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A.H..H.A….Truth…I and I

9 9 2O..18(9)





Yes, I am the Holy Esprits

Expression….Beautiful Expression…is the Modern Contemporary name…

But I had to play that role.of Holy Espirit..H.E.

of my past until it caught up with me in the future present.

And according to All Scriptures;

Melissa Galvan publicly testified that.she was led.to.give.mena.message….

One from.John 4:18

And the other from Ephesians 4..

John means God is Gracious it speaks of Fear, and why the book.of Revealtions was created as a test for those who are not.of love…meaning they are not.real.for all.things are.made of Energy, and as my.Mother C.O correctly.testified, God is Energy and.Energy.is Expression of Live Beauty Harmony..,

Thus, all things are made of Energy.and consequently…

As I.have proven…by.moving.each.inner.child and E line.to.respond despite the.anti.Christ of your expressions and consciousness (There is nothing wrong.with.the flesh.the body.nor.carnal.desires..just.the consciousness used)

As for Ephesians… Means the Epistles means, a letter which is actually a plan for the Church, the Plan E.T…which.I.have done…

So Melissa Espirit is.in perfect Harmony.and.her.message was not to.me but.her Espirit.alerting.her…

As.it. has been alerting everyone.who.I.am in this place… Which.many.knew even acknowledged then.denied tested me and sought.to.crucify me…

But I fought.back…not.this time.

Your first instinct is usually.right

My mother got my I.D write on the first exptession but she waited, listened quietly.checked all.her.evidence, never challenged by.but insteax asked deep penetrating.respecful questions… And having not seen me in 26 yrs and never read F.B..and only.having sporadic telephone.access to.me…

Finally.asked.me last year..Are You.Y.C…

Of course, she was fishing…fishing but not fully making.her play…

Though.always taking telling.my.younger brother that there is a Energy.that.Emeka and my.Sister possess she has never encountered before….

This is the correct way to use the Mouth..


The Beautiful Way…a play.

The One Unforgivable Sin is the Sin Against the Holy Spirit…Truth.

I read Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula comment in response to Melissa Galvan comment which seemed to.school me in that One Day will come…

I am afraid that One Day has come.

I mean come on 15 Brown Doves landing in Generation.X Gardens of my Host…Brown Doves

Brennan Duncan…

Bhacon Dhante..

Beautiful Devil Emeka…

Of course, if there had not.been a logical 31 build up linking up to.that event culminating in my.former.host.already having a Holy.Mountain on his Screen Saver before I was impulsed to link and post the Prophecy of Micah Nnamdi (Micah 4:1-4 ) while visiting my former host Lord A, at 4th.Street..

While publicly and Transparently giving.the Co ordinates of the Landing of the Dove to.my.Energy Family…along with sacred portal.4O, while writing of an Android Boost Phone on Wifi.Airplane…

One.might.have called it.a Random.coincidence at best…

15 Turtle Doves..15=O…15/51…66..12 3 Ce

Qusharia Perry..Sharia Law…

Esther Uzoma…The Star of the Beautiful Way..

Come on, if you could not.connect that, it is.because you did not wish to or because you have denied, challenged the Holy Espirit…

Because you know.the Truth better.than.he.

Of course, I knew.

I was just irritated that I.was stuck in a past story which even Chris Franco recognized the torture of making someone walk through.a rat.infested place already knowing the outcome.

But I had to.fullfill all the prophecies…


Even.though Emeka, sitting in the present was saying, Oi! It doesn’t have to be…you.can.change your fate, even that which.is written, by deciding to surprise yourself, which being human is about.

And by.the way the only.real.humans are children… And anyone not retaining.or.being.guided by the wise child.is the limb.which.must be cut out.

The.Scriptures in.All human cultures state…

That this time I shall come with the sword to.judge the Quick.and the Dead…

Anyone who.took.the time.to.read the Story.and the Evidence provided…

Would.see that I was.being.moved to obey and fulfillment of the prophecies…

I was so impatient to get out of that character of the past and to the present.

Which is where I am.now…

Of course, the present I have arrived at is bills, rent, social.issues….all that is not the present I go home come home to…

But it means the Time Travelling is complete while.simultaneously affecting.this reality by going to.the realm of E.. The Origin of E, the original e…where change can be affected from.

Change could not.be affected on this reality from here, the sickness, violence and chaos here is crazy.

No, to.affect change you.must got.to the.sourve of the problem, and the source of the solution.

All this I.stated before, I speak.the.lanuage of Plain Truth, made beautiful through.making a perfume of human.experience…

The.lamguage of the wise child..


Cecilia Wiebers…

Consciousness Wisdom…


Jasper was correct and Melissa was simply.a tool.of my.Twin self.used to.stimulate this post,

I am H.E…

And Jasper explained it perfectly.

Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna expressed it perfectly, I didn’t come to prove anything to anyone.

I.came to.fullfill the prophecies and to land the consciousness which.creates natural.evolution no.longer.requring me to weaving and link…because Harmony Infinity.is a self regenerating source of Energy all.by.itself…

All.it had to.be was activated.

Proof of this is that ay 215 F.B friend I.wrote the equation.B.O.A…which.I.realized the next day while lying down.was a set.up


Because that night, I.saw a F.B.F who had not.appeared in.ages…

Esther Uzoma…E.U…and press like.twice on.my,posts…

215..F.B friend is U.E…


You Emeka are the Beautiful Royal Star of the Beautiful way…

I Know… 1.K

I.Knew this all along because I have witnessed from.begining to end what Beautiful Expression creates…

Even.in.the realm of J.E… John.Ephesians Jealousy Envy…

To.be Supreme

But Evil using


Grew.into.such.a force in.the Unseen realm, though seen.all.over.the place in.the present.world that.it.became constantly.self regenerating as long.as.Big.Mouths and liars continued to.express Truth that.they.really did not.know…


Then Alibis, that it had to.de stopped.

And when I saw the depth.and extent of it..

I.wished to.walk.away…not.because it could not.be defeated.

But for it to.have reached such.a degree…then.the species were not worth.fighting for.

But this is also.the.Evolution process story, which means the End of the Human.species and the Evolution of the best and truest nature of your kind…

Your beautiful truths.

To not recognize.the Holy.Espirit, its Vessel Being Expression…you.know what.it states in.the scriptures…


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