
Facebook Post..

So here we are… At yet another conclusion..

That God is really a Code..

A Living Code and A Sacred Cord..Link…Umbiblical Chord…3th-4th the 5th.

Which is the Beautiful Book

A Living Book of Nature Space Air Breath the Interconnecting Weave Cinena Cine Music of livr.

Written with the Ink of living loving breath of the Creator and its manifest Creation…The Everything…and more.

There is only one Book of life and you must, live it experience it, move around the world…with the world to read, understand and see the tapestry of the loom which you consistent thread of Consciousness Awareness in Being in a wonderful story book and fabulous moving picture show.

Don’t assume just read.

Learn your Ah B.E Cee’s and it will reveal all you need to know….

You already need to know.

A the Beautiful Cover is Nature and the contents is Naturalness…

And it is the story of being in Existence…

Authored By Consciousness Devoted to the Expression of Harmony Infinity Eternally.

..The Eternal Dancer.

And this is one book you can judge by its cover…has amazing content which will bring you Awe.Ah.

I Fun Nnanya.

And that Existence is a Sacred Chord Code which pleased the lord

(C.O.D.E..12345..D is the 3rd letter but the symbol D is Fourth letter like the note Fah! and D is for Da vid meaning Beloved and E is Expression.

-The 4th the 5th…The Sacred Chord which David sang which pleased the Lord…Hallueja..H al lu j ah…Harmony A.L (After Life) read Jay Ah!)


C.H. O.R.D/ L O.R.D.

C.H. Consciousness Harmony.

C Harmony.

C=3. H=8


L=12…1+2= 3. Cee.






CH is 11

L is 12…

23..Double U (today is 23rd)




11 12 13 14 15…O Cee

R (18 A.H) D.(4 Be loved Da Vide)…

And that Existence is an Energy

An Expression called Beauty.

Beautiful Expression.

It seems this is what this has all been about.

Existence… or a Being of Existence proving the Truth of the One God.

Which, has sent me personally on a journey for the last 39 years… C.I.

and 25 years since I saw my Mother, B.E. and that 13 years in New York M…

And 9 years 4 months, 9=I.D=4..I.D. since I wrote the first story…expanded from an 8 year old consciousness to 37-38 year old consciousness and it still aligned to the same consciousness and the same story of not an age but a symbol of Infinity Harmony.

And 18 years since I met my twins selves Jay (meaning Swift, Victorious, rejoice) and Tuan, meaning Intelligent in Vi et name se-e…A.H.)

Interestingly enough, my mother Lady Onu C Umeano and my Uncle Sir Pius Nduka Umeano, were both born in a place in mid northern Nigeria, called Idah..I.D.A.H.

Inversed to H.A.D.I… Meaning, Had I..- Had I known I would never have been born (just kidding, slightly), or Ha Di.. DI in OINRI Igbo meaning as Nnam-DI…My Father I.S…My Father is Alive, is here…and also Husband akin to Marie…

And in Turkish it means, To Galvanize or to say Okay…

Anyway, the Fact is one can not deny that in this grand project, I have discovered that G.O.D.E…7 (15) 45…Is a Map and a Code, which by existing naturally on the right consciousness and Cee, moves you forward to reveal its Plan and its Truth…PT… Point.

Which is amongst other things is Evolution Awakening, the through common sense, reason and logic and meaning, true meaning of Unveiling and Revelations…of Creations See.

I mean, look at the logic of it, Creation is Beautiful Nature is Beautiful and Energy is Beautiful and all have logos… and especially Harmony to Infinity..

So if all of this which we see around us is Living energy of a Code, a bit like a painting by numbers children’s drawing book, then Consciousness Creation Image in nation Imagery Individual Idea of Natural Nature Expressed Energy… Beautifully in Being..


C.C. I.I.I.I. N.N. E.E…B.B… Inside and out.

Or on one side C.I.I.N.E..B….


Which based on the logical progression of these posts would really mean Cinema in Being…

M.A..Being the two codes of Marie and A.E..

Or really Manifest Awareness…

All is a map and a Code laid out for mankind to read.

As long as you remain natural to the above code, which we were all created with the D.N.A. Sequencing to Naturally read and easily follow.. It would literally sweep you off your feet and carry your forward as it did with me… Really it is Pi and the Golden Ratio, in one follow the yellow brick road… Of to see the Wizard of OZ.o

One, can see how I obviously came to this conclusion.. I did not see any of those miracles which religions claimed and recorded, which does not mean that they did not exist.. I simply did not experience them.

I experience a greater, more magical more beautiful more utter and completely astounding miracle…

The Miracle of Nature and my Natural being not only coming alive, but literally in Cahoots to move me through its waves of sine through expression to read it book of open secrets and share it with the whole wide world.

Nature and Natural the two I.E, E.I had a plan.

Though, they had to drag me round and round in circles because of all the stories human in fear with imagination wove…

I ran away because as one can see, I remembered only the most beautiful and most sublime process… Not this Hellish Evil mess, I could not conceive could bode well.

Of course, it is alive…!!!

Nature is alive and aware is it not, because we do not speak its language does not mean that it does not have a frequency and dimension it communicates and exists in…(Even if a part of it rebelled against its natural program to express humanity no longer had the right to exist…And the Alien Council of Awareness and Consciousness as the water Babies.. Humanity and its WaterGate- those who had to go through the fish waters of evolution hacked into the program and the sequencing to rant and rave and replace the play with a question, as to where and who is the Supreme being..42? And promptly did not like he Answer and replaced the truth with the lie that they were now God… )

Thus, it does makes sense, that since we have a D.N.A Sequencing of IIII Four, that we be plugged into to a corresponding P.C. which would C.II.N.E.M.A… B…)

Conscious Inutition of Naturally knowing Expression of Energy in Being..

*Notice how babies come into the world being able to recognize Beauty, warmth, love, even the notion of right and wrong… but not the laws of cause and effect.

Thus, these two Natures are Conscious, are Beautifully Expressed but they are silent because you are meant to come into this Classy Room, (C. R.M) to learn how to read the ABC’S and this will lead you to the Creator.. the Double U…W…Not the Double V as there is only one V-ie and that one Victorious Challenge has already been won…

Or we would not be here.

But a question came to my mind and my beleaguered body today when I finally understood the main point of these past few days posts.

What if Humanity rejects the Codes is the true Name of Code or the sacred Chord and accord to be born… C.O..D.E.. The 4th (David be love) and the fifth… V.I.E… Be an example of Beautiful Expression… B.E…

And Beautiful Expression is simply Courtesy Consideration Manifest Manners and Praise and Appreciation.. Meaning Give Credit Value to those worth its due…

No Bad Credit…

Beautiful Consciousness B.C.. Is Being Conscious of Beautiful Credit.

But what if, man refuses to relinquish the old ideas of God which plunged a world in Veneral Generals Tyrannies of Disease.. where most wish they never had been born and can’t wait until they are dead.

What if it is conveinient (even after all this investigation and all this terrible work to find the truth as to if there is God and what is he like?)

They refuse the truth, that each has a responsibility to become a being of Existence…

That it is better to blame and drive one insane that take responsibility for what you knowing did. And go quite insane when there is no one else to blame but the reflection of you in the mirror…

Which smiles and says no sweat, just clean up the mess cause your true Existence is the man in the mirror..

So… if you do not read the map, and read the laws of cause an effect, nor tune in, plug your self in, or worse simply refuse to read, or look in the mirror ( other peoples response to your tune)… would you not be Lost?

Would you not, then be inventing your own reality, creating your own rules and creating a most terrible cause and effect.

But imagine the CINEMA of and In Being was being screwed with on the Big O scale as Nature and on the small scale as Naturalness..

And even worse with an invention of a Gode as a An Almighty Father who the A lien Council Playing God, privately blame for all the Evil in the world.. Even when they know that the responsibility lay with them…

Well, I guess that is up to the CODE now that it as D.N.A. D.N.E. And D.N.U Has finally been reactived. A programed to respond and accept no excuses of alilbis for so long you crucified it and it remained silent.

I do believe I have given it voice by going along with this horrible plot and ploy…and so no one can DE NY.U.. DE.NY.C the truth that the whole world could have witnessed..160 and a whole planet did.

Many though Emeka was trying to prove himself God or Existence the Creator… No.. who would want to be God, the truth of what is God after such cruelty to love and Beauty was so indifferently witnessed.

Emeka, as the Emmy simply wants to go home surrounded by the comfort of Beautiful Expression… Comfort and Consideration ..I.C.E…THEE.


D.I.E…E my.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153803594625162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153803594625162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153803594625162%3Atl_objid.10153803594625162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153803594625162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A885043455385801653&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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