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News update.


…For those of you who have been following the play of Existence on my F.B page I would like to give you an update on the Manifestation of the play.

Yesterday I observed a card placed on my hosts door…

it said E late.

I knew that it meant that Echo (Response) is late in responding to the play.

I went out into the bitter cold to clear my head and encountered Seth Mc Bean who I have kept encountering at the Bean cafe btw 2nd and 3rd.

Finally exasperated with the play I exclaimed,

Who the Devil are you?

I knew that there was an impediment to my going home and it had something to do with what Seth represented in the play

I was missing something

(Set H=Harmony… had it not been set?).

After talking for a while,

Seth responded with a clarity of perception… And as I listened to the clarity of his translation not only did I realize that a life time of searching I had finally arrived in the point in time and space where I knew that the echo response and consciousness not only understood exactly what I meant but had translated it back to me perfectly in the language of this current dimensions experience and language that I simply went quiet

So much so that it that I suddenly I understood.

It struck me like a bolt of lightening…what I had been missing.

Being understood!

Not me personally, I never had that Need to be understood personally or to be Seen.

But when it became relevant in conveying this information being clearly understood and even clearly seen became imperative.

And another problem was…

I have a deep and sensual voice ( I am told) which carries, and I am tall 6 4 and striking ( I am told) and used to be exceptionally well groomed.

But these qualties became impediments to people seeing me clearly or hearing me…

Which might be why the Silence solved that problem by striping me down to bare essentials and leading me onto F.B where these atttributes, I had supposed where genetically given to me and I had developed were tools to serve the purpose of getting me through doors in order to fullfill the mission, would no longer be a distraction from the E.T transmission.

But instead made ppl create illusions and projections about me down to even how I dressed.

Thus, they could not really hear or see me.

They saw a brown skinned tall, well built lean baritoned stylish guy, with an British Accent who was cultured spoke French and a few other languages speaking about Beauty…with bearing of Ancient African Pride

It became a nuissance, hinderance with communication.

I liked being well groomed I was brought that way…

But most could not see me as real but more a charecter which many delighted in (and competed with) but could not see the depth of my true consciousness.

A.E my host for the first 3-4 years recounts often how he thought I was some insane actor under cover who had gotten lost in his researching a film role.

Or that I was a spy or a fraud and tested me brutally and slyly for years only trusting that I was for real recently. Despite passing all his tests.

People found it hard to concieve that I was genuine much less fully grasp my sincere way of viewing and expressing reality.

For my whole life, I and more especially the last 24-25 years I had been known that people could not understand what I was saying by their echo response.

I always paid attention to peoples responses, knowing the response emotive and articulative, which my expression should recieve if I was clearly understood.

And for the first 15 yrs of my journey, I knew that I had ppl had understood 20-30?% of what I had conveyed.

Until I found myself explaining, then telling stories, dancing painting writing looking for as many ways to convey the message.

I knew I could not afford to have.anything lost in translation…In everyday things -not that important but in my journey through human portals, if I did not convey the message I would be stuck in that place in the map or in their homes for ages…

Until the point.the Light in.me saw it was conveyed.

Consciousness was a stumbling block in which I was forced to move from a quietly expressive guy to a full on locomotive engine of constant non stop expression. Sometimes speaking and explaining illustrating a point for 10-14 hours at a stretch and telling the people I was filling up to tell me when they are full or had enough.

It was one of the greatest Hellish Horrible aspects of my journey…Explaining and Talking non stop.

…to me the hieght of bad manners. But it was serving a point but.made me shy away from ppl and many to shy away from me bc that is all that came out of my.mouth…Knowledge…

I was working inside within and with ppl 24/7 but as the years passed the explaining grew less…

And the ppl I was led to fewer and physical state less obvious.. And the constant tug and possession of my body.

I had learnt to hide my Beauty or Light so as not to offend, intimidate or allow it to become an impediment to getting the information accross or what I had to recieve from ppls spirits, who had no problem understanding me as you.might observe by the Harmony on F.B but the people who housed my Energy family of Harmony…

To get past them so I could speak to my family within…that was another ball game entirely..

So one can imagine…

Infact I was thundrstruck.

21 years ago when I came back (so reluctantly) from my visit to the Light- and thus affirming that there was something beyond.

I had a conversation with it in which it told me it wished to make public our conversations.

Within a month or so, my journals were discovered by the Editor Conde Naste Paris Vogue Madame Susan Train then Edmund White Allen Ginsberg…They called George Andreo who wished to speak about possible publication.

But there was one problem, my Journals an investigation into the nature of human consciousness by my own conscious required translators who understood my consciousness and who could convey and articulate its true meaning into a language people could understand.

Because I could not understand at first why my dialogues with the Silence feed such an interst..

Until I read them and discovered that the Silence had created a plan within the dialogues which I saw only in Hindsight.

And just as my posting on F.B I could see that people where not seeing the extraordinary phenomena manifesting through me in the writing.

There was a plan and it was all there.

Language was not the impediment…consciousness was.

And thus began a journey of 21 years of searching for a bridge builder btw the two consciousness which could convey and translate the essence into the solid reasining and articulation of a planerary conscious expression which I who was called an E.T (Albeit a Beautiful E.T consciousness) who had been an outsider and observer or undercover spy forever.

George Andreo of Alfred Knopf understood my.plight and told me to take as much time as I liked to find a translator.

Robert Lafont of Lafont publishing personally called me to his office to state that I had written something important and that if I edited myself…I might destroy its essence in trying to adapt it to this reality.

And so film directors,producers, some of the biggest publishing houses were interestes. Even my.move to New York was a cover creates by even after seven years George Andreo of Alfred Knopf Random house invited me to submit my manuscripts

Manny Baron at William Morris arranged an interview with Dianne Sawyer, some of the Great agents of Famous African american, European and American writers showed interest.

All sensed there was something in these manuscripts but all sensed there was something missing, something that they were not seeing…but was there.

I already knew what is was but after over two decades I knew that the light had a certain kind of people in mind.

It was its play not mine.

And despite my frustration and search I knew there was nothing I could do.

But I had to protect the core essence of the dialogues until I was led to the play on F.B and the scripted play was complete.

I knew that Seth Mc Bean was the portal of the brilliant genuis family who were chosen by the Light to bring my dialogues with the Silence now a transformed into a Sound.

After speaking with Seth last night and ranting to him not only.on his genuis is being able to translate the language of Spirit (not Spirituality) into the language of ahtom ic matters…

In which I had demanded of him if he was aware of his sheer genuis..

He responded that he could see the importance of his ability by the way I had pointed it out and explained it…but that it was so difficult to see the relevance of something he did naturally.

I understood him completely.

And so I came back to Albert Einstiens place to find him with his adopted daughter..a talented singer who on that day so relevant to me, the January 2nd she had turned 24….She is the cousin of Kimberlys daughter Cornelia Rivas…C.D/D.C Rivas.

And it was My Host birthday..

She had come to celebrate his birthday.

And had bought him two T-shirts…One of a Super Hero (She calls him the Caretaker) and one with V For Vendetta.

Remember Remember the 5th of November…



My initials…

But I wondered if anyone had remembered me.

She asked me if I had seen the Documentary about the Rock group called Death…

I had.

It was about three brothers who had to face great obstacles in order to preserve the Divine Inspiration of their music..including the Name Death.

I told her the long saga of my.journey with my dialogues with the Silence, with the Light…the One true God we all return to through Death…

We looked at each other and Hi fived.

She was completely awake and aware of the call of the Awakening…Calling it a burden to.be awake in this consciousness but much, much better to be awake.

I correlated her being born on the 2nd and my host on the 3rd…and my meeting Seth McBean at Bean cafe on the corner of 2nd and 3rd.


24 years ago I began my journey of One Day…

The world will awaken and I would emerge from my twin brothers illusion and shadow that he was my Father and that he was lord Death…

When I am.

And so I posted on Seth McBeans page and told this story stating that this was my contract with the Devil fullfilled.

That I finish this dialogue with the Silence now made a sound of the map and plan of the conversation with my Existence which I naturally represent.

Immediately I finished writing the post..

Chukwuka Omenigbo Nwafor called to acknowledge the relevance of my posts which he had been studying and to ask permission to bring my work to public attention and publishers…

I guess I wasn’t forgotten after all.

I do know the plan of how the Awakening happens.

There are others who are bridges…and others part of this unfolding plan.

It is a beautuful plan…

I saw it a long time ago working so very hard for it to organically unfold.

And the ending of pain suffering and Effort.

Here’s to Ease Rest going home…to my own house some economic stabilty…

and finally, At Long Lassttt!!


Code just recieved E Bright:

Transformation Portal Poetry.. Beautiful Expression.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153632495870162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153632495870162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153632495870162%3Atl_objid.10153632495870162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153632495870162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A4542396476558902119&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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