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A Personal note.

I just wish to say that it was most extraordinarily difficult task to bring this information to your attention.

Wether you value it or not.

Though I do not believe in the Forces of Evil…

But it felt as if there really was a literal power of evil beyond comprehension, and a curse so maleficient and malovent doing everything in its power to stop me from sharing this information.

Physically mentally energetically socially financially the mostly and egoism.

It has been a journey of which discomfort and the power of the destruction of the human spirit (a thousand times more agonizing than physical torture for their is a limit what the human body can endure but the torture of spirut..)

against the Will to preserve the beautiful truth of the true human spirit.

The Beautiful hueman spirit versus the illusion- the evil human spirit.

And the power of the evil of the human spirit, past present and potent was such that at times my incredulity made me bow my head in shame.

Where is Beauty I would ask aloud…to the Silence.

Where is Beauty…our Truth.

And how could the evil in human unnatural nature been allowed to go far.

But the Silence was quiet in this stance, relentless in making me empirically experience this one particular lesson, challenge reflected on the collective mirror of thr corruption done to the Beautiful Truth of the Collective Will and the face of the human soul.

It did not wish me to judge, nor even offer my opinion..

It simply wished me to experience and see all.

And I who am I fun nnanya (in the eyes) was not allowed look away.

It wished me to see clearly the truth and simply testify before you all.

There were many who did provide aid along the way when my physical condition.made it virtually impossible to gain an income.

Though I always preferred working. But even then these people I was led to for reasons made crystal clear egosim or judgment perception seem to always get in the way of even the most generous intentions of their true spirits.

Many people thought I had been cursed by the amount of events and circumstances, so surreal, which to many seemed out of the ordinary..That many kept away from me not to be infected but what seemed like cruel misfortune.

And so many went out of thier way, mainly for selfish reasons to stop me from continuing on this path to see this through to the end.

The Amount of obstacles hindrances and at times waves of malice, spite, vindictiveness of both ppl and this Evil Spirit was so overwhelming..

That I must say it gave me reason to pause to reflect as to why so much resistance to such worthy information about consciousness which another force within me had gone to such extraordinary lengths to take over my life my existence and my being to prove to me its worth. Which I had empirically witnessed benefits every persons It had come in contact with..

Which then moved me to even greater resolve.

The greatest impediment (which should not have been) was what has been happening to my body 24/7 and money to exist with some dignity.

It was obviously money the greatest impediment.

As as if the rage of money and it being called the root of evil made from paper trees of life and products of Nature and creation had risen up in violent fury to protest in rage like a Bull in Wall Street. Stating to me You shall nit gi home Emeka nor shall you find peace until you fight wuth me and pacify my rage. I the Minatoaur in the center of the Mind Maze. Thetis Hercules Eluga Emeka! I heard it voice thunder, sending shock waves through my body. Your thesis and dessertation scholar will not be complete until you answer and experience the rage of the Bull shit of human gall. To blame the Medium of Exchange as the square root of all Evil in the nature of All.

Money Gold none of the Mediums of Exchange is Evil

People are.

And I said they were created from Light and Beauty.

And it snarled, Oh really? let me show you the evul in them all…And let see if you are the most evil of them all

And decided to create a contest to see if by putting all is rage for being blamed for being the root of all Evil in me as Fair exchange.

It made me the medium of Exchange. Planting all the Evil in humanity in me

(Which some great spirits here witnessed and sent their hosts to informme From Geoff Lacour who hand wrote a black book which he presented to me which stated just that in horrifying detail..the book now in storage at Akil Davis next door Nieghbour Mike to to Dror Ash u Ah who went on a boat in Woodstock to mediate on a river and saw an evil attached to me to Infinity..and many others told me.. Eze Nwanyi Charity…Even My Uncle and Mother in Nigeria who found a curse of the ages done to me and buried in the Earth).

But I already knew it was true for there are things I saw and witnessed through my third eye and experienced literally..

Things I have never told a living soul…more because they were things of such horror it would hurt the minf of anyones who cared for me and because it could take away all meaning of Existence if they truly knew…And because most in the west would no believe…It was just too inconceivable.

And my greatest torment wss How could this be.

This was meant to be impossible…I knew it was an illusion but it was made so real..That this was my greatest trial..

Reminding myself that it is not real.

So the Bull, the Minatour of Wall street..The Great Xchange decided to make me its medium…To trade places give me all its rage and the Evil done in its name.

To see if I could pass through all the Exchange done to the truth of Energy, mirrored on the New York Stock Exchange.

The Human Stock Exchanges throughout the world.

Trade fair trade right up back to when the Dutch Traders first came to the shores of Manhattan and traded with the American Indians…

was it a fair Xchange?

With the land which was all consectated to Spirit.

*Perhaps the Dutch Traders were not so clever afterall in their trade with the American Indians. Perhaps the American Indians accepted the trinkets because they knew that land can not be sold…Just like Air water breath that all is under the guardianship of the great spirit.

Anyway, and so the real Guardian of the Exchequer challenged me…

It would deprive me of personal income or show me how ppl treat those who have no source of income against energy..

A Contest btw Energy of somethingness which can heal rejuvenate morph make ppl rise and shine..Empower them to reach their full potential and the Nothing that is money…

But a medium if exchange.

What would be the exchange recieved for my 24/7 expression of Energy.

Nothing…you are made to feel like you are worth Nothing.

Without money..even when your knowledge science or art is constantly called priceless.

I Knew it was test and a Con test and a mirror this force of Evil wished for me to witness see and experience.

Because making money has always come easily to me.

I would simply work smart.

No, it was as if the Evil attached and blamed in money wished for me to see the true root of all Evil.

And believe me it had nothing to do with pieces of paper or gold diamonds or prescious stones.

I understood its lesson.

My host remarked with the nearest thing I have witnessed from him of Respect and Awe…

13 yrs living like this, and you did all this, worked and helped so many people and wrote this book with no money apart from what those you worked with gave you.

He had begged me to stop, for he witnesses and even persecuted me himself for doing this work for free.

But I had no choice.

He felt rage at what I had endured, having seen when I lived here scores of ppl coming here, some even scaling the fences to see me.

He saw how I literally lived most of the time on nothing.

Often teasing me that I could.make a feast out of nothing (in the fridge).

I knew people worked hard for their money, before I came to New York, I too worked hard but not for money.

Money was what I was paid for my talent skills and ability.

I have only.had two moments in this 13 year journey where money concerns were taken away both fairly recent..

In 2011 and 2013…

And each place, money or not I worked 24/7…

I understood the test Money versus Energy taught me…

Very well.

I came from a good family well off and then a Grandfather on both sides being very well of..One even a multi millionaire.

But I also saw what money could turn ppl into..But it wasn’t money at all.

I understood this great Evils lesson…who was not evil at all but decided to play at being the Great Evil beyond imagination.

Perhaps it challenged.me to see how I would behave, if I would turn.

And if I was confident that Energy.and Consciousness could defeat cruelest most selfish and most callous indifference money or.lack of it could make people talk to you, avoid you insult you…disrespect you, despite your proven worth.

It is something.so terrible which I have witnessed it made me question why share why care and why complete this mission and emission.

But the Truth and the.message is more important and despite the insane cruelty imposed Energy Beautiful Expression Triumphs…over the Illusion of course…

But what an uncomfortable unforgettable nightmarish journey and lesson.

Is this why Integrity and sincerity is dying a quick death in the Arts and Science of Innovation Invention Ideas and Dreams…


But without Dreams…there is no Evolution no humanity.

If this is the price ppl must pay to share great and historic findings

..Such contempt and disdain endured. And such suffering pain effort…so accepted as the price to pay.

The scientist Artist Author dying before the worlds eyes.

And like Vultures we swoop in after they are dead.

Money is innocent…Despite an unseen power using it so viscuously against me, denying me access to my own wealth so I could see what they would do to men or women of worth…

Worth that is priceless.

And I have seen things which would make the most beautiful souls silently will them out of this Existence and light the flames of Hell as they go.

I know not All ppl are like this..but taking away or giving for.truth worth and not for gain has become really an epidemic.

I can never forget what I experienced for not having money but only this valuable knowledge to share.

I will never forget this lesson and the fact that the few times I did have money here, I was so glad to find I was not traumatized by all the years of not having it

..And the shocking.things ppl thought they could do or say to you for.an exchange of giving them back the truth of their beautiful soul.

Money thus.remains to me what it has always been, a medium of exchange created to show generousity of spirit to the worth and talent of those who exchanged lifes of.mediocricy to create something which feeds the human and worlds soul.

Whatever it may be, if its is Well Done, Beautifully Expressed and Well Presented…then it is like the Sun Free of Charge, Like the Air free of Charge, Like water free of charge…

Yet each are worth their wieght in Gold, Praise like Diamonds.

Rare and so precious to behold that we express that we are Beholden to the value worth…Those Universal Treasures who reminded us of the way to once more be whole.

My Wealth will be used to sponsor the Rennaissance of the Awakening of a world from a simple word of praise to the most generous monetray donation…to all projects and expressions of proven worth.

That is what money is for anyway…to help make better the human condition.

For Comfortable Creation…

C est Toute


Ego Oge 50.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153654580795162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153654580795162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153654580795162%3Atl_objid.10153654580795162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153654580795162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A-8366011678374758368&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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