
Facebook Post..

Across the abyss Emeka to Kasper linked across the Great Divide…Linked Grandmothers.

Alberte and Albert Einstien.

Child of Royale line

Connection OINRI people able to remember past lifes.

Daughter of my mothers youngest Brother Nduka..

Meaning life is Supreme…

Daughters name..Ifun nnanya- said to be the incarnation of my Grandmother Lucy

(very funny like Lucille Ball..Dezie Arnez D.A.)

Her Name Ojugo..

Meaning Dove.

No Ah’s Arch (N.A.)

* New Covenant with God and man never to flood the word. Birth of Rainbow Consciousness the 7-8 thousand years journey to evolution.

Age of Aquarius..Vision.

From Age of Pisces.

The Crossing over of Noah after finding no one good person in Gods eyes who judges not you in Sodom and Gomorrah

Card picked up on the streets of Muleberry on the way to meet Seble and Y..

Sodom and Gomorrah but this time illusion or spirit world called mine.

No Ah’s Arc

New Arc.

He crossed over the Atlantis-ic.

Dove sent to find land appeared with a twig leaf.

Emeka appeared with B.Yi.

New Found Land.

New Arc Covenant.

Destruction of old Mind Spirits illusion web…

Not Flooding but destruction of old consciousness and system.

Armageddon within the body

See Rachel Sessions University thesis.

Son Raphael born November 28

No Thanks Giving

But Two Seble and Yonathan 8 F.B good wishes.

And A.E.

Thus play through conversation with Kasper Ser Up. (Kasper precious Rock Gem Treasure and of the three Kings following the star of the annointed Birth.

Kasper following Emeka on Face Book from David EN.K.E.

Mirroring play with Kimberly Brown Of the Rivas Rivers.

Emeka Kimberly Harmony Echoed.


Emeka Kasper

across Pacific Ocean

N.U. Egyptian God of the Abyss.


N.U Supreme S (was today 19th)

Both Aligned with Grandmothers Memory Funny

Fun N.Y.

I Fun Nnanya.

Connection made.

Den Mark.

F.B Friend Mark Q.

Friend of A.Eienstien.


D.E.N..4 5 Nnamdi

M Ark.

Den Mark America




20 14.

Yonathan post

Brian E.N.O.

Brian Is Emeka Nnamdi Obum.

Brian Sulivan In Nigeria.


Being Supreme.

Host insignia Tatoo


Full Circle.

On Emekas Altar under Gold Cup if Chalice.

Silver container with emblem of full Circle flowing River.


..Na C.E..O

Inscription silver dish.


Y .E


Emeka Yonathan

Full Circle

True Man Show.

David Darling

Emeka Darling

Brian Eno





Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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