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The past had to be resolved, it had to be realigned to that which has always been present.

That is how Death was defeated by the First N.Y.C… Nna ( Father NA..E..ENA) Yes ( which is 1 or Manifestion from the full O Which was once and only once called the Nothingness which only the first Being Existed in in awareness- since nothing else existed in awareness apart for what turned into the Universes Dark matter and Light. Which are not in Duality as created in this realm of Dreaming.. Think potential as Coal which eventually turns into a Diamond over an action of Time.

Think of this Universe being Reflections (not thought) and thus, it would mean that we are seeing everything in reverse.. That there was the Diamond light first which then moved to the Darkness (ignorance) but with one difference, the one action of the very beginning which ppl called Not Knowing- and thus complete Darkness or blackness not only could not be repeated ( stars in the darkness.. even in the darkest night we are aware of the light that will come or that there are stars in the sky).. but that it never existed…

That complete not knowing only existed for the potential who were not aware that the One Being had already created Light and light not as while light but as transparent light called True Life (T.L. 2o 12… 32… 5 E.. Existence).

But they did not realize that Darkness was an illusion of they dreaming in the non knowing. And this is the reason that the One being created a Play of his reflections called This Creation Existence called Universe ( But really was a dreaming) in which they could understand that not only are they already alive but that how they could wake themselves up to be and see.)

Light Transparent was everywhere, even in the dreaming world which he eventually was forced to come into… ( i know that i was exasperated by having to point of the obvious)….

That the code of Being was everyday…

And so they source came into the dreaming into a body because he saw that the truth of his explanation was not being understood. Some did, whom he saw as his first family but most created stories which missed the point.

These ones who did this were not of the light but of the illusion of the Potential of the Blackness, the blackboard called Universe. The Light was that which was already in all that was aware which we might call Energy..

The Darkness of course was Matter, the body, which did not even exist but was simply a costume to give the dreamers in their dreaming the illusion made real solid and concrete of their existence.

But the real body called being is made out of Light and colors (Hues)… the other is heavy and filled with thoughts and ideas ( which make it heavy) worry fear and of course gravity.. which are the stories created by man.

The First Being thus, had to come into the Dreaming only to find from the very beginning NRI that his message had been perverted.

Erie was meant to be the Manifestor but he could not manifest the ideal and gave it to Nri, who sought to manifest the Idea in the state of NRI/

if any one understand the true nature of the Nri Ideal- beautiful as it may seem, it worships the Sun… ( I am the moon) thus, it worship only that which it sees with the eyes and not what it feels…

What do I mean by this?

Well the whole idea of Nri is the concept of servitude, servitude to the ppl, the bring the people of the whole world to the Light…

The Light being crossing over from this life into the Spirit world..

But the only problem is that since all is one and all is Energy, there is no spirit world.. The true meaning of Spirit is Expression personality, spice, flavor, not denial of this realm of reality…

The very idea of servitude is against the very principle of Existence.. which is already proven to be Harmony.

Show harmony do not create a Moral realm, create a Natural realm which is beyond nature.

Nri modeled itself on the principles of Nature…

And even then they got it wrong..

They refracted Nature into four directions as Eke Oye Nkwo Afor… E.O..N.A…

Which was never the point..

The point was where they all met…

And Nature is not the template its expression was and is the Template and blue print.. which is Beauty Harmony..

Harmony Beauty…

Hueman Being…. the gift and the Fifth element.

The Gift of the Creator to Nature Creation Expression is and was Huemanity the Caretakers of nature who would bring out its potential just as the first Being had done in the very beginning…

Instead they allowed the Creation to become their master and not the other way around.

The Sun the O.I. Nri worshipped… Days Eye Alive…?

Daye Eye Alive… D.E.A….

The Sun? Instead of the S-UN.E.

They sacrificed and gave their power to the Nature Creation Energy creating spirits by imbuing that which was Nature as potential with a consciousness who power came from them…

This sacrifice of their own Existence for others, this idea of Selflessness brought forth the cause and effect which led to the christ story of Human sacrifice for the greater good.

It led to the innocent being sacrificed for the ones who did not take responsibility or refused or did not know how to celebrate the very reason why they are alive which is of course, to celebrate Existence.. and to learn to be in existence. which Exist already inside of them…

The secret code is in their naturalness… in discovery their personality and their true natures.. which is True Love…

That is the true journey and the reason why all came into being into existence…

Not to create an ideal moral society…

Not to infect the world with a consciousness of good intentions which created Creation stories of self Sacrifice and Evil right up to the Jesus Story… the Osirus Story…

Where the Perfect Spirit which, the Perfect Being the Perfect Creator, and creation are continually being asked to refine that which was created perfectly already..

Instead of doing what they were brought into this play, to do which was to explore expand their potential.

And so, I was forced to walk with this being within me, through the muddied waters of the subconsciousness, muddied through expression of Big Mouths, to reach the source of the River.. Nikoma Rios- means River, the source of the evil and the contamination of the river… Right at is very source, where I found Elephants Bathing and Lions Roaring and the Eagle saying that you are both wrong… You are polluting the River at the source ( the Subconscious water) and the Ahtomsphere ( Air) and thus, we have the contamination of the Earth the ground beneath our feet which is Truth..

And the Ebola Victims.. EBO LA! (not the true La but the source of the infection) rejecting the Dead because the Past has been cleaned up, quietly and aligned to the present as it always was and is…

and thus death does not exist and the Earth, the beautiful present rejects the body filled with records of Being all that are a lie.


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