
Facebook Post..

Hello….Its me again (sigh).

Its the 20th Martin Luther King Day.


add I and I in one I.


Milky Way of Dragons Breath.

The Milky Way.

Fire of Ire to Gentleness soft touch of Dew…To give all who played their part in this play from the last story of No Ah’s Arch to New Ah’s Arch (past all present)..their due.

Lisa Le Vine put a posted recently a quote from Dr Martin Luther King in which he is quoted as saying that he is tired of carrying the Burden of hate and it being too heavy a burden to carry..

I pressed like.

My burden was never hate…an emotion I had never felt until some years ago when I encountered for the first time a consciousness (not a person) which had no right to be in Existence.

And it came from Anger…The sum total of Anger and depression in the world.

My whole Existence I had witnessed was a test of anger. From the time I felt the hot temper of my bio father while in her womb. Right to when I.E in me commanded me to piss in my fathers food while he was eating.

I was afraid of my bio father but the I.E was stronger than me, as witnessed by this constant posting on F.B.

I understood why my Spirit twin big brother demanded I piss in my Fathers food at the tender age of two.. My mother recently recalled the incident laughing yet still amazed that one act which defined my relationship with my bio father. Long after he passed away in 2002.

War and Admiration.

Needless to say, I recieved a thrashing which till this day my mother believed that my Fathers temper would make him kill me.

I did not hate my Bio father, infact I admired his manly tall erudite and eloquent way.

And his charm and James Bond kind of persona.

But its was the lack of self discipline or self mastery to control his temper which made me begin to feel a certain contempt.

And with some one so brilliant..A Cambridge graduate and Royal College of Veternairy studies Alumini one knew that it was not for lack of intelligence.

But the rage of being of the upper middle class then Biafran navigating London England in the Late Fifties and Early sixties took a toll on my fathers patience.

But then when we moved to Nigeria in the late seventies, it did not change.

He had studied Judo and Karate, was a Toast Master, a Surgeon. Yet even when I and my youngest brother visted the house we had grown up in Canada, the owners who had bought the house from my father still remarked about his legendary temper…25 years later!!!

And so, I found myself in a non stop battle with the dominating principle of Anger represented by my father all my life.

As if even as a child knowing that my brother Nnamdi would enter the world and not wishing him to have to deal with my Fathers rage and temper.

But he did and like me he fought the terror that just the sound of my father would create Flight or Fright in him and all of us including my.mother just by his simply entering the room.

My brother and I and later my sister fought this rage, despite their love for him.

Which ended in the kidnapping by him of my two younger brothers in a fit of rage culminating in Nnamdi leaving the world on Easter the very day he was born 13 years later…

As if saying, I will come back when such an anger was no longer in the world…An Anger allowed to go sooo far…like children allowed to go so far in temper tantrums and pacified not disciplined.

So it was with what I saw not just in my Father, as Jah Fire…the Fire set to destroy the world. But in all humanity.

My Father, I knew was simply a symbolic represenation of the Evil eating up the world.

Anger of injustice and demanding natures..

The Nuclear Bomb in Hiroshima in response to Pearl Harbour

Albert Einstien?

Or simply Power and Rage the worlds new P.R machine.

My brothers wife is from that part of the world and her father spoke to of Okinawa where they are from.

Some things can never be forgotten.

Certain acts of rashness of Rage can leave an idelible foot print.

I admired Doctor Martin Luther King, but I felt if there was an added dash of Malcolm X it would be better.

Malcolm became to see as Martin Luther King at the end of his life after becoming a Moslem..And was assissinated like M.L.K.

I also admired the Black Panthers…and felt all should be mixed as one giant cocktail to fight my stupendous outrage of what had been done to Africans, then American Indians, then Hebrew ppl..Then Armenians, Chinese immigtants, then the Irish, then the lower Castes in Ireland, then the Polish, then the Biafrans…it was world wide.

And so without, intention or being conscious of it, I found myself spirited away to realms of Rage.

In which in the Spirit realm of mind I was being tested to places beyond endurance to see if I would turn into my father, turn into so many who succumbed to this rage of rashness I so despised.

Oh, I have a temper…more dangerous than my bio fathers..Quiet deadly transparent but self contained. It is like a black panther as the cat..The Cool cat. But it seemed this tests were all about getting me to lose my cool.

To erupt into insane crazy rage. To be pushed by the invisible realm pushing ppl to enrage me for doing this journey and their response.

And my defeating it each time by self mastery to see beyond the rage I was pushed to feel. Rage which had now been designed to insulted all fibre of my for emnodying the truth of the Evolution and Awakening journey in New York as a tall proud talented man in which everything had been taken away..

A a play forcing me to live in the homes of men and women of the greatest tempers..

And see beyond the lashings I got to see beyond to the core of what they were saying…

For that was where the knowledge and core information I was required to get about the source of the evil and pain and injustices of experiencing Existence with their fellow human experience lurked.

And I would take the info.and transform it to knowledge and Emails and finally conversation on Face Book.

I went to the rage of the Dragon and I had to turn it into the soft dew of the Milky Way…the Spiral pathway home.

While not denying my own Anger and temper but by self Mastery and a will unreal in myself..Temper it into a sword of Truth until Lord Existence and Lady Echo finally rose in response..

As witnessed here on F.B.

That I my words where of Infunnanya Truth and the Milky Way of Beautiful Expression even of Blue Fire Beyond Elemental Rage of Ages.

Lord Dragon E and the Queen Serpent knew me.

And so it is how I have been tested right up till yesterday where violence almost came to play.

I am 6’4 Lean Fit and present always a challenge to other men for a contest in physical combat when in the test of Wit I prove Supreme.

But the sword of Truth is not for Contest or Competition nor is my physical prowress for such a use…

The Storm blew over and I walked the streets knowing that all was a set up and a test.

And as I walked I saw someone on the streets who I knew from Green Street 8 years ago just before I came to this Pyramid Dimension.

I used to call him the Gorilla…and he is from Igbo land of Nigeria (recall), I said I seemed to be possessed by a Gorilla when I came to this address).

My greatest anger was the terrible gossip I some person had been saying about me to other igbos who knew my family.

Gossip so filled with malice that my mother told me she stopped going out.

That has since stopped.

I saw the way he greeted me like an old great friend.

He wanted to be friends to hang out…

I was no longer an arrogant proud bum walking the streets of New York.

And so I thought of the power of Onistha the Igbos and the great water called Lake Onistha where my mother went to school… Mammy Wata the Beautiful Queens from the sea…

And the great testers.

I thought of the power of Africa not totally unknown in the west to travel through human hosts…And possess people and use them like puppets to test and check.

I understood…

My great War with the Spirits of Ancient Africa was done.

All last night I could not sleep as something within me kept prompting images of Space as Death.

The Great Abyss of N.U which in my sacred drawings represented a Drawing 5 (E.D) of a Super Nova embodied by two beings Dancing in perfect Unison. One an Atlantean man and a beautiful African Queen.

They danced in perfect Harmony of Gala XY..The Dance of XX and XY…

and this I knew was the true play of how Existence Universe began.

Posted without hindsight in my conversation with Kasper Serups consciousness.

Then I realized that the play with Kasper was based on Royal Egypt R.E and the book of the Dead. And that the play between him and I was about proving the truth of my version of the Truth and of GalaXY.

So I realized that for 21 years I have been walking through the Egyptian book of the Dead.

And Building of Royal Mayan Pyramids 2012…while proving the line of E’s truth by aligning the truth of the Intentions of the Royal Mayans (R.M) and the Royal Egyptians…(Re)

As the true Axial points and pyramids located all over the globe as the Antennae and lines of communication of the Gods…The Light beings who came before.

And thus, I had to destroy by solving out of Existence the lost in translation interpretations created my humanity who lost the knowledge of why these pyramids where really built.

After lasts night play with Kasper Serup (who is innocent by the way) but whose consciousness was set up to challenge my truth of the abyss of N.U. the Ancient Egyptian God/Goddess of the Abyss was real the Space of Harmony Echo Existence In Beings Dream of Everything Being in Harmony to Infinity.

A future he saw as real but in which he had to go back in Time-Memory to make it real and solid by explaining to all the potential.

When I had understood and solved the last equation of A.E the Dragon Lord and Crocodile King and my ultimate tester in Spirit and in human form..

I got text from about something to do with his computer.

A large Flat Screen.

I closed the window it was opened to to see before me the Screen Saver had Changed to a Golden Egyptian Pyramid.

With Sacred Geometric indentions on both side and a six steps to the Apex.

All situated in desert with the planet Earth and the moon in the back background.

The Pyramid rose on the dunes of the Sun…no fire just desert…and people having landed on it in small space ships.


Ma ha (rose) Ra Jah.




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