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Consciousness Universal Proof of Individual Devotion 2 Expression…

Beautiful Expression

Poetic Exemplification


B.E….25 55

P.E. 16 5.

(Completion of Perry Evan

my 162,-A F B and Last F.B friend of this scripted play of Alpha Face Book Z.)

Universal Harmonics;

The Music of the Spheres and Hue man beings; the Beings of the embodiments of the Poetic words of Existence is Creation. Meant to Dance in One with the Universal Harmonics music, by creating meaning as living poetic words, to create the One Unifying Majestic song.

The Art of Harmony is the First Born.

Created in fore sight with Hindsight and containing past, present, future and infinite possibilites.

The Science of Harmony is the Break down of understanding Synchroncity Symbiosis, Synergy and Symmetry which is only achieved in Hindsight-

Of How Harmony Creation and Consciousness was formed.

The Universe is made of music of the 5th Element composed of Equliburum Vectors of 6’s science has discovered and tells us..E.Vectors of the Octahedron composed of 6’s.


5+6 =11..


Universe is made up of Harmonies..Notes.

Music…which science has discovered and proven.

Just as it has recently proven that human beings are primary made of water air and vibrations. And that sound on certain frequencies can affect D.N.A strand and that it has now been scientifically been proven that it can morph and reshape the human body, our physical environment and even subugate us through mind mapping…Or make us rise by activating the will and blue print of Harmony within our true subconscious..or Soul.

Activated by the Spirit (Expression in motion) which this F.B work has identified as Beautiful Expression which activate the receptors in our bodies and brain synapses to recieve transmissions and decode them from within or outside.

And All the proofs shown here on F.B are that there is an inner and outter Harmony which we as Humans are the Bridges..as the third Harmony which links the two.

The Human Collective is third Harmony..


or 8 3

The Creator is the O8 (O.H)

His Being Our Bodies is 18 (A.H)

His Expression is (Spirit Energy Air Breath) is the 28 (B.H.)

He is aso the third Harmony

Harmony Consciousness which moves the Collective to Respond.

Which has been proven.

Now Back to the Scientists

But what the Scientist have not uncovered is that hue-manity were created as words to go to the Music of the Spheres or Heavens. Which creates the One Harmonious Universal Expression…of Song.

O. H.U.E.S

O Music of the spheres-

the hues of humanity.

Yes Aurora Borealis Northern Lights.

This being our Ethereal Nature.

While our begining Elemental natures are more attuned to Volcanic eruptions (which are were the building blocks for Creation of Earth or the Garden.)

But it is Consciousness which Harmious song.

Not the Collective.

The Individual is the Source of Consciousness as well as the Collective.

Thue Hue man Beings (not human beings- the difference btw the two is that one is primodial potential while the other represents the Evolution of the species to its intended point and intention-Hue men in Beings children of the Aurora Borealis…the hues of light and color)

And theu are the Natural Embodiments of the Music of the Spheres.

Our Naturalness (Elemental light) allows us to dance to the music of the speres, even in our everyday lifes.

For example, when you have one of those Magical Magician of Infinity days.

When everything is so harninious…everything moves so seemlessly that your day is like music which you glide upon..

Everything just fits…

No effort all ease.

This is the dance and the true and natural frequency of human existence.

The Garden of Eden.

How can that be sustained?

How can we make everyday like that..

A seemless dance..

a work of Art.

Only in Hindsight…chilling after such a magical day can we break down, from the very begining how it happened.

That it was we ourselves who were emiting a frequency which rose us up to that frequency band.

And we were carried forward on the music of that frequency.

We understand in Hindsight that all the other days (which seemed chaotic Pan I.C worry) were simply preambles, lessons, teaching us to fill the gaps in the Full Circle of being, which are are the Axels and the Wheels of Energy A.W.E which allows us to roll through the day.

And of course beautiful Consciousness and beautiful Expression

Out look and Communication (A spotless clean mind and good manners) are the Spark and oil or lubricant which brings our engines to roar into life and ensure a smooth.ride on the Harmony Train of the FM band and station.

And so Art of Harmony is Fore sight; containing the natural being of Everything past present future, potential possibity light, dark matter.

While the Science of Harmony can be seen only though only Hindsight…

After the fact.

But which allows us to put words of explaination of how that feet was achieved.

To Condtruct and Instruct our point of virw by providing us with a frame work.

And subsequently creating words to the Music…

Of the Spheres or Universe and the Dance of life…

Now connected by us in Heaven on Earth and through the expressions of our true.natures.

-Transforming us into the living embodied of the poetic words of Music of creation…as we were designed and created to be.

Not only naturally expressed through the Dance but now Expressed in one through words now aligned with our natural being turning us into Supernatural Beings -the Music and Dance of Existence by adding the words we are, to the Music transforming into meaning and majestic song.

..with reason.

Thus, going back in the past, was necessary after the Art of Harmony was created.

Just as one may create a work of art and after staring at in awe…

Saying Wow how did I naturally do that?

Go back and pause to reflect how you did it.

Until you realize how and create a science of it.

And thus, was Creation formed naturally as so in the begining, as in the End (Alpha Omega Alpha)

The Creator went back (Creating Time and Space called Universe) to reflect (creating the mirror or Mind…not a Super Computer and IP address but as Pi) to break down the into steps,

his creation.

The After Math..Arithmetic Math (A.m)

of how he did it so he could explain its reasoning and meaning to All.

And thus, when todays scientists create equations, shapes, words like Vector Equlibirum, Octahederin shapes, circles…

These are naught but blue prints reflecting the natural human harmonious social interactions which symbollicaly form these shapes and equations.

Meaning, that we hueman beings are the literal notes and embodiment of these mathematical equations scientist represent and theorize about.

Even who we meet, how meet, the connections we form; family structures; boyfriends, girlfriends, relatiinships…even how we group ourselves or stand in the street in relation to each other, after a dinner in a restraunt creates shapes, like Triangles, Hexagons Octahedrons which reveal not only our level of Harmony but give a blue print of where we are vibrating on viz a viz the universal Harmonics and universal equation…and its dynamic.

This is why my science of Harmony had to be a social science…why it had to be on the streets of the worlds..continuosly.moving from home to home, country to country, peoples minds hearts and their worlds.

I became the Elegant Nomad..the Pi rate, the Space Cow Boy, Clara Star Child, Non Promise Tree of Life, Wisedom John, Beautiful Pride, Unity Boom Boom Harmony C…and finally Mother I and Father O.

The Family of T.E.N.

To see and become the living equation, moving through the blackboard of Existence Black Matter and becoming the white chalk of the equation…And the Graceful hand which writes the equation until reaching the End.


And it is for this reason we had to be Clean..So that we could recieve the E missions and trans-missions from the Music of the Heavens.

The Music which was created after the Beautiful First big Bang.

The Aftermath, being waves of music which formed Space and Time..S.A.T.

From the one sat on the throne of All Creation, on the.Heart of His Art of Creation on the correct wave length and F.M band..

Consciousness of Harmony.

Which is called I Fun Nnanya.

I See you with my all seeing Eye I…which holds within it the Star of Wonder or Esther..the Eternal Light which never dies.

And its this Music of the Universal Harmonics of the fifth Dimension, using E.V Equlibirum Vector or Expression Victorious that I and others recieve through our bodies. As radio’s satelites televsions stations instruments..Who translate the reminder of the Music of the.Universe and dance to its music…Travelling through the illusiin of space and tinme called existence. Cosmos Star travellers, through the intertwinning Nexus.. Wherever it takes us… putting the poetic words of our being embodied into the meaningful words which form the Words to the Music (WM)…Transforming the Music and our dance of being into the.most glorious song.

Through natural harminious social reactions which in hindsight, you see reveals meaning and reason all along.

And when you look at it without looking at it through the colorful natural experience of emotions, but seeing each experience in just black and white…

See that all interactions in your life, were an equation which brings you back to that dancing light.

Color is the Natural way to.intereact with your fellow man. Resolution of conflicts before you can move forwards is solving the equations which bring both colorfull sensations as you journey to the end of the Equation and into the one Creators beautiful eyes.

There is only one real science..it is called Social Science..

This is the Art of Harmony.

It is the break down into a science of Yand how to all get along.

A F B.

Art First Born

Alpha Face Book

A F.B. 1 6 2 Face Book Friends

Thou Art Art.

And Science is

Arts Best Friend.

My Brother and I



one and the same


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