
Facebook Post..

October 13…


1A…13=M…. True Nature of Huemanity C.D God

A.M. G.O.D.E…The Harmonious Beings…

We as Hue-mans Affect Physical Reality (P.R) through Expression.

This was the Collective Responsibility which we had as a Species.

This is what we had to.realize and take responsibility of.

That we were being challenged not only by the Solar System, the Planet itself but also the cause and effect of human collective irregularities and irresponsible stories actions and expression.

It rose up against us and challenged us to prove our truth as E.Harmonious Beings…by proving we could defeat its Movement Expansion to that end, by aligning it through our Consciousness.

And then Driving it, by taking Control of it by proving a greater that a Harmony existing within us than outside of us..

-Right to influencing the Magnetic Poles and changing the Polar Axis…

North East West South. ‘Compass Me Said Terrible Death

Solve Cloak Of Death Expressions Supreme,,, Sacred Portal 104.

I was informed that a sign was recently put up declaring that the New World Order has put in place a plan already activated which seeks to reduce the planets population to 500 000.

What is extraordinary about this is that from what this force ‘Death Onwu Morte moving in me has forced me to investigate… That not only is this true but also due to the cause and effect of human irresponsibility, was why it was being allowed to manifest.

The great war that I am in along with ppl of my line have been in: People who have retained their True Nature and are representing True Loves essence, thus the line of E as well as the line of G…

-G being the Vibration aligned to the Nature of the Universe and E being the force of Harmony which moves the Universe….

Were being moved to fight back in a war to counteract this cause and effect.

This game plan had been set up from the very beginning of Time in which the End of time would be this cosmic chess game which which most of you as my F.B friends have seen me being moved Helter-Skelter from one place to the next and from one person to the next to counteract the moves of the natural cause and effect of Creation versus Destruction as in 2012…Which had to be converted from 20 in Two Zeros as in Black Holes…To Two full circles…

20…. and 2000… Three Full Circles.

To completion 12… L

Moving 2012 as Creation Destruction C.D…to balance

..Equalizer Equality O…

Thus, moving us from O Inertia as Balance to 1, as correct manifestation of the True Beautiful Kingdom of G-ode (and Kingdom of E my home and Palace) on Earth in the present.

All humanity was required to do was to stay clean…True to themselves (not goody goody but true to who they are.. jit grooming and refining) for each true nature and personality was, is an equation necessary in the play….

What humans call Holy Spirit and Universe is naught but that Harmony 8 and that Vibration 17-71 which all universe is made up of.

Meaning that your physical body or seen universe is your body, and the Unseen Universe is that Energy Breath which knows exactly what to do, moving each person on the chess board to counteract the forces of cause and effect.

This play has been going on throughout time but as we reached the climax of the 7 ages of man…Age of 6-7 reason and Aquarius R.A…man was meant to become more aware of his being moved and read the Harmony of it by observing his her actions in hindsight… And thus choosing which side they are on.

This is called personal responsibility…P.R.

Notice that my former host is from Puerto Rico origins…

This is and was the code of discernment which the Scriptures which were really prophecies of Universe Seers Alpha spoke about.

We have always had the choice to counteract the cause and effect of choices others made in illusion.

The Illusion or stories and actions not founded on Truth never had any power to effect reality but gained immense power by ppl doing nothing..Not even retaining at least a clean conscience and consciousness .

This is the true meaning of Chukwu Chineke…Creator and the Creative Spirit…aligned to Creation…Matter..

Conscience Conscious ..And Constant…

It is this the 8 and the 7code ( H G ) which creates the 8+7…15..which is O which form the planets and 51 which forms the Plan E.T…



Awareness Being Consciousness…

A B C…

1 2 3…

So, we know that Consciousness ( How we Cee.. Consider, Chose to be Conscious off) effects our perception of reality and from this play, we or the play has been whittled down to Four then three then two Key players in the physical realm (all Male) and the ladies representing on F.B ( Facebook as Space) as 7 God Energy 78…(The Universe are reflections of the passed…see sacred portal 78…Pearls coming out of their shells..

see Vera Io CC O… Vera Iocco. V.I.

see the code IO..October Oct. 8… C.C Consciousness Conscience which forms the O planet Full Circle F+C=I…)

And thus 78-87 is Universe unified in Being represented not by physical matter but by the Consciousness of A Human Being Aware Conscious through devotion to Expression Explaining True Consciousness E.T.C…

Not only unified intoThe Physical Spirit Science Of Existence…


But also Into one Unified Fact OF (O6) Everything

End Beginning End…


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