
Facebook Post..


Rare Air

One of the names of Kimberly

is Rare.

My host name is A.

And the personal friend of his, a he works with and who shares a similar consciousness and memory is called Robert.

They have a mutual friend a brilliant theoritical physicists called Lisa…

Who work speaks of the 11th dimensions.

The last conversation my host told me he and his friend spoke of was how thier friend Lisa work speaks about how to measure Dark Matter and consequently Time of the birth of the Universe.

The Name of Robert and my host forms the Ra.

They are builders…Artists really who work on Concrete.

The Child called Raphael born on my birthday to Rachel who the first time I saw her I recognized her as the living soul a silver moon set upon a royal blue velvety background who turned into the flower of life.

She is called fondly as Re Re..

Raphael Emeka


And I have completed the equation of Air-Ahtomospere.

and Breath…

Rare Air…the Company I formed signified on my F.Book page.

And this is the realm of the opposite side of the mirror. My hosts portal which I arrived in over seven years ago where my equations and calculation state from this venue do I leave the past as Galaxy Past behind and move at long last after moving through the Full Circle of Nothingness Somethingness (which I have proven is thus venue 2 68)- to the consciousness of my family living in the future present on the same planet Earth but in a totally different Dimension Consciousness and expression of Energy…

That of the Fifth dimension.

The Sunnier side of life…beyond the point of the Golden Ratio point…after the long journey of Phi…Pi.E.

Thus the equation of Rare Air is satisfied and now flips over to E.R.A. R.E.

The Past as The Builders, the Royal Mayans, the Royal Egyptians…The Pyramid builders all over the world who built monuments to the memory of the Beautiful Ones all over the world…

The Ones called the Gods…

The Ones whose signature appears all over the world…In every known culture to of Spirals…Spirals on Portals which legends state are portals in which moved these beings to other dimensions home…Who promised they would one day return.

My family.

Rob Barr when I first met him I instantly recognized him as the line of my Father Brothers…The Impish michevious Royal Elf line for lack of a better term.

Thus, the equation

Robert Barr.

Is the Bar of Galaxy Universe as time and space.

Rob texted me in perfect harmony after years of no personal contact on the 29

@ 18:08. 12 years after meeting at the University cafe.


18= R



12=L..O.V.E. I Fun Nnanya.

29 = B.I

Being Individual

B.I. Of Masculine Feminine.

B.i. in OINRI Igbo means Live.

R-A.H. OH…Source of Harmony Outside.

Emeka Robert


Comes from R.E the God within.

University Cafe. U.C.

Universe not of Space Book of the Dead..Outter space no Ahtmosphere.

Space of Mind within.

Book of life and love..

Ifunnanya I.C.U.

Wearing purple shirt

Infer Red Earth and Royal Sky Blue.


Blood and water inside..blue bloods.

Day of Venus was recently in the News.

Venus/Sun E.Victorious.

Blue and red= Rob es of Royal Purple…Mind Present.

Hand on moving pictures.

H.And E.T

Set against a black background…

A Hand writing word equations set across the black background..Space..Death Forgetfulness- A Galaxy phone- Adressing Human as potential in the Dark…The Mystery…

Dark in Brown.

Ra does not exist

Only R.-Ah..Onu NoaH

And Ra is Harmony

Re Is Harmony R.E.H.

It has come to my attention that this life time battle has been a contest between my biological Father representing Ra and my younger brother Nnamdi who left at age 13 and who came back to me.

And who I saw in spirit in the then 14 Melvin Erer..ReRe…

my F.Book Friend.

Its seems this play is all about the concept of who came first.. Ra or Re.

But as witnessed by the latest scientific discovery posted and commented on by Nassim Haramein the New and to me true scientist of this realm living in the past now made real. That Science got in backwards and inside out about how the Milkway was formed.

It being more like the appearance of a black hole from which the Galaxy appeared from…from within manifesting outside as stars constellation…ect…

And thus this might Contest of Son or Creation claiming to be Father Creator…has already been won.

But at what a cost…

What if you are wrong about everything, recall my.posting of this one power outside..invisible to the awareness of man as Nature proclaiming itself God. The Manifest world claiming to be its own Creator and its own source.

Enslaving the truth in the temples of Ra for dare challenging that truth.

The outter manifestation of Consciousess or the inner.

Exemplified in the Ancient Egyptian Gods of Re and Ra.

The Sun God Ra worship of the outter manifestation of light.


Re the great God source within and the Father of Ra…

Re as Ka…the Moon God Sine as the seat of the Soul.

The seed of Harmony planted within us all…

I have always known that is the source within us which planted the seed and built the house called the body; which enabled Ra to build the House the great pyramids and temples, Star Ship Enterprise Awakening.

And perhaps in building such Temples forgetting to honor this father and the memory of The Beautiful ones who came and impregnated thier vallets and Bodies witj Life Ank Venus.

Ra the Sun God thinking that he was the father as S-Un E.

Or that there was a builder of within who came before him who became the Template of Ra.

But they really are Trinity in I with the One who is 1.

III I with O.N.E/E.N.O 1E.

And so my own Robert appears to A.L’s Robert and thus the full circle is complete.

The flip Side leaves Rare/ R.Are-Ear/Ra e Monde

Ra E of the world to

Our (R) Ear to become

E.R.A..R (Our) R= 18 A.H

Era Royal Reign of Existence

R.E.-A.H! E

Rare Existence~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153717419410162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153717419410162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153717419410162%3Atl_objid.10153717419410162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153717419410162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A6973927736193983825&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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