
Facebook Post..

The Last of the Nri Igbo Creation Story Restored to Truth…

and my personal corrections and transformation from inside out revered of These First Gods which began and grew from worship of those who were loved and who passed away.. the Ancestors… our families.


CHUKWU.. The Great God and the first force which came into existence often represented by the Sun. To me this is that which is within and represented by self created Light movement warmth cool and life as in Sun Moon Earth Trinity and Air as Space where HE Exists outside of time and space and Existence. He is said to live in Enu Igwe in the King of skies.. which to me is in the Ahtomsphere of Harmony Infinity Eternal and realm Heaven of Mind so clean that it relfects only the purest truth and is the father of the sea. It is a way of percieving and seeing which is the very Consciousness which brought Everything into being and Creation and Existence.

One can not think or Understand this consciousness or state of being, because it is beyond Mind. It simply is that state of I. C I Understand there is no why… but if you wish I can tell How… But it IS.. and I. A.M,,, I.C.A….

Not I remember Alpha- the Beginning, but i AM the beginning and the END. And I, we never left this place because that is all there is and all there ever will be, For this is where Existence and Being came into being and thus… there is nothing else.


Anyanwu… Bright Eyes said to be symbolic of the Sun, and see the Sun

( but to me it is not the Sun which reveals all things but rather Light which all comes from within- thus to me all these creation stories are representing Creation seen from Outside In.. Meaning as the Post of Nassim Haramein’s states about the discovery of modern science of percieving everything in reverse, while in truth all manifested from inside outside) it is said to be the source and Author of all Knowledge.. It s the symbolic representation of the Sun.

Thus, my experienced verified by personal Experience of empirical Knowledge and Universal Knowledge Science and recent discoveries the Light is that which is in the eyes which is the Twinke, twinkle little star in the eyes when some one looks at you with such a gaze, which creates a understanding of Eternity and Beyond.Taking you home to a place of Harmony Infinity Eternal V, Creation through Anyawu. And this is represented by passing through the eyes of Light, the Energy Bright in the eyes which lightens everything up to make you feel light love and laughter and thus, all heaviness of body and being melts away until you are flying existing in Space of just.. Infunnanya.. Meaning I C. E.. Energy is Beautiful… and it is called the Dove of an Epiphany which brings peace and the understanding of Love,,

3. Amdoioha; ( Connecting Man with his Divine source e.g Emeka David and now I.K,OBEIENU) often called he God of lightening and Thunder and known as the Collective free will of the people… Gog of Truth and Justice linked to the Sun. But to me is as the Davinci Picture of God giving life to man through Touch. Thus, to me it is the link to the full circle of first light.. In a way akin to the Placenta ( Representing the Collective light of the Full Circle of First Light of all things as in Soul of all before it became fragmented as fractuals called Humans trees ll things) and the Lightening would be akin to a Um Bibilcal Chord..( yes, Bible chord) but in science it would be the electrical impulse which runs through our bodies which creates movement, While we as Huemans in a true sense are the conductors, We are Energy beings and we Draw Lightening Electricty to us. It is the messenger as id Amodiaoha of our understanding of the light of Everything- The Anywawu we must pass though to return to Chukwu.. That space beyond time and space where everything simply is… Where Existence Began.. Home.. Uno.. U know… and the lie of your saying you do not know when you are a light being either in illusion of Drakness but you know that you must return to what you really are by becomingwhat you are in the dimension you were created as Light full Circle, in the space of Matter by becoming a being full Circle in Matter or Darkness who becomes a being of light.. The lie is saying you don’t know how.. or that you can not or that you have forgotten..

Amadioha which is happening to my body and being remind you that you know.. and you know your responsibility is to be your truth self… Light.

Matter or the illusion of Body is just a battery in which you draw Energy and transform it through movement- Stimuli Impulse to Create Electricity.. Light which send shivers and delicious shocks down the bodies mind and beings of anyone you Touch through sight, physically word arts. expression.. a Light being is UP.

And AMADIOHA, IS THE MESSENGER who reminds you that your are each living stars created from star Dust that was whole before in exploded in an orgasmic fragmenTATtion to de light.

4. Agbala- The Holy Spirit which pervades tand moves all things in Existence and Creation- seen and unseen.. FertiliTy of the Earth..

To me Air Wind, Energy Breath as Energy, True Consciousness which brings Life and the which distributes the seed of life within and outside, fertilzing the earth, the soil the Land.. as well as the hue man being and its Body.

5. Chineke is the Creative expression of Chukwu the great COD E… Not God,,, it should be C OD.E.. Code of Existence Energy Consciousness Chukwu.. Great Consciousness.

Thus, it is called feminine, but in truth feminine has nothing to do with gender but is that natural creative force in which comes from that consciousness of peace light of the holy dove explained in the post below..

And it is the stream of Consciousness which I have been demonstarting of FACE book FOR 23 months. It is the sum total of Knowledge you were born with as starts and start dust and the Everything which was then fragmented and then experienced in the journey called life school which of course remined you that you already know.. In light and now in Dark, called matter which of course transforms ALL to light…

Know Experience… Express Knowing which then flows out of you Naturally when unimpeded, blocked or damn by hwat people may say who are asleep or living in illusions or all those who seek for what ever reason to damn and block natural expression. For within the Creative process is an awareness- the one within who has absorbed all experiuencs. And once you reach the full circle of your life journey mission which could be age 25, or 40, or 56 or 89…it is because all that you need to experience which matches the full circle of your first being as a part of the collective first full Circle of Light as a that first Big Bang… Hmmmm is complete and now you can become an Individual by expression a collective truth in your own unique creative way, because your expereince in life school is unique only to you,,,, As snow Flake, singular and unique but added togther it creates snow a blanket of purity, and sheet. A new leave a virgin purity which recalls that even uniquely expressed it is all one story of all original purity and that first Bog Orgasmic Bang of AH!!! Bliss, Extase, was of Peace of silence and then joy,- Snow melting to water,,, Tear of jOY…I exist. I am ALIVE… and that we all now are individuals who can come together with our unique experiences and replicate the very first full circle of Light through the River which runs through us

– That this is our experience of light, lightness and light just as was our first existence as Awareness and Consciousness as being one massive ball square form of life which gave birth to Existence and the Collective who had to travel back in time to learn to be and Individual…

Because the Individual came first Chukwu the one smiling behind the Anyawu and who send Amadioha to make you move by touching you which sends shiver down your spine… which moves you to respond.. Just as this Face Book play and that which was within me and outside of me moved me to respond… Until I understand… Until peace in me returned and joy begins to rise, as it was in the begining,,,,and I can finally open my eyes from what was turned into a Nightmare and say… I understand.. for all I see is as it was in the begining… Beauty and Love around me not in Nature but in Hue man Kind.

Chi- The personal God which each person has… In ancient OINRI Igbo culture a tree was planted at the Birth of a child representing his Chi,,, a tree of life and ecological responsibility.. Tree give air. Thus, it is similar to a Guardian angel. I call this the expression of Consciousness or Consciience-The One who Knows and the one you can not lie to… that voice within… called Truth.

7. Okike; The Creator of Laws which Govern the Visible as well as the Invisible worlds and realms… Cause and Effect Balance which brings and sustains life as it was created to be.

8. Ala The Earth Goddess who to me is really the EAR TRUE of Harmony also known as the Onu, I heard, the will of the Creator not the PEOPLE, for the people are alseep and do not hear, but the Creator Chukwu is awake and aware and understand the people who are sleeping, and pretending to be dead, or numdb. ( Chikodi Annuobi) … She is the Waves of the sea the Echo of Existence, she is the one who is so sensiitive she picks up vibrations of everything. She is not the Earth she is not the SEA… For S,HE is beyond the the physical she is the AIR.. That heard the sound of the Creator OF EXISTENCE Saying AHHH!!! Prompted by I.E and E,I whom she named Inspiration and Desire for DE sir E…. For she heardm then say the penetration of the full circle of I,EXISTENCE penetrate itself I,EE.I FULL CIRLCE…in there desire to CEE and Know the Creator… and Had responded involuntarily with LAUGHTER which echoed across Existence…

And she then felt then saw a smile which formed waves ripples on the mirror she now saw thatthe air and turned into.. a mirror which now moved and from it she she saw her reflection and she saw the water turn into a goddess so beautiful that she caught her breath… And she saw that it was S.he… i AM HE,,, TRANSFORMED INTO S.HE… CREATOR became the ART is.. laughter which created ripples and made HE SMILE… And thus did A LAH the Note of sixth sense become born as Onu C… for she had heard and she had understood and she had laughed and he had smiled in return. And she knew the meaning of the AH!!! THAT IT contained the meaning knowledge of everything…

That love is beauty and beauty is love and that is what in the air and it came from within he and she took it in and two great mounds formed on her chest the Milky way.. The way and the Mother of The human race… the Milk of human Kindness… Honey.. Be.. and the Humming Bird…

Tochukwu (the Gift from The Creator) Odera (It is written) Afoma Chinyelu A.C. (The Beautiful AFO.. truth, Direction, which the Spirit of Creativity Gave) was and is Umeano…U me ano


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