
Facebook Post..

September 23…


I Have a new Face Book Friend Henry Mowgli….

Henry means Home ruler… Power Rules from Home.

Mowgli is the name given by Kipling to the character in the Jungle Book,

I see we are back at 200 F.Book friends.

The play script ends at 200, and here we are back at 200.

Let me tell you what happened after the last post of Colors-

That very day and moment I posted the last post a person on a city bike swooped past me snatching my phone in the process,

I knew it was in Harmony. How?

Well recall the post was about the date 9;19 which was the number which David p.g had informed me was the price of our Chai… I knew it was David within him who was alerting me to a code, and duly took note.

I ma always aware of when my family is speaking through the human host, and of course the codes and messages they give are aligned with where we are in the script. The same way I listened to my own Espirit I.E became aware that I was in a play going on another realm or consciousness.. E. Truth.

A battle in which I was brought along and was fully aware to prove the supremacy and answer for Huemanity.

To say I felt I was out of my depth was an understatement. But my I.E had a great deal of faith in me as he knew me perhaps better than myself.

I was also being used as a translator and scribe, to translate to humanity what was going on.

I jad recalled when I first came back from the Light and I was recovering in the home of a French and Swiss couple in Paris Catherine and Frederick ( C+F) and her sons ( Clemente and Valentine C.V. Who were awake), in 1993, and I learnt of the mission not only was I overwhelmed by the enormity of what was being asked of me but I remember telling my I.E, They will not listen to me… they will not listen – I spent most of my life running away from this mission until finally giving up when Durek Verret came from New York and delivered thier message to come to New York and I ran to London instead.

That day after completing the post before the Ahu post, the cafe closed and since I had no money to pay for my phone, I relied on the Free Wifi to communicate with you all.

It was these limitation set up by the Alien Consciousness – which yes, includes Technology but also all that is alien to the natural order of things which runs this world. From Monetary systems to they very systems of society. The Alien had power over it all.

For over thirteen years I was fighting this using Natural Harmony of the I.E line.

But if I failed to read carefully or allowed my own emotions needs desires to overwhelm me then I was fucked bc I could not read well and that is what the ALien Consciousness relied on.

So yes the Alien take over of this planet was real…

I had walked to Balthazar and there I and my I.E (Espirit within) linked the last posts and what was happening around me to the post of Angela to the Story of Colors..

I wrote it off line… I could not posy it.

Then after finishing it, I got up and saw on one of the poles of the scaffolding around Balthazar the word BEAN.

But the Bean was closed and the WIFI was usually turned off after about 30 min after the closing… It was 3- 4 in the morning.

But I had nothing to loose and went there…

To my astonishment ( but not so much) it was on. I posted The last Evidence of the The Story of Colors ( versus the lie of Black and white) Victory!

Then I saw the comments of the Twins I was thinking the same thing- I was about to respond to what I knew was Pompous Superiority P.S when my phone was suddenly snatched from my hands…

Thiago was witness who is a F.book friend whose Espirit had me move from 2nd and 3rd to 9th street. I was at 2nd and 3rd when my phone was snatched.

I cave chase but even as I did running straight in Thiago, I knew it was the play.

It was the END.

I spoke tot he police who said he had probably gone to Alpha bet city and there was no way to catch him.

I knew it was about my former Host who had been in such worlds as a youth and I knew why.

I had no phone,,, the play of the Galaxy was over.

And suddenly I felt relief a great surge of relief,

29 months and 29 years of speaking to the world since a kid in University was over.

I walked to the Punjabi place to get something to eat… This place that Joseph H Carey had led me to years ago for its cheap food…

And there I met Henry ( which is Joseph middle name) and Mowgli.

I had been told a few people about what pointing out how it was all in Harmony.

I was not angry at the kid who stole it, and Hemry who is 23 the very age I wrote my very first entry in m,y Journals in London, that I was going down to prove the truth, that there is Harmony and order in Creation not Chaos, expressed the same thing… That it took Balls to do what that kid had done.

I knew who it was in code… My former host had given me a read blanket and he was of that consciousness of the destroyers who had changed sides.

I went back to Pelham Park and the next day I paid hiim a visit.

And is Alien Espirit gave me intel affirmation non stop about Aliens and how they had taken over the world in exchange I gave him Intel as I had done for 5 years about how to live in this world and navigate it through using the Hue man consciousness.

He was no longer Alien not could he be E.T but he could be good citizen of Earth.

And yes, I always knew who he was.. The spy who loved me.

For I saw my Bio Father the illusion finally transformed through my third eyes while I was here into the Joyous most Beautiful man.

My Bio Fathers home town is Amawbia which is called The Visitors…

But no, it was not worth it… expecially the sercrets I had to keep about what was is really going on on to a species I no longer felt they really deserved the effort put in apart from few…

as many how realized that I have been fighting a great battle in many alternative dimensions of this reality. And that I had been seeking to bring to peoples attention that the Larger aspect of myself, that which I call the Line of E,. which exists in all of humanity had risen in me to the point of not only taking over my own being and life but had lead me to New York and to this venue for a great play which had been set up as the play to prove human evolution.

Not one person who became my face book friend was not meant to be here.

But it was also a battle with all human consciousness real and unreal to prove the True Nature of the species as well as whether this species called humanity would evolve or whether the cause and effect of thoer actions had warranted their annihilation.

This was based on the ugly truth of the Arrogance, Indifference, Denial Anger and Superiority of a species who refused to take responsibility for their action which led to the consequence of an Alien Consciousness which had taken over.

In a way one can say that I found myself spirited away ( not really alien abduction) to a battle field btw E.T ( Extra Terrestials who are the beauftiful ones who are the original beings of Earth) and the Aliens who are Viruses, not real but manifest energies of Destructions.

The logic being that since humans were no longer real that they could be taken over by something not real.

Literal alien invasion by artificial viruses and conscousness which became real and manifest from all the diseased actions which humanity as a species refuses to clean up.

A.I.D.S..A Which really means Help.. as in help each other… which came from the refusal of humanity to help each other.

These dieases were allowed to be introduced into the species as a natural consequence of thier own refusal to clean up cause and effect..Especially slavery.

This play of Face book and its finally tally was a representative war of those who became friends and those who unfreinded me being the very venue of getting rid of the diesased consciousness and re establishing the balance which was 200.

I had figured most of this out years ago but when thrown into this arena everything happened so quickly and the true reality and actuality of what I had figured out then the utter realization that it was LITERAL TRUIE, not only was so utterly and completely overwhelming but also I was in the heat of battle following my I.E, trying just to keep up with the play and the power so awful and so immense of the Alien Consciousness of disase, which I kept mostly to myself so as not to feed it power.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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