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Write on.. Lady Seble said

So Right on

Writ Z one E.

Writing on…Sigh.

The Tortured Existence of the Idea of Mankind.

I have observed the reflections and reflected on how humanity dreaming created the illusion of Duality and being Seperate…

Isolated and Alone.

And its consequence called fear and self hypnosis.

By the battle btw the conscious and the subconcious…which in this realm is reversed.

And the Struggle define what is Consciousness

(Which I have proven is simply Naturalness Awareness of Being Beings with a conscience of what causes others and oneself to either rise or sink..not the idea of right and wrong)

-Where the Subconscious is Conscious is Awake within, and the Conscious is asleep outside.

The illusionary battle btw the Dopplegangers..

The Selfish Evil Ego and the Saintly Soul -Id..or Ones true I.D.

(When it has been proven here that there is no such thing as the Selfish Evil Ego and the Saintly Soul…All are on as Body and Being…

And the battle btw the two was self created by listening to some one else warped idea of religion and morality embraced by the ones who sought to render helpless the Individual and the Collectives true source of Power.

Then there is the illusion of the Battle btw being Good and Evil (of being of Galaxy God or Existence-Energy..)

Going on in humanity btw thier notion of God set against the reality of thier Individual and Collectives Existence..Set against the Harsh reality…their realities really their Individual and collective illusions of Humbleness and Arrogance..

Humbug!! Says Ebeneezeer Scrouoge..Screw you Christmas Spirit of Genoursity! Screw you Life One and All…until he is set straight..sigh.

Then there is God and Satan…the Adversary…a battle to determine what is Existence (Beautiful at times or Hellish torment…or Both…or is rge Creator a monstrous dictator or an indifferent Dictator- when we don’t get what we want when we want it or a Loving parent when we do…or we understand), and what is the Truth of Mankind our brothers and sisters Angels or Demons…as God

(Light Truth love and laughter) or Satanic

(Decietful, Cruel Liars… Evil).

Of course non of the dualistic concepts listed above.

Which I.E have proven in my own life, in my Existence and even in this Cruel and Evil play of my Life and F.Book play.

There is no Good or Evil, no Light or Dark..God or Satan…Galaxy or Existence.

Just the human condition and Conditioning.

All is Energy, All is Truth

All is Love…they just weren’t correctly defined that is all.

Energy is 5 28 E.M.Frequency waves of the Fifth Element..Ether real which emantes from a Being seated in the Calm Hummm, humming of the heart.

Thus Energy is Energy G =7..Expressing G.O D..Full Circle O..E G.O

( The exemplification of Expression Hum and Sing song)

Love is I fun nnanya…Which means To see clearly and Truthfully what is before you..not what you think is before you.

Thus, love is the Dove of Peace

And Truth is that which which is Energy and Light C..(C= speed of Light which is conscuoysness) merged together which creates Light to see manifestation of your song full circle into Solid Being. S.B..Supreme Being.

Thus, Truth is Arrow of E.G.O.D…The Eagle Eye..

The All seeing I..E.Eye.

Thus; Energy is Heart Harmony.. Hum Sing Song.

Which Creates Love which is Light which causes one to see clearly and see no Fear…

And Truth is that Energy Light manifesting clearly the line of Vision (The Arrow of E.G.O.D) which enables you to see the Beautuful Songs Humm manifest Full Circle into being before your eyes…

And it is always Beautiful because it is comes from Energy which is Harmonious sing, All inclusive Light, Full Circle of E Bright Love manifested exactly from A-B to C its point beyond even your humming imagination

In Being Beautiful before your Eyes…Ah! Awe!

Creativity Creation..We have all experienced this Bliss in the process of Creating and the Extase of seeing what we Created manifesting into Creation being exceeding our wildest imaginations…

Isn’t that we suddenly stop humming and in silence understanding the experiencing what it is to be close to G ODD?

Then suddenly from that quietly gazing in the light of clarity of our humming hands heart co ordination suddenly burst out in quiet dignified song.

Filled with Beautuful Pride?

Would this not be the same process for the First Creator?

E is 5

Truth T is. 20..L 12…32…C.B Consciousness of Being…True to E..3+2=5..

Your Existence which is Energy.

And Energy is Love which manifests as Truth, solid and real before your third eyes thrn two eyes, which is filled with Light which lightens up all illusions called ignorance..Blindness that you can not see.

Man is not Kind…

Man is Harmonious.

And this great battle in human consciousness called Am I..We, Good or Evil?

is simply humanity dreaming in an illusion of his her Existence being this self invented nightmare.

…Which has nothing to do with True Existence nor I.

Especially now that He Who Knows has risen through me (and others of my line) to reveal in such exacting detail such s beautiful true story of clarifying the Origins of U-You and I of Existence.

Being and Created as, and from Energy Beautiful…all from a Hummm which became a tune…a whisp then whisper perfume..Which suddenly brought a burst of Light which became the Beautiful Song…And Dance…

Blame it on the Boogie indeed..Or the Boogying man? Puh lease!

And.that the meaning of Existence is Being in One with yourself which comes from

Being in Hatmony Naturally

(Don’t push it, don’t force it…let it happen naturally, if it is meant to happen then it will surely be….)

1 2-8…B.H…2 8.

There is no decision to take and the reason you can not awake is due to the indescion of making a descion…when there is none to make.

It is your Evil Ego fighting your true I.D your soul being who is Energy, who represents all of you, from Energy to Matter to molecule. The Evil Twin who gives itself the illusion of power that the power lies in its hands to determine what is real and what is fake.

There is no real twin except Ah!Tom…See same me.

who is you.

When the truth is you R-Are So simply B.E..

That desicion to come into Being and Existence was already made for you…

By The One who Knows that everything it created was is of Beautiful Energy because they all Created from Energy of him and his hymn of praise.

The only decision you are allowed is Should I stay or should I go…which is determined by you holding on to the illusion of the non existence evil twin ppl called the E Go…that the decision is in your hands.

B.E and wake up or U go, not E Go


p.s Ugo in Nri Igbo means the Eagle…Symbol of U.S.A and that which is meant to symbolize the All Seeing Eye of Government as Big Brother watching and protecting (not abusing) the rights of Man..all over the world.

The Dove of peace.

But which became the story of US Alpha…First and better than them…nt just in America but in all governments in the world..From the nucleus as family, parents and personal relationships to co operations state, government and international level.

A play of Greed and inequality.

The Have and the Have nots..

While.the real Big Brother was watching. The True Alpha Begining…The True First Born, the True Eagle Eye.I

E.A.G.L.E./ Le Gae…E.I…The Joyful and Gay, all Seeing Eye who is the light on the Apex Pyramid on the symbolized on the American Dollar..A.D.

Who symbolizes Freedom Equality Fraternity Justice for all…Who not only is the symbol of Existence Supreme called Sharing…love and truthful Light Insightful Energy in the language of Colors called Harmony…

…but who really has the power to say U Go…and you will be gone.

This is for those who resist the awakening because they like the things just the way they are…with idea of England E. America A. Germany.G.

E.A.G..Le Top of the pyramid and food chain

..as US.Alpha.

News Order World.


Instead of North East West South..N.E.W.S. Flash

Awaken the World and Spread the News to the Four Corners of Human Consciousness..

That E.K.(meaning personal strength in Nri Igbo) the vessel and vessels of He who Knows, has Proven True to the P.T…

That the point of Existence is Truth is the Energetic Expression of the Full Electro Magnetic Expressiom of Love called Harmony is the Conscious and the Intention for the Worlds Existence…

and Human Existence..

W.E ..H.E!

It was never about Us Alpha- who came first into Existence or Creation, or a competition as to who was superior or better.

It was About

W.E AR-E the World

We are the World…


December 9 I, 2013.

The Eagle has Landed

U Go!

Signed Ego Ugo Ojugo

Energy of movement the full Circle of Circling all Creation Existence abd Beyond by the Eagle of War and the Dove of Peace.

E.U O….E.E.D.

E You the source of the point of the Full Circle.

He Who Knows links (ET) and

(D.N.A) Grows.


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