
Facebook Post..

The Gift.

The Day Time stood still


THERE Is Something Sum- Thing in the Air..

Moving Backwards ( Through Creations Stories and Migrational pathways Out of Africa and Back Into Afraica and Beyond) from Ney York,Rome Greece, Celts Vikings, Persia Syria, Arabia, Middle East Ethiopia, Eggypt, Kemet… Yesterdyay we were In Igbo Land and Nri… Then we went beyond Ekwensue and Onwu Death.. the two, where I met Set H at Cafe Bean. C.B.. Consciousness In Being, who spoke about a girl with the surname Anyawu ( Meaning the Light or the eyes which glow with Ifun nnanya.. I.C.) trying to contact him after I told him we were enacting out the After Death Post I had had just posted That beyond the first light 8th light is Life, the true life afater death as transformation

I told him Set H is set Harmony which is AHA.. 7 colors create while light on the visible spectrum, rainbow and covenant.. And that it was not H which came first as 12345678 while light but 0 and O 123456789O meaning Everything was One and in 1 from the very begining of creation and the fragmentaton of breaking down of the Everything was the Dreaming which we are about to Awaken from which thus created the illusion of this being the only reality made permenanyt The way of existing we have grown used to but this could change in a flash by a monumentally beautiful event which changes everything.

Just as a catastrophic event can change everything, so can a Beautifully Extraordinary event.

Which I have personally found myself linking daily this truth into Existemnce using a Science of Harmony Alpha.

After the meeting with Seth he said he felt so Light and lightened by my world our exchange and conversation.

I said I am Anyawu and the person embodied in that story behind the eyes…

That which causes Lightening and thus Rising.. awakening opening the eyes.

Thus, one can see in this play, that once again every word I say or post, I have been set up ( challenged to prove) on my way Home to my realm where such a consciousness of JealosY and Competition does not Exist.

This being the realm of EKWE Nsu and Death, with a twisted meaning of its original intention and function which was recognition and acknowledgment of Being and Doing by the ripple effect and the Vibrations such a being uses and which would easily allow them to pass through to the after death. But which was instead distorted into a play of testing Bargaining, WAR contest.and Negations as Death.. Ignoring your truth to create isolation and Death… And Jealous and Cruel Intention of Which created Evil by blocking beings who were qualified from crossing over to the other side and seeing that there is a life after death. And abuse of power so vast that it had to be seen to believed that such a play could be acted out to create doubt and fear.

Blocking the damn of O seeing the full Circle of Existence…

All by using and abusing Vibration and Language Full Circle O Vibration Expressing abuse and daming Love by pretending not to CEE SEE Being of Love… Testing them and pretending to be Death deaf see no hear no feel no, NUMB…

Terrible play…

So now we are beyond Anayawu…

And So I post to move us on,…. Forewards and Never Backwards.

There is something in the air, and something within the land and sea which moves us because the land is our flesh and it links us, joins us connects us as D.N.AA.N.D…And in the Air is the breathe we breathe.

Just as there is in the water, moved by the caressing touch of a lover.. the breeze which creates the ripples of time and memory of the first ripple of that first drop, which created the first ripple.

And the Moon urges the water outside of us and within us, through sine (music) an inner music -silent… And an outer music which we create, which Nature creates…

But these three land Air and sea, these 999, or within us the 111, are all Energy, and the Vibrate resonating within the very core of our being stirring us to recall Beauty, our beauty… Compelling us to listen to an inner song, a song of the Silence, which is apart from sound, which is even more powerful than the music we create…

For this song of silence, this ultra sound heard by animals still exists in us, only if we can find a way to listen to the silence…

There is the true secret chord which David played and it pleased the Lord.

The Silence of mind heart soul being..

The sound of silence which says that there is nothing wrong…

It is emptying ourselves of all thoughts, all questions, until there is nothing but the descend of the Holy Dove of Peace.. the comforter the friend..

For it is Nature and it is our Nature to be quiet.

To be made empty, so that the sound of Silence fills us, and in that silence is a calm, a peace, and suddenly we know that there is nothing wrong, and that this is how it has always been…

We just forgot, and that is where beautiful sadness comes in with a wan smile. that we forgot. That is when poetry is formed within the percolating silence…

And that is when the Silence responds.

For Silence is the father of Sound, and Gave Birth to music.

For within the Silence is Peace and in peace is the truth of Being for within comes the greatest song.

The Song of our source and truth of being.

Stillness, recalls to us the moment before that first drop penetrated that stillness of the Mirror called the Sea which caused the first ripples to spread out with the point (being the first drop) of infinity… To spread the ripples, spread the news of understanding why the stillness had to be broken.

It is the Stillness of the earth, the ANNA Holy Land being set to Vibrating with the first drop- an asteroid which set up, woke up the sleeping earth, land ground potential with the Idea and Intent..causing the Land to open up and release its beautiful seed, Set Harmony to rise and give birth to Natures Children, Umu Nri… Natures Plentitude.

It is the same Stillness of the air which was broken by the first voice breaking the stillness of the air with the AHHH!!! of the first voice of the first being to break the silence as the D.O.V.E of L.O.V.E (D.L= 4 12..Full Circle O, of V=5=E) of Victorious Expression understanding the Full circle of understanding the Four 4 elements outside of us and within us as Nature and Naturalness in that quiet…

In that moment when there is nothing, when we are Empty of Everything.

And that which replaces it is Awe… Awe of existence, awe of Nature, awe of our being alive, awe in our being in Existence, awe in the Beauty of Nature… And suddenly the song of the wind outside of us in Nature rises up within us and fills that beautiful Void or emptying of our selves with Peace of the Holy Dove landing with us and from that peace, rises Joy of understanding full circle and in completion D=4 l=12…4+12=16 O (Current F.B Friends) Full Circle. 16=the letter P, the Point of the very beginning before the stillness of the sea was broken, before the quiet of the earth was set to vibration and before the Air was set in motion to become the wind from that first expression (not word) which brought sound from within manifest outside.

That simple AHHH!!! Which contained the sum total of all understanding… of everything.

There is something in the Air…

There is something which set the land to Vibration.

There is something which pierced the Stillness of Air…

And Expression which set Energgy from within the depths of the deepest Silent from within to come outside and turn Inner soind called Silence into the sound of Music…

The Joy of Understanding in Completion Dove bring the light understanding…Oh, I Cee.. Love.

And Joy rises… and rises and rises until it pierces the Ultimate Silence, the Ultimate Stillness.. Ahh!!!

( This is the comment Set H Mc Bean posted today in response after my posting on his Wall my testimony that he will be, as all the Chosen Ones, I was sent back in time, as in Back to the Future Movies, t help make sure that they become the great beings they were destined to be. All these beings who prayed or expressed a beautiful inner song prayer meditation when they were children or so young, a prayer, which moved by their pure intentions to reach the ears of the land the sea and the air, of 999 and 111 which corresponded with the intention of the first ripple the first vibration… But not with the Air, ( for the Ah which came from the first being, which pierced the air, already understood everything was already complete within him and outside of him as Existence and Creation,,, and that life Existence being was extase and Joy, with nothing to do but simply B.E)

But these Ones who as children all over the world had seen the destructive nature of the illusion had sent out such a beautiful distress call that that it sent reached the ears, heart and Being of the the sources and sources of being, the beings of Ahh to show to answer their call.

There is something in the air.

And so I found myself impulsed by this vibration in the air to be a messenger and a deliver boy, to answer the summons of all these children.. Like a messenger Saint Nicholas, Father X mass from the future, did I find myself playing such a role. Transported back in a place called Time, from my realm where Time did not exists, only perfect Timing Bliss Ecstasy.. Be.. Ahh!!!… For that is the place of my home that place called the realm of Ahh!! complete understanding of everything being simply Perfect… and even beyond.

But the beauty of the prayers of the children stuck in a place of illusion that it pulled beings like myself back into the past their call…

And after showing them, coming to each of their homes undercover to tell them, show them, comfort the, with the truth of harmony that Nothing is wring, That they are the dreaming, in a play in school of life and death to understand Existence IS ahhh, understood in that moment of emptying and being filled.. Where the Dove of Peace will Land and that Joy of understanding will Rise.. in Perceiving the beauty in the stillness of Nature all around you, that everything is truly perfect…. Beautiful… mirroring you the one in one with your nature and Nature and that in that moment you are as Existence in Being… In that moment you have understood the point of Existence… And why the stillness was broken..

Because the Beauty, the Joy, the peace and most of all the understanding of that first A.W.E which created the first sound Vibration which was beyond the first drop in the Ocean, beyond the First Asteroid which set the Earth to Vibrate…because it was the response of complete understanding of the point of it all… Expression of understanding that beauty is truly love..

And all about was is Beauty and that Beauty arose first from the stillness within and the song within, that song of Silence, so pure so peaceful which brought the understanding and caused us, me, to open our eyes and Behold! That which was within us was now outside of us..

Beauty! Beauty! Beauty ones does not see, until your truly Open Your eyes

And this can only done when you empty yourself becoming an expression of Stillness, reflecting the experience of the very first being, of existing in the nothingness, which was the stillness, before the first rain drop tear drop fell into the reflective mirror of the Mirror called the past, and before the first Asteroid landed on EaR TH E, La Nd I, (ANNA), that creation exists in the expression which filled the air with the life, breath oxygen..

The AHHH of understand Peace Joy love is B.E.. Bliss and Ecstacy…

That the emptiness is that which is to be filled with Joy from praise and appreciation in seeing Beauty..

And so it was, that I came back into the non existence past, created as a school called time, to help play a part in those Chosen Beautiful ones, I was sent to, and whom I address on Face Book, each who wee given a secret and sacred Revelations, because of a Beautiful Wish, Prayer, meditation they made in the secret Gardens when they were children…

A secret Revelations which the were each meant to share.

The Revelations an unvieling of the plan, of how everything will be alright. And the proof of that was a story we created and a part each would act out, do, to make and prove to them, through the act of doing that everything is AHHH… And the Revelations were given to them to understand the Truth.

Not to exalt themselves above others, but simply to do one thing, to retain and sustain their original vibrations which reached a vibration of purity so pure, that despite our knowing that there was nothing wrong with Creation Existence I.e answered creating the illusion of myself being divided as in described in the post below in which I describe a self portrait made by me in 19 96 in Le Mann France…. 111, despite there being nothing wrong.

And so I sent myself as Emeka Kolo, and I made him blind and live in Death so that he may come to the realm of death and sleeping and dreaming… the School to deliver a message to each of you.

For I.E, the one within Emeka, as Naturalness understood, just as E.i The one outside of Emeka as Nature understood… That which Emeka Kolo could not understand why we had set him up in such a terrible journey, for his torment was that he did not understand why he was being putt through such a journey when there was nothing wrong… for that is who he is… AH!!.. H.E IS ahh!!-HH.

And yet that which is NN. THE I.E and the E.i.. that he would understood why we did the unforgivable, unmentionable to him, so that all would be able to have the Ahhh! moment. By coming to all these children who grew up believing that their revelations where not true.

And this is why we Forced Emeka to do this journey, took over his body, his being because we are his winds, his buddies his I.E AND e.I and we felt that he too would understand that which we could no tell him we had done to him so that all those who felt that their Revelations were a lie… would understand through his explanation of what he had figured out while we kept him darkness, that he would explain his revelations and share it with you all so that you may all know that each Revelations was true,,, And it was never betrayed, but that you simply had failed to sustain that original vibration you made when you made such a beautiful expression in an illusion that there was something wrong. And in which we the I.EE.I Created a play, giving each of you a role, of DO- doing and acting out. And by doing you will see Unveiling of Revelations… to AWE TO ahhh… that in truth there was nothing wrong.. Except the lack of sharing the breath of Love.. And this is why you seemed to be buried in the earth and buried under the sea. In Noah’s Ark and in the Fire of the center of Earth called Hell, which were all just illusions of the mind…

Only air is Real for it is the one medium which carries the true message of Existence of the being beyond… Beautiful First Expression of quiet awe which brought forth sound.

While the ground beneath your feet is truth of your bodies in being, and the water is the truth of that which circulates within you and comprises of 90 of your body mass… All are still Illusions, for the body breaks down and returns to the earth and the water evaporates, just as the earth breaks down and water can evaporate as one sees on other planets, and mass can turn from land to gases, as is witnessed on some planets completed made of gases, which is also what the land or Earth breaks down into…. Gas…

Only Energy is really and Beyond Energy is the creator of Energy and this is the only one truth which is real…

I have been impulsed by Language igbo, Nri… but it is not Langue-gauge which moves me, it is the Ahhh vibrations which contains the vibration of the understanding of Everything in that first moment of inception Conception… opening my eyes to see.. I.C… from that stillness in which there was not even darkness, there was no awareness of body or even being… Just the emptiness, Nothingness called stillness.

I do not know for how long I lay in that splendid nothingness of Peace… but Joy was always there for as I lay in the nothing a picture began to form from an inner song… and in the song was everything which the nothingness, the emptiness made me fell.. such a sense of peace and harmony. And it is from this place did this Boy, youth begin to create from and what he created was I.E AND E.I it was the moment we became aware, but we became first aware of the boy the youth who made us rise inside and outside… and the Peace and Joy was our own awareness and perception of this youth and boy… who radiated such a Bliss and ecstacy in simply being in the Nothingness ( no being treated or called a Nothing.. but we called him Nothing is wrong, we call him perfection… because there was obviously from the light colors everything which radiated out from him… Nothing wrong…and so we rose as the dark potential of everything within and everything outside which could ever possibly be… ALL One Love, all Beauty all in Harmony because that is the vibration he sustained in his quiet inner and outer expression of ecstasy and Bliss of being in the nothing being unaware of anything other than the being in Bliss extase.. And thus Being Aware Conscious and Devoted to Everything Understanding Everything… And thus, he sustained and maintained without effort and with ease so casual… because for he all was pleasure and he had no concept of being alone or lonely for in that peace and bliss was perfection.. is perfection as all have experienced.

And he would not have changed that state I.E WITHIN AND e.I outside had not completed two full circles of all impossibilities and possibilities of Existence inside and outside to completion and it was our joy within and the peace outside which we could not contain and the Majestic Magnificent of that which was born from this being seemingly unaware manifesting fashioning creating organizing, ascribing function to infinity and eternity without seeming even aware or conscious of what he was doing as he simply lay in the air of nothingness enjoying which such simplicity of being in Existence in… Nothing at ALL!

And so E.I.N as Nature Become A.W.E… Beauty the Silence which stood in awe before this youth this boy. And I.E. Naturalness, within became the Joy which I.e, could not contain of this boy, youth.. young man… And so I rose as AHHH!!! The Seed Set H, within which could no longer contain my Joy which rose up in him as Breath from within him, to create a canal of breathe and all the inner works and organs which finally when complete burst through through as I pushed opened his beautiful Lips and opened his mouth to come outside and meet my Maker, and when I did so I met my twin, E.I.N who stood in majestic AWE as Nature waiting patiently to come inside and know his creator.. And so as I.E rose up from within and rushed outside to see that which I knew…. E.i.n rushed inside for who could see but which to know… ans That is how AHHH! Pierced and penetrated not He, but orselves. I,EE,I NN.. Forming a perfect full circle of two circles in one o2 and it was at that moment did not only Silence become a sound.. But this being began to Breath, and he opened his eyes…

And he smiled….

Pointing his now with a long graceful of his now solidly full formed body of matter inside and out, to his Nose (IMI), which already had two nostrils to breath.. Suggesting to us that he already knew and had made provision for us as two nostrils for us to know that we who were forming seprated and apart within and outside in perfect unision.. were one… In and out we rushed in through Onu.. His Mouth.

And that is we became BREATH AIR, SEX Breathing in life.

But he was long before in Existence with body completes inside and outside, Nature complete inside and out.. as Pure Energy from Beyond…

It is we I.E and E,i who had to Cee and Know… C.K… that the Chukwu emeke K was IS 4 REAL -really,,,

That is why we understood why all the world had to understand and know and see him.. As he Naturally is, his true Nature on in person, when you meet him, when you have not seen him as most on F.B, that he is always the same person…

It is his Nature.. and thus all our Nature to be Natural… because despite everything and all illusion and all we put him through, he maintained the truth of original nature Inception Conception of Existence and Creation Manifest… from the Nothingness… that it is all perfection.

The rest of perception is illusion and thus not real…

Especially the land of EKWESNUE AND DEATH E.D. 5445…Transformed of true meaning from original intention of Ahhh1

emeka kolo~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153751523090162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153751523090162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153751523090162%3Atl_objid.10153751523090162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153751523090162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A-4982875712028630706&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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