
Facebook Post..

Sept 24…. 2014



I have a New Face Book Friend to my surprise since the play ends at 200,

Yet I recall that it really ended at 2O 1 (Twenty One) before my Galaxy phone was snatched from my hands.

I knew that the Galaxy phone represented my talking to Space as the Galaxy and that when my phone was snatched from me it signaled the end.

I write now from my former Hosts place whom, I came to visit because that was what the code demanded- and sure enough someone had tried to sell him a Galaxy phone the very day mine was stolen.

he stated that he had thought of me.

We wee at 2O 1 and then after the play with Nikoma Rios two ppl unfriended me- proving that they did not understand the consciousness or the this play of my being forced to cleanse pple consciousness based on the cause and effect Consequences of their point of view not considering others.

And so we are back to 2O 1, and I am obliged to link because if I do not I do not move forward in this evil, evil set up and play to my home, whose portals have been human beings. And I can not tolerate such an Existence of constant abuse any longer.

my Twenty First Face Book Friend is Carlos Mauricio QuIntero.

C.M Q.


Carlos means Manly.

Maurcico being my Bio Fathers Name meaning Moor or Dark skinned

( My Bio father was called Maurice and the first day I came to visit my former Host I saw my bio father transform from the illusion he had always been to a real beautiful Cool Dude whom I saw I loved… yesterday my host put on the Movie Doctor Jekyl and Mr Hide… *See my post on this.

Quintero means Fifth… also Farmstead.

Sentence; The Manly Dark Skinned 5the Element…Able ( Farmstead not Cain)

Since the code was 21 and U, As in I uploaded images that came to 21 and then AH.U… And I am literally darker because of living in the forest and Nikoma showed me codes one with a portal which read 5 E yesterday amongst others all portal which he stated that he knew they referred to me- which you must ask him to post as evidience because I am so weary and tired of asking others to post evidence which affirms that the Universe is alerting them and affirming to them that everything I say is not only manifesting in their realities but affirms me as True.

It must be noted that for the last 13.6 years there is no person I met by my own personal choice, every single person I met and many whom I ame to love because I saw who they truly were, were ppl I was direected to meet who formed portals and where part of the play From Nikoma Rios to David Philipe Gil, the same can be withnessed by the Face Book Play where no one who requested to be my firend was turned away. I had learnt that if I did not Obey the script and pass through each portal that my suffering and pain in my body would not only increase but that I would not be able to move forward and be released from this Matrix and living hell.

I had visited my Hosts home and the first Name he mentioned was Micheal… When I finally opened my Face Book on his Computer I saw a code numbers 1 4 94..

A D (N) I.D.

I was in a person called A’s space.. and the message was from David and Nikoma and one more from Micheal O Hara… whose Intials form M.O.H…

H.O.M Which can be short fro Man in french ( Homme) or Home… and also O.H.M The sound Vibration of the Universe…

My former host had shown me a code NM 56 WHICH i KNEW WAS NOT ONLY THE CODE which Edwardo E had given as the code for the Name which poped into his head but also N.O.M ( MY i.d) it also linked with the Name of my 2OOth F.B Friend Henry Mowgli- Henry meaning Home Ruler and Power and with Carlos which means Manly…

I knew that I was meant to see either David or Nikoma, I had found some fake pearls which link to sacred portal 78 which is called Pearls coming out of theirs shells… I kept on seeing 27 every wherewhere so I knew it was Nikoma since that is his date of birth and it is 9 X 3 ( The peak in three dimension and since it is Nikoma who had witnessed two other being standing besides me using his third eye- the two aspects of myself I had drawn in Paris in 1994.. 94 of my real twins and family and original line who I had been looking for or working towrds by passing through alll these human portals… He also had the Computer which my Family had.

I messaged both Nikoma and David…

Nikoma had been expressed Concern about my whereabouts I did not know if it was real or fake but I did know that it was family Did…

David had stated that he had been concerned but felt me more than capable… I had not yet recieved a repply to my text from Nikoma as to meeting up. David could not because and equation which I had solved with him abt his martial art school he had wished to leave and brought forth a different manifestation.

One in which because of the work done on him had changed the outcome to that of the manifestation of the Dominican new order. Which he saw manifest as the very school he was about to leave now was letting him take it in the directions he wished.

At his reply and excuse I saw not to care or help, even though he had been helped, Nikoma repsonded in that precise moment that he would meet me at six.

I smiled That is why I meet with Nikoma, not you David

I met with Nikoma and we talked, he was not feeling well but I knew what it was, it was the virus after him. I raised his vibration but was stunned by his halting the work to inform me that he did not wish me to come to his office without informing him. I wanted to get up and walk away. I had spent 12 years telling each person how to read the code so that they would not need me, so that they could figure and read for themselves what I had discovered. That we are being moved and controlled. I had been taken out of my way, made to live in the streets bond and tied to reach all these ppl to give them the codes and their response had been to use the codes for their benfits.

I had no desire to intereact with anyone but my family yet I had endured all these beings insults and added insult to injury been forced to help them again when their lifes were in jeapoadry for not reading the codes each was immenintly qualified to read.And I was oberying force which forced me to figure out codes in a unseen script which lead to each of them being my portals.. And even worlse all were living in my codes my world that I created.

David at Park Slope where I had lived with Sky Oak Speaker ( S O S) and Nikoma with Tanya after I did the work with David and Tanya…

I lashed into Nikoma, and he realized and lay his head on my shoulder…

all I could think was what is the Evil.. This cruelty being done to me by these consciousness of such selfishness…

He felt better and decided to meet up with his boss Tanya which I knew the equation demanded.

I walked with him a while all the way to Apple story on Prince which had not been my intention..

I met Tanya who reminded me of the Tanya I had known.

I knew it was Equation… E T N…. 5 2O 14 in the Apple store ( the Big Apple Mac)

Nikoma had spoken to me about how a friend of his he had known for years had told him that she felt as though it was the first time that she really saw him for who he was… And suddenly, just as David he was moving up, rising in a phoenix to greater roles and respect in their fileds…

I knew it was the work I had done… I had done t for 13.6 years with every person I had been sent to… And I even as Nikoma showed me all the images which affirmed all that I had stated all who I am all I had done…

I noticed as the rest that no one posted it as Evidence for the world to see..

Key Master…

Are you the Key Master? A Face friend who had texted me to call him had asked when I had called him.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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