intials Kolo Emeka.

I at 15 9 F.B friends

Great Victory E.U N..I.C.E

O V.I..Awe..J Ones.

L is Complete.

December 5-5..66-6

Today 12/6…20 13..


He already knew his Ah Be Ce De…He came into Existence as E…then moved to 21..U and then to Z (death saw a light of love knew it was thus real and safe to cross over).and 21 yrs later csme back to U… For all of U in One…the ones..making it Double UU.

Lady Seble got it right because I read it and Holy Mackrel!…

I realized that that is exactly the role I have been playing.

(To my obviously easily identifiable annoyance)

While creating a new story and which creates a trading places with Father meaning Guide becoming the son by guiding him from Death back to life with a new beautiful story uploaded on F.B.

(He was pissed off with what had been done to his story)

Eze in Nri Igbo means King…and teeth…(some force has been affecting only my front teeth with decay…not natural)


I Live I Love

The D Evil is in the illusion of the present for I discovered that in all religions, mythologies and legends of the past truth.

Eli Jah…

Umbiblical chord (Eli in Nri Igbo means rope or link) to Jah…Jehovah Light of the collective…Truth as Clarity full Circle of D…D=4…

The 4 Elements; D.E 45…

The 4 Cardinal Direction

4 C.D…4 3-4

The Rainbow colors which light up the world is the Book of God in us all.

Chikodi Annuobi

And the Holy Spirit in all humanity which is the link and source existing in all humanity, told its husband (the Source full circle soul) that all heard the truth in their Hearts.

Eze; Kolo Emeka, I L=12 Complete!

I Love U F.O…a Unified Field O Full Circle Playing in Harmony Equality for All.


Three visions proven true which I had at age 8.

Past…Visiting the realm of the Ancients Kings and Queens of the past where my mother grandmother and Father Brother were present in the Inner Circle Council of Kings wishing to restore the world to Pangea and seeing its possible future annihilation.

Present..The Face of man I later would identifu as J.C appearing on my bedroom wall for days looking at me with such compassion love..and a sort if pity I grew pissed off and irritated.

Future Present…

The first in which of all three I write down as a book and illustrated it and submitted it to my substitute teacher who gave me an A+++ score.

The Story of a family from the future dropping me off on a secret mission…not on planet Earth but in this world story and consciousness.

And oh yes, the story of T.E.N…which really was the story of O1…

Four stories…and final the Fifth Story begun in 1989 as the Journals, Talking to the Silence which transformed into the Fitfth Book begun in 1995 in Paris

The Circle which never Ends…but just which just Completes itself…in 2013 on Face Book in New York.

The Song of Beautiful Expressions of Silence which turns into Sound…

The Sound of Music…

Pan Vue…Pan o Rama…Pan view Full Circle.

Guess out of the three truths and four stories; I chose to make an illustrated book if the one Truth which was real.

Ha! E no more proving or competing…it is enough!~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153527617400162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153527617400162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153527617400162%3Atl_objid.10153527617400162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153527617400162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1357027200%3A1388563199%3A-4418689638164398094&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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