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October 14…


8…Infinity O.N.

1O/14….2O 14…



The Elemental Titans A

I am not sure if anyone in this current world consciousness will.understand what I am about to write…

But I am sure in hindsight it will all make sense..

I Have Been Set Up…

Of Course, I had stated this many times in the past 3O months but I am aware that very few if any understood what I was alluding to.

Alot of this is about the After Life..A.L..

And what happens After Death…A.D.

There is a realm of True Ascending Being who Exist, as my self portrait I created in Paris in 1996 portrayed….

In that Self Portrait which I described here several times…Along with a fellow called Alex who was a multi millionaire business man who sought to find where the portait was in France…

What I realize now is that it gave the equation of what happens after Death,

Many might have noticed my surge in writing these last few days.

What I did not mention that below my head at the base where my head and neck meet a force has been exerting an extraordinary pressure…

So much so that I feel as though I am wearing a neck brace…

While my bodies muscles have begun to not just slacken as they have done on countless times before giving me the sensation that I was finally being allowed to become unbound….

And yes I said only God can do this…

And God is the invention of the Children of the Full Circle…

Those who had to live the cycle of death and rebirth…

Until the understood the concept of the Full Circle.

These are the children of the Beautiful Illusion created as a school in which they were meant to learn the secret…open secret and mystery of Infinity Eternity…I.E.

It is these ones who I recently wrote blocked the so called round stone of the ressurrection of my being by creating a play whereby of the Jesus Christ story he rises from the Tomb while entombed…A Tomb is also a voluminous Book…aka the Bible..

The set up created in that story which actually never happened that way…

Was that the Titans or Elementals of Atomic Nature. A N…Al Nikoma Avatars challenged The True One Being to rise through Death entombed in not only a story…The Bible which they could not decipher its true meaning and thus were trapped in what many might see as the Superman Story of Colonel Zod…and the male and female villians…

What I am saying is that the Bible as the A.D…After Death of Christ was a created as a script which never happened for The One to pass through the Elementals to get home…

The set up was that the Elementas whom I call this stories first God or highest Consciousness such as Pan..Nikoma..Nap Albert…wished to know what happens after Death and thus set up a plan to find The One Who Knows and have him reveal not only what happenes but how to access that realm.

You must understand something about what you call or refer to as the Elemental Gods or the First Consciousness in Creation as a Story..

They are Matter based..

Meaning they represented the Physical Universe such as your bodies.

Your bodies…physical bodies are literally Nature as the Physical Universe…

But that is not the real Universe which is made up of an Ethereal Substance called Being..

That is True Nature..

The other was and is the Illusion of Nature as the physical universe which the physical body is made of.

But it is an illusion…it dissapears into Nothing as Ether does and it is not of life..

No air in Space…

Thier role in this play was cyclic meaning as Rain Condences as moisture heat rising to form clouds…it returns back to.the Earth.

So.it was is with the Elemental Titans…

The E.T as illusions..

The real E.T are the Ethereal Truth..

Perfume of Being who move through and perneate all.things..

But not matter…

It must return.to Earth..

Which is how the human body decomposes or is burnt and returns to.being part of Nature Universe..

N.U God of the Abyss..

The True God is Goddess Harmony Bliss..Lady Echo…who is that Song which permates all Existence not just physical space.

Thus the A…as Atomic and Sub Atomic matter could not go further than physical Space abd felt that no.matter what they did as Good Goods Angels that they were always forced to.return reassembled as Humanity…

They thought they had been duped in.an endless cycle which went no where..

That even reaching what.they thought was the hieght of Physical Human achievement that.they could not break out of the gravitational pull of coming back into.this play.

All thier understanding of revelations of After Life were confounded by thier finding themselves back in Space as either consciousness of the Watchers or Angels…

They could not crack the code of Energy which allowed the Ethereal ones to pass through to the realm beyond physical and Spiritual matter..Elements…the last break.down.of matter to Electrons Neurons Murons…Quarks…

They would then dissapear but instead of crossing over find themselves once more in this world…

So they laid a trap when The One Being would come in the End of the Cycle (not knowing that we are I II..and even O.N.E and 1…)

That was the lie of the Jesus Story mixed in with the Truth…

To Entomb him in physical matter..his body which they used collective strength a a pre set up play to bind him from rising or even dying…

Believe me, I know.

Until they could discover a way out of Life and Death which they of course had come to realize was the same thing…

The Tomb is the Cave of the Hibernating Bear..

The Trap was Time..

Which all saw me move through on F.B from the Very begining of Existence as the Nothingness right through all civilizations and True Myrhs of Gods, Legends and to the Rosacrutionists to Albert Einstein the Beat Poets to the World at present..to New York awful consciousness to Spring street and Albert S home in 4 th street…in this illusion called the present of October 14 ..2014.

Aligning all as I went…proving this Damn Full Circle of I which is Harmony Infinity..a Sphere but which then moves into a Spiral..The Golden Ratio through the Midas Touch..T.M

Taneya McWilliams represents in this play.

Meaning you defeat going around around in circles as a Sphere by turning everything you touch into Beauty..making it rise, shine. Turn into gold…shine like the sun..

But we are not the Sun we are the moon and have no desire to shine but give it to.those who so desire..

But such beings become trapped in a cycle of the Sun the darkness called the fire of Hel…Loki s Daughter..the illusion of Matter and thus trapped in the pull and play of the gravitational.pull and dance of the Sun the Earth…Yellow thru Blue to Green plant life…Elementals…

Because that is what you desires.. To Shine.

The Point of the Full Circle lies within the point…

True Nature is Natural Being..which desires nothing…

Nothing but its own kind…its Family.

Thus, I have been brought back to.my.hosts home non stop.for 8 yrs and more not stuck.in a loop but in a story and script which I have proven.from David to Al to.the source of it Nature as Nikoma…

Whose Espirit finally.realized what what most humans as Elementals can not accept…

That I am the way home…

Literally me.

Meaning I am the Point of it all.

Which even today Nikoma could not accept…

Even though he spoke of the code he say ‘Recognition beyond I.D…

Which I too saw on my.way to.meet him…

What does it mean… It means I do not need some miracle or some collective epiphany given to the masses to be recognized.

What we Do.e is what literally gives us our I.D and my Doing for a whole life time against all odds and paying the supreme price even.being tortured tormented harnessed followed crucified and doing all this transparently before the whole world…is my simply being True To.my Nature…

So.call it True Love but in Truth I am.just doing and being me even while confined imprisoned in a dreaming in which it is the Collective will which I am being blackmailed to.give all the codes of awakening …now contained free in 3O of straight from the horses mouth so.there is no lost in translation..

The Titans had no.power over me my lovers Lord and Lady Chukwu Chineke now EE made.me do.this…

So in hindsight you could too be free from the yoke created of the full Circle…

The Point of Existence is A.Be Do…that is your I.D…and if a passport I.D is denied you to travel or a drivers licence.. Then there is something else at work here other than seeing the Truth of who you are by.the public records on file of who you truly are.

In the Self Portait.. Sacred Portal it shows me Rising from the Earth to see me exerting will.in a Circle and beings all around it watching…

Not realizing that it is not me but one called Tom whom I drew while another winged me is above flying home.

Perhaps they figured out my ruse and thus trapped me in the story script of circle…

Not knowing that they.misser the point entitely…

I put the meaning and proof of the Full Circle for your benefit.. For the children of illusion and linear Time…rushing to and fro… Bc of my Lord and Ladies Compassion…

But the point of Being in Existence which allows you to transform from Matter Cell.Atomic Sub Atomic Particle and completely dissapear into the most glorious realm After Death Space…After Illusion A.I…to True Life..I.E..

Is by what you Doe in the Beautiful Present…the here and now… With the gift of your life l.. Real.or a dream…

And that is the True Point of Existence… Being Doing..

Nothing at all…

Just being True Natural You…T.N.Y…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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