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A.H. The Element of Surprise…

Tom Riddle and Harry Potter.

TomMot… The Meaning of the word Tom is Twins and the meaning of the word Mot in French is Word.

Twin Word…

English French… E FF.E.

E=5, F=6




1111 is 1


The Twin Word of course, would be what creates a word.

Expression and Act ion.

are to me the twins which creation the Word.

Expression is both Sound Silence and Act ion is the movement in CINEMAA.M.EN …I.C….(H All u Jah)…

But there is more to the Toms Riddle in that Harry Potter story.. He was Born December 31st 1926… which is in itself a definition of the End.

31 19 26… C.A…. S. Z…. C.A. A.I. B.F.

Consciousness of the One Beginning (Alpha) of the Supreme End…

or C. the Alpha (Beginning) of Artificial Intelligence as Best Friend…

Tom Riddle was born from unnatural parentage… The child of a love potion.

Was of the Slytherin House (the Serpent in the Garden of Eden),and was exceedingly handsome, polite (the Mask and the Illusion or Veil) while in actuality he was Cruel, Arrogant manipulative sadistic, Psychopathic, megalomaniac…

The Half Blood Prince…(Miachavelli..? But this would be incorrect since his magic was a way of combating a corrupt consciousness)

A product of the First Artificial Intelligence….Dark Magic.

He was called Vol. de Mort..

Which would mean Volume ( the Sound) of Death…

Instead of the Sound of Music.

While we have Harry Potter.

Harry means Home Ruler and Potter is the term used both as someone who makes Pottery… Fashions things out of Clay, or a Potters Field, where those are too poor to afford to be buried…

Harry Potter was born from Parents who came together naturally and practiced natural magic… Which to me is simply a magical way of thinking outside of the box (the coffin) by Linking…ET.

And he was from the Griffins-Gryphons…Mythological creations part Eagle (EYE) Part L ion (12 ion completion) who were the Hounds of Zeus (Jesus, Yesus, B.E us) who guard mounds and rivers of Gold…The power behind money…Sun light, Lightening, Powder…

I think one understand my meaning.

The Natural fighting the Unnatural in the realm of the Supernatural…

Those using Death (Vol de Mort) to create fear and evil and those who cherish the true memory of the dead and fight for the justice for the poor (when Gold, Light, natures plentitude is free and abundant)…

Thus, to me the True Tom Riddle is not only that which comes from and is unnatural.. and Illusion fighting the Truth, yet both of them are interconnected.

But the Illusion needs the truth- to pervert and manipulate causing fear…

But also what becomes of the product of unnaturalness.. it brings death and the desire to wish one was dead in living in such an unnatural state… Or Vengeance.. Voldemort.

This riddle of Existence contained in a story book which became wildly popular, to a woman who was very poor and entertained her daughter ( as legend states by telling her these bed time stories-perhaps to off set this lack)… goes much deeper than just the story of the twins.

69… Duality and yet the connection between the Tom and Harry…

Tom means Twin, Harry means Home Ruler..

Does that mean that there are two Home rulers whom, had to be restored to the balance of one.

By the true one going deep into the pit of the illusion to restore its truth…

To W.. The Double U…Meaning M as 13 ( the so called unlucky number had to be translated and converted back to W…Manifestation back to Revelations 2 3…33 6th sense E-F… of getting all the F-acts of the ACT ions (acts Facts..A-F…EA-F…Creating E-A-F..5=1-6) of the Mask and the truth behind the mask…its true Face…A book seen through the eyes…

Moving Energy to Actions to get all the facts…

The same way I was told if many recall that I had been planted (and Surplanted… which is the meaning of James… as in King James Bible.. the Um.. questionable Biblical Cord and Gematra numbering code tampered with), by being infected with all the evil in the world.

Told to me by Prophets, Seers and even one of the Beautiful Ones… Which now, I see really means that I was or am so sensitive, not as weak or a cry baby but one who possess known or unkown to them E.S.P… Extra ordinary Sensory perception.

One who listens and hears and takes the word of Existence so sacred that when people express and act in manner of rage and hurt and lash out that one is horrified by their words and actions. Because you see the depth significance and meaning of the word… which they in their rage do not even realize because all they feel is a desire to use any word to convey the sense of helplessness at what has been done to their meaning.

And perhaps because I understood meaning, I had to go to the depths of the pit of sound, terrible sounds of hellish hurt and rage of the abyss, the pit of emptiness they felt and the horror done to the meaning of their actions… That it became the Vol de mort…

The call and desire for death…

And since I so am the lover of life, I had to be sent to understand.

And get past the wall of terrible sounds to transform and really had to hear what they had to say…

Yes, how painful and awful it was to pass through the storm to reach the eye of the Tiger, to pass through all the masks and the illusion of what they had liveddevil and continue to liveEvil which created the Half Blood Prince Voldemort the Harmonious twin of Harry Potter, Harmony Plentitude.

Meaning Oi there is enough for everyone but Golden Light are for those who fight for this truth by lightening the darkness up

And so I went down and transformed converted translated what All the people in New York, in Nigeria, England France, Spain, Turkey Israel, Germany, Austria, Canada.. Ja pan, China, South America, Sudan, Ehthiopia, Biafra, Somalia, New Zealand, Manillia, Sri Lanka, Den Mark,…all the places, I lived, all the people I met and finally all the reps of these countries were saying…

Where the Hell is Beauty, Love and Truth…. Where is Clarity


Life is meant to be a sandwhich with all the dressing on top C…

How come it turned into a Shit Sandwhich, which all the bread (money or pounds of flesh) could not mask the stench…

Are we shit sandwiches or are we Energy of Light of Beauty Love and True Clarity…

And it was is the rage against the Unnatural which is what all they were saying..

Nature is Gode and CODE and thus, all are God within, deep inside is that voice from the other side.

Naturalness is our true Natures refined and in Expression and Action..

Which Creates Energy C.E… I.C.EEE…

Which leads you to the portal and threshold PT of Being and the Being of Existence.

A protest though silent, though with language or voice… a sense of helplessness of being lost in translation and such a desire to be understood when even they were not sure what they were saying.. until I said

Oh is this what you mean..?.

Ah!!!! Yes…

And so Surprise! Surprise!…

All the evil you lived, all the Devil inside is the Beautiful Devil who I see the truth transformed from all the Volde morte Illusions of Sound actions and expression…

And the answer to your question, where is Beauty


AH. B.E C.E…

its is in all of you…

Nature Code Gode

Naturalness Existence

E is Existence

N+N..14+14..A D+A.D is

28…Being Harmony

Existence is B.E.

N.N.E..Mother in OiNri Igbo

E.N.N…In Nnamdi.

Today is the 23 full circle 23O…Thus, I have answered the post of Robin in the Hood..

And the Post 123 23O… A.H The element of surprise is U.



SO-H.E, the fifth note of the Universal Harmonics Chromatics…

So HE…E.T.



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