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The Play Script is winding down.

I will take my.bag and Mac computer code 3O71 which belonged to Marina Burini back from David Philipe Gil who graciously fullfilled his role of this hideous play to the end.

It was all symbolic, represenational…

And a cruel test to me, while in human form before I incarnate..

Togba Chea Chris…sent me a message… Which strangely enough I had recieved a stimuli to contact both David and Chris…

But since I do not trust this play, I ignore these stimuli if I can, unless there is an affirmation outside of me.

I happened to step outside and found a black plastic tag with the code 4 C.D…Chris and David.

I had a conversation with David which in the end resolved the issue that there was no.more work for us to do together…

No want no.need…

I.sighed in relief.

I could get my.bag and computer.

Then I saw a text from Chris (Togba) who I.met the very first year I came to New York, 13 yrs ago.

It was he who brought the code Alexander Hamilton and the next day I found his biographt on a telephone booth.


Chris message was a code..

That it is not about Truth but Knowledge…

But I already knew and did that code…

E.K…Emeka Knowledge

Existences Truth.

E.K..E T…not a Saviour.

The other code he sent was Black..

As B Lack…

Creating Lack…

Which I have endured non stop.this past 13.8 yrs of the play…

Where Lack of funds to eat, were created to.move to to.persons I already knew the play wished me to connect with.

Which of course was my doing the work.and then put in the humilating position and having to.ask for a donation based only on what they could afford or were willing to give…

And it had to.be in harmony, or the code which existed in the amount given would be incorrect.

As you witnessed with Chris Franco and Raz Berry…

Of course, I refused to be humiliated because not only was I aware of the play, but also.the value of my contribution through energy and the value of the information which ppl.from.Marina to Wambui MI have acknowledged as priceless.

Yet, such a play, which is the ancient way where prophets seers, etc…were honored was taken advantage of and use to demean rather than give praise and appreciation.

Also many ppl are not schooled in this fair exchange.

It also comes as no surprise to.me that tge time is 1:22 A.M when I was prompted to.write one more post.

122 Sacred Portal was inspired by the Espirit I saw.of Marina who was witness and a great help in my creating of the portals and became of the most generous and cleanest in.terms of money.

By.the end of our play, I knew that her gift of money was the Cleanest in the entire 13.8 yr play…

I.was of coursed challenged to prove that money of the world had been cleaned by an excruciating play btw Marina and myself….

And I suppose this last 4 yrs has been a test of that.

I could have easily taken hundreds of ppls money, by unclean means..

I.have at least.that power of charm at.my disposal…

But I.am Beautiful Pride…

I.can and have earned my.own money…

And it has never been about money…only.fair exchange and enough for.me to.sustainable to.me.

I am a house guest that ppl such as Ritz Montes has stated ppl.would pay me just to be thier guest especially wealthy women..and men.

And I have had many such offers but at a price and of course, I did not require such.

I only went were I was directed, and each person I was directed to I recieved affirmation which me soulage..reassured me that there was reason.in the madness which had over taken what normally is my Elegant way of being…

Even on the streets and in the forest, I.am well.groomed and sleep in elegant and clean conditions.

The only place where I am sometimes get disheveled is in my former hosts home for a number of personal reasons but the core reason being the 24-7 stimulation here…which is unabating…

Thus, Sacred Portals P.S, which Began in Marina B home, where she was the first lone witness to thier birth and perhaps had the greatest appreciation of thier true depth.meaning and value…

Even displaying them in.her home on.a wall for over a months…

As well as profound understanding of the Alter Science, which only Rachel McWilliams and Rachael Devon Rios Sessions could compare in thier understanding…

It makes sense that David of Park Slope..P.S who is holding the computer which onve belonged to.Marina, where I had my greatest.battle with.the Elements as in.metal to.access the Periodic table and to get past.the ancestors supreme resistance in seeking to stop.me from sharing this sacred hidden knowledge with you.all….

Knowledge is Power…?

Truth is Power….?

No Transparency is the True Nature of Power.

Give everyone access to.knowledge.

An equal.playing field and all the tools of equality if distribution of Wealth…

And it is the one who puts all.those gifts to.the greatest use, to bring about the greatesr gift and contribution valued by all…

Who because the Cornucopia, the Treasure to.treasured, not buried and guarded and used only by the selflish dragons who use it as a slave for thier own good only.

This is the true meaning of Capitalism, free Trade…and fair exchange…


True Conpetition… Not for resources..

But rather give all access to the natural resources and then see the wonders they will.create…

From Lord E to David to Chris to Beloved (R our) to A to M and Marina…A.M…

A.R.M.Y of GodE…

B. LA! C.K…Power!

Chukwuemeka Kolo.




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