
Facebook Post..


I have new F.B.F…

Hassan Rashid…


(This page is a play of Harmony.Perfect timing Echo response to a Dance going on with my Family Unseen who I am solving with them to be Seen by linking name meaning in which they move the Beautful Energy in Ppl to response by the meaning of ppls names)

*All the posts are Electro Magnetic and Electric.

Scroll randomly through the back posts and the correct posts will pop out and answer any questions you may have.

Hassan Rashid should be my 174 F.B.Friend.

(I can not see where we are at on my Gala XY phone).

Hassan is Arabic and means The Beautifier….The Improver…Handsome

Rashid means The Guide

The True Faith…Rightly Guided.

Pius. (the name of my last maternal uncle Sir P. Nduka…meaning Life is Supreme)

It is also one of the 99 names of Allah in the Qu’ran.

Al Rashid

And my F.B friends will recall it is the number which appeared on marked 2O dollar bill.

An Arc with H.R on it and the number 82O…

H.R is Harmony Royal…

And signfied the crossing the Arc.

So in a sentence…the respinse from.my family Ether Elementals Energy from Beyond From within and here in the Beautiful Present is

The Beautifier the Expansion..The improvement Handsome Guide, rightly guided by True Faith…Crosses the portal, under the Arc de Triomphe over from this realm to his home realm of Harmony Royal E….

To be with his family of E1.

Welcome Hassan R..

Indeed your presence here brings beautiful tidings…which I live to.hear.

Oye! Oye!


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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