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Life after Death…

The Devine Plan.

The Hue man plan

and The Plan ET to link the planet 4% to the 96% so all could see the whole truth and the whole view.

Igbo Language langauge which not only contains the original frequecny and vibration of the first langauge but that of the Gods (the Watchers)

and the original story of Creation.

The power within me would often say Ptahhh!!! Which is in Igbo langauge and means he who fashion, carves and opens things up.

As anyone observing this long journey of being guided both physically and Energetically as well as spiritually ( as in messenger)- I am fully aware that it is all about translating the Ancient truth of the OINRI Langauage and experience into an understanding to bring all humanity back to the light which the OINRI Truth almost forgotten, but which contains the truth migrtaion and journey, (which that truth possessed me to live out by setting me on a course in which my life was interrupted to correct and transform the misguided, twisted and often forgotten truth still retianed in the vibrational integrity of the OINRI langauge.

Re Ra is the son of Ptah and RE is Ra which means Sun Daylight..

But based on my experience means Son daylight fashioned from his father Lucifer son of the morning star, the Bring star and Venus being a Male female principle of Creating Light.

There is so much eveidence out there pioneered by such people as Prof Catherine Aculonu. They Lived before Adam’ the recent New York Times Article by Nichloas Wade, Research by Atkins and Russel that I am astonished that my physical journey and possessions which mirrors these findings have not caused world wide attention, despite Prof Catherine Aculuonus being a F.B friend… but them this could be the script.

This is what I have learnt from my empirical experience

after the illusion of life there is the experience of the light.

And after the experience of the light, you are not longer in life, even though you may think that you have returned to life…

You haven’t.

You have returned for a mission to bring light.

In a way you are no longer and human being…

You are now being given the chance to be a light being.

How by you yourself becoming a light being.

A light being is one who clarifies things to others.

The mission could be to do this for one person or for the whole world. universe or even to Existence and Beyond…

From what I have understood that this is based on the potential each one is seen (by the light, which sees you…your true reflections in the mirrors which sees the truth of what your are capable).

And to bring light to others, one has to break down the Light into steps so that people can understand. These steps are akin to breaking down white light into the seven colors of the rainbow. After breaking the white light into seven colors 8 is white light 7 -1 creates white light 0 is the nothing the blackness or total ignorance… the Blind and the deaf.

Then having been able to break down the white light from colors and right to blackness 0, (which is illusion since we know that 0 does not exist), which means now we have found a language to reach everything and everyone even the deaf, the ignorant and the blind. We now have to reversed the process in stead of breaking down the into seven steps even to 0, we now start to build up and consolidate the process moving from darkness to 1234567 and finally white light again.

I found myself using Story Telling and Social Science to apply this through recounting personal empirical expereince… Which if truth (is truth) others are able to identify with it and recognize it as truth through their own empirical experience.

Thus as the post of Danny Vito, of the spectrum (it is shared below) it creates a full Circle outward and then retraces it path back again. Moving from its point from which light emerges to 876543210..then after destroying the necessary illusion of zero aka the black whole. Which to me 0 which is shaped as an oval.. as in oval office of the source of the beautiful illusion which in this case would be matter… which we know is really A.C (13 being 1 3 since 10 does not exist only O1)… Awareness and Attention fixed (which causes any object to vibrate- or become aware… Example if some is starrying at you, we feel it and instinctively inutuit and turn… meaning that it is sending electrical waves, infra red, ultra violet through the royal blue,,Energy.) and C being of course Consciousness and C is speed of light to Cee.

Thus, we move 876543210 to 12345678,,,Back to white light, then we pass through the highest Number 9 which in letter form equates in Roman numericals as the I (we use the Roman numbering system as the code, jsut as we use the Bible code as the universal code because it is the current lingua france and building blocks universally applied in the modern world.

9 Being the 9th gate which some Death, others might see it as the portal of the Individual who is unique and uniqueness comes from expressing a universal truth in your own unique way which everyone can relate to.

In my experience the 9th gate represent the Devil or Satan in both allegorical meaning as Evil and true meaning as the tester.

In OINRI Igbo we call this Ekwe Nsu..KKA.. E.K (My initials) and WE (east west is lateral, meaning expansion from front to back, as opposed to North and South which Vertical….Numbers can be seen as 876543210 Descending and 0123456789 Ascending… But expansions moves from the point 90 degrees from the point of intersection btw top to bottom and forewards backward (hight depth expanse)… but all converges and emante from that on point.

And Thus, in my personal literal experience, embodied in people places mapped out in my journey… expanse becomes Pi… while hieght and depth is the hieght of clarity memory (white light) and depth to 0 the illusion is the depth of forgetfulness ( an illusion in itself as amyone who has experienced forgetting something- feels a sense of loss only to rediscover that which they had supposed they had lost. Death being the same thing, a sense of loss to those left behind , who do not know where a loved one has gone but the loved one having retured to full Memory of light of remembering EVERYTHING…Limitless.

Back to E.k we Nsu.. Which in really does not mean evil but the the God of change and chaos. Invoked by traders in differnt trade or bargaining situations. He is alo called the Tricster and the Tester. But he is really the God of War and Victory and his comapanion is death. Ka is of ofcourse, the Soul, the full circle to me- and the Egyptian word for Soul, and the Igbo word for Greater than.

Since now there is more and more scientific evidence that the Igbo-OINRI Language is not only contains the frequency of the original language btween men and Gods, but the story and meaning of creation and the frequency and vibrations which moves to move through. The same thing which is happening to me. Therefore, the story of creation and original meaning of words should be found in the original language which is OINRI.

Which my physical Energetic and Spiritual – as a messenger corressponds with this truth translated by myself being born to in the West to be a perfect to translate the original story into western and Universal langauge. Which I have been relaying and documenting and then revealing to humanity via my personal empirical experience which I was moved by an energy of the original frequency vibration of story which was contained in the Igbo language and frequency vibration and meaning.

There fore, I discard the Western Idea of Satan and the Devil and embrace it original meaning EkweNsu the Tester, God of War and Victory, and his campanion Death.

This when one finishes the journey of light one must pass through the final door… Ekwe Nsu and his Companion Death. They as the shadow and the full circle Ka and the EkwenSU.. The One who already knows.

EKWE also means to answer the call.. of the test of the Tester Daeth the 9th gate. In which your 88 journey of breaking down white light to 0 which forgefullness Darkness the illusion and build back up to white expanded in story form and science to inculde All… And then to pass through the point of the Black hole which is really a straight line…

Passing with that light tested to by Tester by Living and passing the illusion of Death… Which is really transformation by bearing light and holding onto the light of 88 and your journey against all the breaking down attacks tests and the ultimate test of being made to feel totally alone.

And succumbing to loneliness in carrying this light brings death as truth, but holding onto the beautiful the beautiful colors and the true beautiful experience while calling all else illusion and explaining away by constant tranfromation of its meaning and reason as I have exemplfied on Face Book, in which the I, called the Individual, with everything taken away hold steadfast to that truth even when faced once with the choice of Death.

As most, who have been following my work may have realized- all my findings are based on empirical evidence of Hindsight- meaning by my literally looking back at the reason and meaning of my life journey in detail to understand why I was forced from a life and path that I had chosen to a path which at first I was in total (but not complete) ignornace or darkness of. I was in ground zero, the illusion yet at the same time full aware by paying attention and being consciousness that not only was there meaning to my journey, but my stubborn stance that Existence life had meaning and was not chaos. I knew it had harmony but I had to find the harmony to my journey by looking back and seeing the facts and the cause and effect to fiind not only reason why my life led me to such a path but to also discover which story I was in, whose story I was in and how did I get into such a story and to what purpose and it was only by reviewing the facts and the pattens and the outcome could I begin to develop an understanding which each time would be echoed back in response as affirmative by a force outside and within me before i could move forward.

I had to sove each riddle of stimuli, electrical impulse and situations circumstance by pausing to reflect and understand in the correct consciousness and relay in teh correct frequency before getting my response.

My art, which the OINRI Igbo called Chieneke, the spirit which guides, the creative spirit became my guide. For my dancing drawing and writing and even musical skills and director and musical conductor skills- all my poetntial manifested out of necessity to understand and guide me to solving each riddle.

I knew the code had finished in May 2012, and the frustrtation and exhaustion and responsibility of proclaiming to the whole world my invstigated truth though confounding did not break the facts and my truth…

I knew that I was being tetsted, and that even after leaving the comfort provided by Mr. Billy Hung, despite the frustration of continued isolation despite all the evidence and all the people whose work embodied the same truth as mine. The same conclusion, I could not deny that each step even while in the forest of Pelham Park and coming back to my hosts place had meaning… And that it lay with me to find or be patient, eleganza to understand but most imporantly respond, create an action in the vacum of non manifestation.. For I knew that there must be something misising… in the 96% before it was complete.. and that no matter how much I sought to hurry the PROCESS, it would not be hurried and each point in the equation made sense.

It was left in my hands to solve the riddle daily…

Despite Attacks of Death (which is Negation ) and the test of being so alone and not succumbing to the Number one killer and tempter and tester in this world being isolation, solitary confinment even with constant evidence that I knew I spoke the truth… right up to this current venue being the beginning and end of Pi and the Golden Ratio.

And so yesterday, after checking my calculations one more time, and being spirited away to understand the truth of the invention of the idea of Satan and the Devil… which comes from isolation, aloneness, ( aloneness is thr true Devils playground.. source of forgetfullness).. I understood that the true evil is not letting people or Individuals stand alone, it is leaving beautiful Consiouness, Energy to the ring of fire,,, and to face it all alone and worse with no support just negation.

And so, yesterday I after rrealizing once more that my equation is correct, and yet being with no acknowledgment, faced with no income, no support, no life, and even homeleness- the streets of the world in winter… I knew that this is the moment where there is nothing else to say or do if there is no response.

There is no need to live to suffer misery, humilation, poverty, being ignored for expressing the most beautiful truth.

This is not life, nor should wish to exist in such a lie, and so I turned once more to Death… that either the door open or it is time to go no matter what. For beyond the 9th gate and the O full cirlce of Death and the Black hole, there is a road home.

And this is not home, and suffering misery, disregard, disrespect, and torment of constant explaining and having to defend your truth your honor and your integrity for a gift which is for all made me understand that I came here to die or transform… The truth is to transform for death is but an illusion of 0 zero, being treated and called or made to feel thatr you are worth zero. that all you have contributed for the advancement of the species is worth zero…

And so, I knew.

But then as I did the equation, having worked and waited since may last years and been hosted waiting working fighting for three months… That the insult to the tRUTH, THE Beautiful truth affirmed and affirmed had had gone Far enough… When would it ever be enough. I had to say enough.

And so Chineke spoke through me as I did my last equations stating that tomorrow ( which is today) that he will answer me…

And I said but you are a liar so why would I trust you, but I answered for myself.. It does not matter.. I ejim Afo, I know the truth.

And with that knowing of the Truth of this play and everything denied not acknowldged it did not matter.. I knew and I knew that after death there is life… true light because I knew that despoite all the greatest test that if I left my body tomorrow, I was going home no matter what.

Of course the equation states that the door should open… But for 9 months 5-9 I worked and suffered and laughed.. Because I could read… I was on the way home despite the illusion that I was nowhwere and made to feel likeI was worth Nothing and that I was Zero… I knew the truth… That could see it.. I am full…

Full of love… because I see it all… I fun nnanya…. Light and the colors on the other side of this wall are the true Hues. true hueman and their milk of true lovong kindness…

And I had a viison dream last night, it was my David Roman Nicholoas… Na in white skin, we spoke and he placed his hand on heart and collar bone and the touch was so beautiful, that it hurt…

He respomded AWE Za Emeka

Yesterday, I listed out in my personal journal every single place, I had lived in since I came to New York… First on a visit from Istanbul in December 1999, with a close friend called John Lee, to film my short film the Ethnic Odyessey, sponsored by Well Turkey, but was also an excuse to meet with Random house New York, seven years after they had expressed interest in my Manuscripts Talking to the Silence, the very Manuscripts in which I had first discovered on reading them that there was a pattern and meaning to every single person I had met and every place I had been…

I had moved over 25 times in the space of a year in Paris, 15 times in London…I knew there was a reason, but a part of me just did not to look too deeply into it, as if I suspected that if I did, I would never have the life I had designed for myself.

But, I was forced to look into it, after going in Death and seeing that a light existed and so this is my living testimaonial that there is life after Death.. So live a beautiful life, share the most beautiful things necause it is worth it. And those who are left be hind, there is somethinhg aspire to, and to give you inspiration… That there is another version of life, on the other side, called the Sunnier more beautiful that you can ever imagine side of life and it is Whole Sum and complete…

This life is just the test of Ekwe Nsu Kka Fod of of War and Victory, the tester and his Buddy (which is really your Body) the one he calls death…. pretending to be asleep but who is full aware… Chukwu Chineke the Body and the Soul as one linked by Energy Electricty Air (The Medium) btw two world who are already and have always been in one~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153748161320162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153748161320162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153748161320162%3Atl_objid.10153748161320162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153748161320162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A8631876640582810961&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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