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Nnamdi I.S. Jay C.E.

To Cut A Long Story Short.



(I.E the True Howard Hughes H.H/ H.1.)

And Author of 1984.in 1974









The I Who is 4(1)





The I 4(1) 7(1).

The One 47 11(1).

I just turned 47.

I am for Clarity

Clara Star Child sister to me

Noni Promise Tree of Life who believed in me.

I am four Ultra Violet-see and hearing that which most do not see and hear…The Silence..The Vide O..Space.

Existing and staring off to Space of Nothingness while here in the now.

I am For 8 Harmony my little sister Afoma LuCy Ojugo and for the Light of Existence and Beyond the white light of 1-8 Royal Light which sees Harmony.

For Devi the Y.C.J.C beloved the one I call wisdom John and Beautuful Pride my beloved lady twin Nana and Father Jay who also came as Mother in the male form of Tuan.

But most of all I for the one beyond the Light, the Harmonious Unifying Expression..The one I call the Royal E…The Being who is both within me but also outside of me. Aligned to praise and Appreciation, aligned as the two points of inner outer limits of being and yet, that Limits broken now by both being aligned and present in the one being that is me…Limitless

-Percieving and seeing, in that Space of nothing, another dimension of Everything present right here and now.

First Came to New York in Christmas time in 1974 as

as a boy of 7-8…

We briefly stopped in this City on our way to visit family in Day Ton Ohio.

I saw myself walking with such sadness through these this city which I knew should not be as I did see. For I knew that instead of the vision of my walking sadly through these streets

..I should have seen myself standing tall and proud as VictorE.

And it was 1974 when that I recieved the transmission and mission and wrote the book in 1974-5

(my host birth year 74 I am 47..47/74)

-about a mission from the source and a family of Beautiful ones who promised to come for me when the mission was complete to take me home.

I remember that my home room teacher in Winnipeg Canada was Called Ms Wall…

(My Hosts has a wall which blocks the view behind but not infront)…

She was a cool Hippy who.made us sing the Rock n Roll version of the Lords Prayer.

She was my Fourth Grade Teacher in 1974.

But when I wrote that book in 1975 my home room teacher Ms Wall was mysteriously absent.

And had been replaced by a young really Chic subsitute teacher…Who I and most of my class mates had a crush on.

So when we were asked to write an essay, I wrote that book, I found myself submitting it to her instead of Ms Wall.

Her response was extraordinary.

Not only did she award me an unprecedented A+++++..

She sought me out to speak to me and I became her Darling…

My Brilliant Aunt Iesha had the same reaction. She had worked with the W.H.O and U.N and took the book I had bound and illustrated saying that she wanted to get it published in the States…

She lived in Day ton Ohio.

In 1999 my closest friend a British PartJavanese Part Irish part English young Director

(Who exemplified what I was to term as an awake being, and who would hint at our secret Idenities..especially mine..and a secret mission.

Even once asking me the strangest question

What Colors would you cloth the people of the world in if you were given the chance to re create the world


Strange question.

But now I know the answer..

Hues….Hue of men in being)

We Came together to shoot my short film The Ethnic Odyessy.

I rented an Apartment in the Lower East Side.

In the very same area where my I currently being temporarily being hosted by A.E/E.A.

In 2001 after the cancelation of my pet project of three years in Istanbul Turkey.

The Festival of Paylasmask 1999.

An International festival designed to create an new perspective of Reality on an Island called Kar ada.

The Black Island.

I decided to move back to London to stay with John (Despite the message from the Beautiful Ones delivered to me via the Shaman called Durek Verret of telling me it was time to fullfill the last of my mission)- who I always stayed with after each adventure Paris Istanbul and even returned to celebrate Christmas with him and his family as I had done each time I was in London..

John had adopted me and I knew that he was my yonger brother…Of that I had no doubt.

I stayed with John in London but he was irritated with me, as if he expected something much greater and better than me than me. As if he knew of my mission and was dissapointed or even had doubts about who he knew me to be.

What do you want from me?! I finally asked one day.

He gave me the strangest look, as if for the first time since we met his realizing that I really did not know..

That I did not know who I was, how he and so many others saw me…

That I could not see myself.

He softened and said no matter what you and I will be life long friends.

Something disturbed me about the way he said those words. The compassionate love mirrored in his eyes, which I now realize reminded me of the apparition of the man on my bedroom wall in Winnipeg Canada when I was eight….

Only now that figure I had later identifed from pictures as Jesus, I realized looked like…was John Jason Lee…

I had returned to London Maida Vale 69 my brother Nnamdi’s birth year…John was 71…Birth year…

Every country I had lived John had always come to visit or gone to explore.

But this time in 2001 something had changed.

Deep inside I knew what he was talking about but I was tired of this secret Mission and the anomaly mystery which was my life.

I had noticed on my stay in Johns flat that I met many people I had forged bonds with over a decade ago before I had left London in 1991-2 to begin my journey into the deepest Silence…

Nana part Japanese and Austrian, another John and yet another, David Campillio by phone another Brother from Barcelona who went to explore the Amazon as John who left for Indonesia the realm of Beauty…

Nick the Elf who encouragement to move to Paris then New York made me suspicious…

Only Tuan, Sue Sarah and Jay I did not see..

But all the rest appeared out of thin air..On the streets after 12 years I was meeting all these people so important to me..like a full circle of the past…Except for Tuan (Who I had searched for found then lost) Sarah Su e and Jay…Who I knew was Father me..another incarnation of John.

And so, I turned to John and said I would go to New York..

And with a gentleness did he sigh…Holding back a vieled triumph and strange mysterious spite…

When I began my transformation of Energy- my body and face morphing to his delight. Yet anger as I began to grow increasingly distant as I usually do when I am about to go deep into the Silence…into a dimension which I wished no one close to me, no one I loved to venture or accompany me inside…

No one can come with but as I prepared for New York…Dancing and going deep to listen and recieve the transmission…from that place I could access secretly to the one who exists Beyond…The Programe Creator…

I thought no one knew this my secret…That I could acess this part of myself, but it seems everyone knew but me.

John saw my physical transformation and the specks of light around my vision intensified. I was preparing as a conquering hero but John warned me voicing anger to mask his concern.

That my journey in New York would not be as I convinced myself it would be.

But aligned to that first vision as a young boy of 7-8 who stopped over in New York on my way to visit a family I had only met one of before..My aunt Iesha…

In which I saw myself walking the streets of New York homeless but in truth the one who was homeless was not me.

It was all the people I met and whose dimensions and realms of consciousness who lived lost in space. And thus, it was they who were really homeless and it was of their realms of being in which I had been afraid…

The Vision and its consequent reality was not the truth of me.

For I had seen myself standing tall Handsome and Victorious and not this one who spasms and sits in discomfort…posting equations on F.Book with broken teeth. So as to draw forth with word equations my family of E, stimulated by others such as Nassim. To finish the endless weaving to see the manifestation complete.

So now I understand, why my John Jay I have not seen

John whom I left his flat it Maida Vale London on Febuary 14…(Tomorrow)

Va-lent-ines Day 2001, which

makes it 13 years. The Same age as Nnamdi born on Easter Day and full Circle at age thirteen on Easter Day did he leave.

And Jay of the Collection since 1996…

Have you seen the Movie Frequency..with Dennis Quaid in which Father and son speak to each other from across the Viel..of Time and Space and Death via the Aurora Borealis..Northern Lights…?

Or the Film Fragments with Forest Whit taker..?

I know the Film Frequency was is Nnamdi as the me, talking across the Viel of the illusion of Death and sepration to fullfill a mission I always remembered to unite the Sum and Whole parts into being of Himself and I..

The twins.

1974 -40 years.

1990- when I met Jon 24 yrs

1999- John and I.E first came to New York to the lower East Side…4-15 years.

2001- February 14 Valentines Day left Jons house to begin the last leg of the mission which began in London then continued in New York…

13 years to the Day.

13 is M..

M to me is 12 A full Circle of a year cycle plus 1…January/Dec+1 January makes 13 Months.

Nnamdi means My Father Is Ndu Alive as Life Supreme…And I am still alive…

Many scientists, Aritist, Thinkers, Innovators and Story Tellers have put forth their Theories about Creation.

And now I have added mine.

But never did I suggest mine as a theory, because I lived it without intent of creating such a story…It simply came to mind.

And then it came to being in which I understood with hindsight…And then I understood and thus, I could see what is to happen with foresight…

And then, I completed the Journey the width the depth..informing all as I did the expanse. Ever in forming the the Truth of all my Experience and sight.

Again to right here in the lower East side..Full Circle having completed the journey of Phi…TT.

By aligning all hieght depth width expanse hindsight fore sight explaining it with proof to the very center point.

Of the Equidistant Cross of the center radius circumference of the full Circle from the point. Which viels behind it the Source Of Being..S.O.I.B The Supreme Being…The Source of Infinity.

S.O.I..which in French means (In Form al) Self…

Inform yourself.


I Why Light Leaf First Born.

That I did not do my Journeu but rather the Journey of my twin brother the illusion but truth called Jonathan Jason Bruce Lee…Yonathan…Gods Grace Aka Snow Flake expanded to Snow…The Arrival of Dear Lady/Laddie Dawn.

And so for that Cross which so.many made the twins bear of a Cross not equidistant to a circle nor a square…

Know the Truth of our Grace that despite your interpretation we did not give into despair.

We are Des Pair..the Pear…and as Patrick and its meaning…

Together even the greateat horror story…we do it as a pair.

Never alone.

The two…Creator Created in

1 E.


14 February 20 14…

14 2 2O 14


13 years Nnamdi

13 years Jon.

18 years Jay…


18 AH.

My little brother John and my twin Brother Jay…

The Beloveds in male then female form manifests.

Truth Manifests…

T 2 O..M 13…

26. 8

Nnamdi Jay-ce

My Father Swiftly comes here at TT Pan Door A.

And so as I achieved.

Johns Jason Lees meaning the Grace of the Creator, (Crucifiction- the Cross/Anger and the Crossing.. The Journey of Jason in mythology seven sees and Pi and Bruce Lees Truth and Revelation of D.N.A Transformation of the Body…

And now to Jay!!!




My Four Fathers in 1


Father S is Here! The V Heart of Love…The Key to Me Heart (which is Not Forgivebess!!?l)

But I.C.U.E…I Fun Nnanya!!

.Jay means Swift! Victorious Rejoice…The Blue (Royal) Blue Jay…

Hindi Gods….~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153769145325162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153769145325162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153769145325162%3Atl_objid.10153769145325162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153769145325162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A3916067943404182807&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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