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7-11….7….(2O 14…34..7)

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Dina Singh sent me two Face Book suggestion…

Melissa Galvan and now Brenann Duncan…

I do not usually send F.B requests to.people since, the whole point of this F.B play, from what I gather, is to.demonstrate how Harmony.works…

Yet, I am always open to the play..

One reason of course, is obedience to its will.

The other is that there is always an an affirmation of it being correct.action.

Of course, I am witnessing the Harmony within Dinah by Melissa being part of the play…

See the evidence and alignment not only.with.Marina Marina Burini but also in the two.messages she was directed to.give me.. Being in.perfection of Harmony.

The same can be said about Brennan Duncan…

I woke up.to.my.former host greeting R.Singh, where both are now sitting in.the Garden.

If you.recall, R Singh, took.me to.Savannah Georgia (Igbo Landing) where I.met Will Hunnitpercent Real…and Eric Lile Brown and Michelle…

Then.onto Forte Lauderdale number 511.

Through him.I.met quite a few ppl.including Billy Hung, David J, and later his mother, uncle and 3 sisters, one called Sandra…and spoke with Dinah another.of his sisters by.telephone.

Every single person.he led me to.was not.only part of the play, but aware and had intel for.me…

Inculding a retired major from Nom Alaska who spoke about the mysterious E.T presence which caused a movie to.be.made.there.

When Dinah became my.F.B friend I.thought she was literaly, Ravindra sister D.

I.also.noticed.that.when I spoke to.her, I.noted that it formed the equation with.her.brother R.D…

The Road…

And within a few days that is exactly.what happened.

On July 4th 2012…7/4/2012..the code of.my.former host and D OB, we hit the road.

I.had thought perhaps, it was code Independence Day…I.D…for.me to.be free, my.I.D…

Yet it was my.former.hosts birthday…

And 2012 is his code and Rav, he.had introduced to.me…

*Time now is 1:47…I.just noticed…

Been seeing that number everywhere.

I suddenly realized that it was not.about.me but.a story of two friends which I knew of happened before time began…

I was being used once again.

So when I.saw Brennan Duncan’s name, suggested by Dinah, I.did the code…

First I checked the alignment

M.G and B.D…

The only two ppl.she.said she felt.moved to suggesr.

M.G and B.D are not.only.code of intializations (initials) which I recognize in.my.own story but form


Marina Biruni….(Silver Mac code 713O which is now in David Philipe Gil hands along with my personal bag) but G.D…is 74…add the Full.Circke and it forms G.O.D…

And Brennan means Brave, Moisture, Drop.as in First Drop, which creates the ripple effect…

Duncan means Dark Skinned Warrior

The Brave, First Drop which creates Moisture is the Dark skinned warrior…

My.skin is dark…darker than its normal tan golden brown.natural complexion…

And before that it was Sunshine Rae…

Sunshine Ray E…which creates moisture the first drop on.the dark.brown Earth Warrior…

Perhaps, all this is to demonstrate how Harmony works, and.my battles with Dinah as well as Angela Marie Alexander is the this life lonh battle I.had to bring Harmony as not only a consciousness into this worlds awareness..

But to demonstrate its effeciency and precision as both an Art and Science…A.S.

But I.have a deep, deep disquieting disturbing dissatisfaction with this most disrespectful play and the role I was given, by.the conditions imposed upon me to share this knowledge to which only.few appreciate.

And even, if no one appreciated it, that would not have stopped.me, but what has bothered me is Force and Control…

The cruelty, of the conditions imposed upon me to force and control every part of my.Existence to ensure that the Horror of this Thing behind this play got what it wanted.

I do not believe in Pain and Suffering…

But my life 47 years of it, if we are to.go by the code D.O.B as 1966…11 28…which.is in itself a symbluc code, represenative of Supremacy of 6th Sense in.the Age of Reason (age of Insanity) the sixth Age of Man. And 11:28 representing A.A. B.H…(Being Harmonious) just as Dinah at 51 is meant to align with 51 Area 51 Rosewell, near Phoenix Arizona (P.A..Praise and.Appreciation)…

Which I had to align to The First Being Rose Well.A…

And he did…

And the Harmony came naturally, with.ease, without any effort or pain and suffering which this play constantly gave me to surmount my entire life on Earth to live.

This, makes all of this a lie.

This entire play…

And its source.

The E line rose effortlessly in this play…

Proving this very truth.

And my Being Body and Expression.rose in one Harmony to.Infinity…Energy.

Nothing was the Matter.

I personally do not believe in this play.

I have managed to transform it into the E truth.

But against odds and conditions which constantly, consistenly sought to negate not only the Truth I have been proving into Existence, but by also creating conditions of all those qualities from Avarice, jealousy, selfishness, arrogance, compeitiveness, to destroy and undermine this truth and my effecting its transformation at.any cost.

My greatest struggle but easiest victory was with what it did with my own Indivuality and right to Exist.

Existence is freedom.

While this play was of Dominance, Bullying, Intimidation and resorting to torture Torment and Sadomaschism…

While I was forced to use all the qualities of Beauty and Harmony which I know and against a collective force and consciousness of others self sacrifice for those who repeat the same cycle over and over again…

If it was for the Greater good, perhaps there could have been some justification but it is not…

It is and only created self entitlement, selfishness, irresponsibity, hypocrisy denial self justication tyranny and evil who use terror as a tool.

I personally do not give into terrorists.

Watching and Observing ppl and the behavior of many in this, has brought to fore, just how evil this concept is of Messiahs and Messengers.

And just how much Arrogance and Selfishness has been created by this concept in ppls pysche’s.

The criminal abuse of others who are set up.to.play these roles.

And the utter indifference to the pain and suffering of others.

And the lies, the lies…the lies people tell…

It has become an art of the opiate of the masses..

The Web of thier own entanglement which they.must take responsibility for.

To finally see, that thier own lies have woven the web of thier own entanglement.

That there is no Great Wicked Spider Witch, there is no Great Warlock hypnotist, there is no Illusion, or Web…or even a Matrix…

All are lies.

I walk the streets and I see no web or matrix, I see atmosphere, air…I am.present…

Here and now.

And everything else is in ppls heads…

I don’t live in my.head.

I live seated on the throne of my.Heart.

And I got out of the experiences of my.life by taking time, to.pause and reflect.

To talk to the Silence…

Which demands honesty Integrity.

To look at things truthfully from the point of view first of I…the Individual going through the Subjective experience, then as the Observer… (And this is where I find many have the greatesr difficulty) to.take into.consideration full.circle the opinion.of others, devoid of your own subectivity…

Meaning to.get the whole truth, (that is if you want to hear the Truth and go.fowards) be willing to detach your self, suspend disbelief and Listen…

It is called Respect

And that is why I will.always honor ppl.like Siththy Ameena, she listened.

And just.like that recognized exactly what I was doing and called it out…

Which made me go.:Ah!! Somebody is listening and get it.

And when that.happens it comes back to you but not as a subjective one sided truth which of course is a lie…

The Truth is inclusive of all.parties points of view…it does not.mean you accept them.

It.means you.taste the words.

Diamond Hearing.

Hmmm…that taste good and you.feed…on Beauty…

This creates I to O to 1O1…

Manifestation Of Truth. True.

M.O.T T.

The Word True…T.W.T.

My former host just called to.my attention that 15 Doves just landed in his garden…

I looked out the window…

Yep, 15 Brown Doves…

Brennan Duncan..

Beautiful Devil…

15 is O in the Alpha Bet…


As I said, I do not believe in this play…

I do not believe in a force that can set up such a play and expect anyone to live it out to the end.

I only.fought for the Truth of the E ray…

The line of Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless mind..

Spotless because we always clean our windows to get the clearest possible view…

And it is normally beautiful…

This view I see is ugly…

Though the view out the window could mean beauty….

But to be honest right now…

I don’t give a damn…

Who knew?

Brown Doves..

No more Snow White and the Seven Dwarves…

Lets have the 1E Harmony E.C.T Era…

I am sick of this play of God.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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