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1O 3 True Nature….

What was Jesus Christs ( Yes Hues AH…. 1 is Manifestation of the Colors Lightned up to 1 8 by Authoring Harmony) True Nature.

What was Nnaemeka Yeshue ah Christs ( The Annointed.. C A) True Nature.

I do believe that I have demonstrated it by the past, my past, my collective past rising up in me taking over me to prove it true nature.. which was common sense…

And in common sense, we understand why so few follow the Example of the Contrived idea of Christ.

We see how this ideal man- created by men jealous envious of that which they felt that they could never become ( an in truth diid not wish to become)

Because they wished to celebrate life without being made to feel blame guilt shame…

And thus, they created a concept of Blame… the blame Game because of never wishing to admit that they would never measure up.

And in guilt they created Churches and a God who was strict and merciless to them, so that they would stay on the Straight and narrow and they resented it because they wished to celebrate life… to be happy.

To discover what it means to be happy to discover themselves and what they could be… but instead they were made to feel that they were born wretched and in sin.

And thus, they went to other extremes of materialism…

Denying all gifts of Spirit called True Expression…

Some one here called Ifeanyi Iheanacho once posted a declaration that I was walking through the realm of the MMO which is called the Ghost… as the Holy Ghost…?

And it is true, but what is the Mmo, if not consciousness which could not full incarnate into a higher evolved state.

Why because they did not complete the full circle of their existence.

Because they represented a consciousness and way of being which is not of Existence nor of Being so they could not even be reincarnated into this earth play as a Human being to try again.

They are naught but consciousness which grew in power by the people In Life worship of them.

These consciousness I fought and my journey through the Spirit world would have been easy despite how terrifying these entities seemed but it became a torture because of the power the living gave these forces.

Or because even if they no longer worshipped these entities theyforgot to clean up their mess meaning riddle that consciousness out of Existence or resolve it intoo existence by Solving its riddles

I see it all over this Face Book play, these beliefs which people scream out to me about yet offer no empirical evidence and worst of all no common sense… Yet they are willing to say the most ridiculous things and then i find myself being forced to speak not only in the language of their base consciousness, but also use the prophecies of that particular religion of belief system which I have aligned into truth and absorbed into the true consciousness of Existence which make my word literally manifest because I have understood the true clean meaning of each prophecy from the Hindi to Buddha Taoism, Christianity, Judaic to even Roman and Greek gods to Democracy, Captialism… even to Evil….

All these consciousness I was forced to understand and link prove live and wait for the reply from Echo Universe Existence if I got it correct.

And when you do.. you are given the power to use it principle and bring it into manifestation…

And with so many humans holding onto the past and the past stories especially the lies of interpretation of the Jesus Moses Mohammed stories which I have aligned to truth, then those ancient prophecies of Cause and effect promised to the law Breakers, I also saw myself being compelled to manifest into Existence…

I did warn, shout out fought to the very End, even to David Z and Albert Z but still not respect.

Even when Micheal O Hara contacted me to invite me to Hawaii, I knew it was still the Story the movie, because Arch Angel Micheal Guards the gate of Hell… Where i have been living for 9 years in that Abraham Story, when the true Code perfectly aligned with it is Arch Angel Micheal ( A.A.M) Awakening Awareness of ( Micheal Meaning Who is as G od… i just so a name pop up Uzor Emeka being me not the person whose name simply is the code)…

All was a Movie and a play to prove that the past did not exist, but each had to go back to the past to clean up the mess you made.

I was forced to do it for all alone with money used as a tool, money and the wealth shelter for all those who protested that story of Christ.. not knowing that I protested it truth…

Because its interpretation was not the Truth…

I am he and He is a man and a being and he is Bliss Extase.


and that is how i rose in the beginning- everything was complete …

Just read…


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