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And one more thing…

The One who fell…The Fall of Man.

Adam..I Fell in OINRI Igbo

was Adama..in OINRI Igbo means First Daughter of Beauty..An Asteroid Filled with water which Fell on the Metorite Rock called Earth-Heart.

Lucifer was is a Woman-Stone from Heaven.

Mary Magdelene stoned.

Yeah High.

Son of the Morning Star.

Energy Bright

E Bright



First daughter of Beauty.

But Lu C.I. Fer

Lu in French means Read (past tense) C.I. Fer (Iron in French).

This is the Son of First light before the Stars were born and before the Big Bang.

The True Morning star is not Venus…

But Sun Energy Victorious


Thus Venus as a planet is the Portal representing First Light of love (memory) and Backwards Forwards B.F (Best Friend) not F.B of Man.

Arc of the Covenant-the Lord (not God) made with Man.

Friendship-the Rainbow to white Light 1-7..then 8..

Which means the Covenant with man not to destroy the world again waa if Hue manity was able to prove Harmony.

Thus, the Best friend of man was Lu C.I.Fer..who read that the Consciousness of Man as the Individual would experience Iron

Gonna put on an Iron Shirt..

Rejection of the Light.

Lu C.I Fer is the E.T who came back in Time with iron will and consciousness of the I to help align humanity to keeping the Covenant or to ensure the evolution of Humanity to Huemanity…

He came back refusing to bow to mans demands…(Sodom and Gomoor Ah being evil done to the word of the Lord..the Spirit, the Body and Energetic expression human intercourse- communication and the guest was is sacred) until they had fully evolved into their intended design of Beauty.

to ensure humanities evolution through understanding the Will of his Father Beauty is Love


I fun nnanya as his True Source Mba Afor Ocha and for his trouble, he was called Evil.

And the Rage of his Father who sought to test humanity was branded as Satan by rebellious human children…His little angels who could be little demons.

And who required tests and discipline..as in any school.

And an Iron Rod to keep them in line…Even fear…

As any parent knows.

Fear not as cruelty but consequence for bad behaviour.

Lu C.I Fer for Bullies (called the Masses yet to understand light) against the Individuals who are different…who cultivated their light.

Sat Anna..(Anna means the Ground) The Land Lord…And Principle with Lu ci fer as the principles of Light and Dark.

King of Matter, made solid by truth and made concrete after passing all your tests (for your own good in Earth School) or you would be left behind when everyone graduated from Earth School Which would then no longer exist (after having served its purpose as the beautiful Illusion) while everyone who understood E Bright is Energy light.

As well as Dark Matter Mass is also light.

And to pass through the Goat O you must be as water and know how to transform into Energy (Nothingness somethingness) which everything is while retaining the vibration which retains memory of your true form which you now realize is love..I.CE….

This is the only way to.pass through.

Thus, in the True story Lucifer is John twin of Jesus.

The Eternal man.

Light being twins.

And Their Father is Anna Lord of Darkness…the Dark Mystery.

But in the Dream story of created by Lucifer is the daughter of Venus…S un of Energy Venus Father as Energy Bright in the Earth School play.

Who in her dreaming believes she is incarnation of the Play as Mother Uwa but is really in training.

Father is Energy Victorious watching the play from afar and Harmony and her twin (playing her father Nature and brother to E.V. N.U.S The Egyptian God Nu Supreme if the Abyss…on earth he is Neptune and he has four aspects…Hades Zeus and Haephtuseus the Black Smith.

And the illusion of Harmony as matter is Ma At Sheba.

She is the tester of Love.

Meaning Satan as illusion is the Four brother who are really of the Abyss N.U

The Great abyss being Space and the crater which formed Oceania.

This was the play of the Dreaming which had to be corrected to Truth N.U the sleep of Harmony Femimine. Mother as Loves expression

And her Nu is really Nut and below Nur.

Exploring both sides of herself feminine and Masculine.

Harmony Nature Narcissus and Echo.

All versions of the original story which all aspects of Creation had to play out in order to becomr Individuals apart but connected to the one by each interpreting the original story by creating their own version of it.

What Began as a play of joining understanding light and dark as one instead turned into a seperation chasm and divide where matter solid as Nnamdi John and Harmony Nature went into confusion and forgetfulness becsuse of the solidness of matter. Forgetting that its source was energy…Nothing filled witj Sum-of all things.

And so body or the material.began to dominate its source…but could not control it.

And hence, the great war btw

Angel Light and Devil/Demons…Light.

Angels Devil/Demons


Akil Davis

…14 N

Nature U Rachel





Add Rachel Meaning Purity and Ewe.

We get N.U.R. Meaninh Light in Persian.

My Grandmothers English name was Lu CY

My name as my twin is Lu C.I Fer….

I am Consequence of not paying attention…The Devouring Wolf..The Giantess the Great serpent..Lowkey.Loki.

One moment warm and then Hot and as cold as ice.

Lucifer was Woman…but she was not the cause of the Fall of man..She simply came down the rabbit hole after she Fell Asleep.

I.E never fell asleep I landed in.this realm perfectly standing on me Feat.

Truth made rock solid through expression like water like choclate.

Beauty I.E

The Beautiful Devil who Hummms…

and Rocks in his sleep.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153678307585162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153678307585162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153678307585162%3Atl_objid.10153678307585162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153678307585162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A-3634448389351647847&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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