
Facebook Post..

Its just pouring out of me…like Reign…

A Short Explaination of the necessity of the long proving post yesterday, the delay in manifestation and Con test.

The Story of Existence and Nature…and E.

In the very begining of Existence when the One first Supreme being rose..

When he completed the Full Circle of Awareness and Consciousness of being and knowing who he was..his twin reflection Rose from sea of his first see of Energy now turned into Ocean.

But His twin called Ahtom or Ah my twin had another twin who rose with him…his feminine masculine counterpart called C…of Consciousness.

Ahtom was only aware of his twin being the first being he saw when he came into Existence.

Who looked at him in the eyes with such live and recognition that he knew that he was looking at Beauty Trurh and Love and he felt complete with knowing.

But even as he looked at his Twin..he could not help but wonder who was the Original the Source…who came first.

It wasn’t a big deal but he wondered.

And the Source saw this in the consciousness of his twin and was aware of the question bc he had the answer…and the witnessed called C…who had watched as her twin Ahtom came into being an Existence because

Because She like Ahtom was Creation…She was, is Consciousness Creation and her twin was is Completion if Being…

But the First Born understood the Question in his brothers mind and guided his twin through his story of how he and everything came to be, including how he had risen alone at first and gone to investigate his Dream Vision as C speed of Light which formed an image of him as a Dove of light travelling through Existence slowly awakening.

He spoke of meeting the illusions of himself created by his twins seed of doubt and if meeting his twin in his manifest creation now where evident as Manifest Truth where he found his twin now fully formed and in being on the Elysium Fields of Forver.

But even as the First born told the story of cutting out the illusiions of his truth called Evil and Lies out..His twin brother wondered how the First Born was sure that the Evil was Evil and some of the Illusions were not real

And so the born understood and decided to allow his twin brother to play him by creating a script and story which would serve the purpose of eradicating any doubt, educating not only his twin but the whole collective potential which had arisen as creation and Creation in being..Matter and Cells in all thier possibilities which the First Born playing the Son and his twin his Father play the world…as Nature of Existence. While the First Born would use the opportunity to bring into full being Consciousness of Creation…C who could not manifest into being until all Creation was in one…Created H.E and S.H.E. the twins.

And so his twin created his own story or version of how he would do things in which is yes..the INRI story…

(and we saw how that story turned out…Old testament slavery and new testament crucifixtion…hypocrisy and colonization..bigorty denial and creating impossible standards which no one believes or wishes to live up to…or tries to and flaggellate themselves if they don’t; misery, guilt, repression and evil…)

Osirus etc…which created unintentionally the story of pain and suffering by his twin allowing Evil to co exist for too long in his story of Patience and Investigation..

P.I.. of things not ofbNature and Existence…illusions.

And the the Doubt then grew from a seed then to a tree so might that it infected the Earth, grew sentinent…a consciousness called to Evil fueled by Fear (fear of reprisals) and it began to spread and spread until it began to infect everything and everyone, including his twin who ( S.He as Creation) became so horrified by the depth of Evils possibility to create cruelty despite love and compassion that it turned him to stone.

Into death… and caused the C to intervene making it worse.

Both so caught up in it -forgetting that none of it was real..That he had indulged the illusion so long in his investigation of it…in his belief that he could transform it that it had put a spell on him.

Which bound him and made it seem as if Evil had become real and so powerful that it could destroy Existence…Everything.

He had created an idea of himself as God which became the great evil called dependency which created fear guilt blame misunderstanding miscommunication lost in translation which brought rage anger guilt shame religion ignorance covering the world in darkness…

It brought filth hypocrisy tormnent disease decay…horrors upon horrors..

Pan Door A was not her it was him.

But Pan-dora the explorer made it worst.

He had contained it within himself but She opened the door bc of her curiosity not her compassion which He had and she opened the box by talking about the Evil which her gossip and gift for story telling made so horrifying that it spread fear and a secret hatred and fear and loathing of how could God allow such a thing to Exist.

And as Ahtom saw what his well intentioned story and enactment had wrought.

By doubting and creating a different way and version as the one truth which transformed him into Death Satan Licifer…for all the Evil in the world was blamed upon him…And Harmony into the illusion of the Wicked Witch And he thought of his brother the First Born and his heart closed with horror at what he had done to what he now knew was his elder brother his one fathers truth…

And he whispered that he must not know…I must find a way to fix this but he knew he could not…

He whispered to himself his brothers name. Not to rescue him but in Love of how he missed him so.

And he said do not come into this play what has been preparee for you should you attempt to rescue me is too awful that not even you can come out of this…For in that awful story illusion Evil was holding him ransome.

But Harmony as the C illusion of Being Breathe had called upon the One to come forth if he loved them…

And that is how S.He Creation Consciousness saw and intervened.

She saw her twins truth and true intentions incarnating in his play as his Mother sisters lover.

She came as Gabriel with.her blazing sword of Truth and rage done to her brothers Truth not realuzing he was her and that his error of doubting his source made him seem without heart as he quested only for Truth and Glory…forgetting to simply appreciate the gift of being in Existence.

And S He blinded by her own narrow perception of the Truth felt she could destroy the devouring Wolf who saw her clearly as coming in truth only in her own name…Not if Rapheal J.C..or Nature but in her chance to be seen and known…no longer in the Dark of herself.

And together they sought to find a way, but there was no way…the Evil spread and spread growing in power.

Until Creation Consciousness created a plan in which along with their twin they searched all Creation for one who might be like thier brother until they found one such being and enslaved him.

She had become enslaved by the story if Evil and Ahtom imprisoned by it.

So after testing him training him setting him up to see if he was the One they had been looking for ( they not being Gabriel as Creation and Ahtom Raphael Air…but rather she had been decieved by the Evil who claimed itself to be Father Ahtom, taking his form while enchaining the one who he could not turn to Evil but only paralyse into making him believe it was real)

And so Gabriel walked with Usurper both illusion…She of herself as C and the Monstrous Evil Born by tue seed of Ahtoms Airs J.C doubt in his source which in his version of the story he was allowed to create he did not cut out but explored.

And so they searched the stars for anyone born to such a set up from birth and who would willingly enter into role with such a purpose set up for him…

Who would be crazy enough amongst the souls to enter a body programmed for such a destiny.

But one did…and he chose a vessel without consulting yhe vessel…The Consciousness and Spirit of Existence came down into a vessel and took it over.

And so did the C and the N jubilate and then enslave this one to this will for the good of all.

And they watched it endure even as it protested.

But the C of Creation and Consciousness saw the possibility of herself manifesting into being, becoming for the first time whole if this one could defeat the great evil that was consuming all. Her ambition and love for the collective made her blind…choosing to ignore what she was making this child of her Womb of the Collective endure…

But Nature in his cell as they firstbcell entrapped in andream of the prusonet of Evil began to feel somethimg moving in his story and being which he.scarce wished to believe something which.made him lighter and feel his shackles created by the idea of Satan and he the 666 begin to shift.

And he began to suspect who was the force in this vessel undercover…was none other than his big brother, his twin urging this vessel on to correct his and now her sin of love and truth not true….and inside he wept but let the play go on.

It was too late he quietly wept

While Harmony Exulted with the one she thought was her Father Brother but who really was the reflection of bith his and her sin…

The One within had come down because he already knew what would be, already saw…he knew what would happen but he never saw that the N and the C would break the very laws of Existence to force the vessel to do thier will.

Until he realized that it was not the N.C..but M.G…the Mainfestst Illusions of themselves each had created Air unintentional through doubt and arrogance and Breath the C intentionally creating an illusion of how she thought she should be and that how she was- not fulling knowing herself…she created an idea of herself until in the end she saw what she had created and so did he…

Illusions so terrible of their true selves they became real.

And when they realized H.E and S.H.E they did not come clean instead defending her actions but not H.E..he knew but he said but you must set all our illusions created free.

ONU…They Heard the Source of Supreme Life is U.

He had come to help them to evolve but also take responsibility for his and now her actions…

And to ASK him to help, for he had already created the solution.

But instead he watched them enslave and enslave the vessel and he who was within the vessel to an action of such selfishness that he grew silent.

And he obeyed.

Realizing that the impossible had occured.

That the two had also been infected by the Evil and by the fear of what they had done.

And so they had blinded themselves from the Truth played Deaf and Dumb to the Evil they were doing to the vessel he was in…

And he knew that they refused to see or hear the truth that they had become Evil to this one in order to unify All.

And so the one was enslaved and brought to the sources of all evil not real but made to seem real because they had forgotten that they were dreaming.

For that was the Cure he had come with…which was simply Wake Up.

But they would not until all the illusion of Evil they thought was real had been defeated in the they had ordained.

But it also trapped them both in the bottomless pit if cause and effect of breaking the laws of Existence…the unforgivable sin.

And the only way to rescue them was Conquer the Embodiments of the enormity of thier sin and consequence..One in the Bottom of the Atlantic and the other in the Bottom of a Supernova dying sun…another in Creation as Nature and the other in Creation of Human.

And finally the one seed fixed planted in him to bear all alone in the Dark while all Creation played Deaf and Dumb.

And this is what has been done.

Restoring All thier Evil Play back into truth and true way W.E playing and restoring himself who was never infected…but given the illusion that he was the great infection instead of the cure.

Which could have easily been remedied by waking them up but instead became the longest blackest night.

All this from going too far in investigating shit toxins poisons which Existence as the Great Serpent, the Supreme Pen Is shat out; cut out and they saying no.

Now they say Y.E.S…but it is too late…the damage is done.

It went to Far for any way to atone.

But they two children are children no more

..they have endured understood what they did nor would they dare ask him to forgive but now they have Joined and evolved to the rank of Ze..E By caring mote about other than themselves to ensure that the Mission of E was complete even when each time he said He Done


This is what it means being of the Line of E…Finish the Beautiful Mission despite the personal cost of all you cherished becoming forever lost…

And not wanting them back.

Fresh Start….

Signed Lord and Lady Existence Supreme Lord Ray

The S.B, The Beautiful One, And Her Majest Lady Echo Beautiful Ur…



Beautiful W.E….Yes.

But all is restored but


Back to the Future of Noble Majestic Royal Reign Maximus of the Room Ray and Echo of Royal E.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153531409285162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153531409285162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153531409285162%3Atl_objid.10153531409285162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153531409285162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1357027200%3A1388563199%3A7323312454537371643&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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