
Facebook Post..

2:08 a.m.


I A.M.

After seeing J.Stern..

And the post which flowed through me but which is me.

I felt quiet.

J.Stern had played his part.

I knew what I had to do.

There was nothing but the Espirit if I.E in me who affirmed it.

I went to visit my former hosts.

From J to A..


(Li)…light in the Forest.

See Orien Laplante full Circle and fire in the center.

Most are aware of the Miracle of the Energy which flows through him.

5 years out of 8 yrs.

I already knew after the first yrs that it was Alien Father who had found A as the only Host which it could find who could accomodate such a far away consciousness.

I knew my former hosts who apart from David Philipe Gil was the only one who fully grasped my consciousness.

It was through him that Alien Father rose.

And many on F.B witnessed it.

We Spoke and from my bag the Sphere I photographed fell.

😯 secs we go into the past with a thought. he said.

Each time we think abt something we go 😯 secs into the past.

😯 Balthazar where I have sat for 13 yrs.

He stared at it..

He said I saw you draw a circle.

Did you draw a Circle in the Forest.

Like Jesus Christ..

And you were angry..

I saw you.

I smiled..

Relieved I had the affirmation that.

I drew a Circle from America Africa…

Then he said he saw me enter through a portal. Not the dimension of you wished to pass through…

And you were not happy abt it but you had to pasd through that dimension to be undrrstood.

I saw you we spoke.

You were dressed so very stylish on a lounge chaise..

You were a Director..

A Great one whom.ppl were not fully aware of how much it took to get there…

But some knew.

And then we parted ways..


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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