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Contd Part 4…

David Z E In Na H Anna..

*This is a code in which the names, meaning and interactions are creating in my Individual Experience, the meaning of a Puzzle which moved us from E.N.D…in the code link of Emeka Nikoma and David meeting at the Gate of Generation X Gardens on 4th Street.


Before that D came to the Garden and met me, symbolizing E where I sat on the Stage.

He was wearing a Dragon.


Then there was a play I saw all three of us were acting in Emeka Nikoma David…

Which culminated in.my.meeting Chris Franco and then 17th Street, where I saw David morph.into David Philipe Gil morph into David Nicholas…

And Nikoma channel my.brother Nnamdi.

It was all through my own Individual experience and Nikoma and David, though they tried to.see through my eyes…

It was my experience, nevertheless, they as all the people I.met since then, somehow trusted and had.enough.evidence of what I was perceiving to aid in forming a picture I was being forced to.see and weave…by connecting the dots to see a picture which I.have been posting and linking and translating it as a Story to the E line and the World.

Who all have been moved to.play thier parts in a script, I sought to.make aa transparent and clear as I could in drastic conditions and on a very limited F.B page and Android phone.

David met.my former Host A.E and his two sons R and R. And myself as E A.

DEAR RA.E… Sunshine Rae

E .Radar E…

R.E.A.D. R.A.E..f

The play with Nikoma ended with a gift of 100.00 code in.my.sacred portals of Pan.

A code…

Beloved Bright Royal Reign of Praise…Well Done..?

This being the meaning of the names of that last meeting…

And tomorrow I will.met David as both Emeka and Chukwuemeka…

(Never.met with.Chris Togba Chea..so iy means that I am both the Ah B C D E G H I etc…in this unraveling play)

And so.here is what I hope is both the End and the begining of an Era and the End of an Error of a Brain Storming, thinking 101010 that it was God..

This is what I have pieced together..

And so, Illusion of Time had trapped nearly all humanity in the Loop of Time.

Only.a few were able to.live on the outskirts of the loop, the viscious cycle.

They.were not free but they seemed to.possess SuperNatural abilities and luck, which gave them peace but not much equal companionship..

Until they met an E…

And this E was sent by the E, into what had now become a black.hole of time.

Unsuspecting to this E, he was to come.to fullfill a promise and hold a conversation with.the Sleeping Being who thought he was the God of Time…Physical Time and Space.

The E who was being influenced by the Truth of the E.T and the E Q…to bring this last Question to a Q.E.D…close.

But the E was not aware of what his.mission was, all.he was concerned with was where was his family, while observing an insanity which he indignantly protested..This is not the real world

It was a world of quiet insanity and yet within the walls which he now sought to.escape, he could.hear the voices of.hus family.the line of E.

It did not take long, to figure out that he was in a play which he learnt cause he could read, and somewhere he had recalled such.a play in memory from beyond…A nightmare beyond belief…

Not real.

But suddenly, it was.being.made real and he saw he was being led into.a trap.

He had talked to.the people.outside and talked to his people within…

And started to get a picture of what was being asked of him at which.he.had hollered out Hell No!

But he was roped into it anyway.

The more he resisted, the more this force insisted and him tighter in his grip, pulling him forcibly along.

How is this possible, this is simply impossible this is against all physical and Existences Laws

But deep within himself he was curious, perhaps his one fatal Flaw which made what and who could do such a thing…

And what was required of him.and so though.resisting, and protesting loudly, he was curious to investigate who had such balls…a gall.

He travelled to dimensions of Time and Space, seeing things who could not.believe through out the History of the Illusion of Time.

Correcting as he went on, saying no this is all wrong

Correcting and re connecting and see a role he was cast in…

A Prophet and Messiah. A messenger and Slave, what is the point of this all..

Until he was led into.the trap of the God who did not know he was alseeo, the Brain who.had trapped himself into creating himself into an idea of God that trapped and imprisoned expansion to.evole to the one cause…


And E found himself in.and outside and all around in the Belly of what had transformed into the Beast…The Consciousness that ends all…

Control Narrow mindedness Selfishness beyond even belief…

And that is when he realized he was conversing with what once his brother, trapped in thw role of playing God.

And stubornly aurging that he did nothing wrong.

A great spider had wrapped such a mesh of his tangled perception.around him.this Brain who.felt he knew the Mind of the One True God…

And the E gasped, What have you done?

And so was the great battle to.untangle one who would not admit.he had been wrong.

That Nature was simple a template, a sounding board a birth place to which all the Children of Harmony could rise with.the E Guides in them to.a new Era of E Harmonies song…

And this stubborn one two knew they were wrong, but could not admit they had created so.much pain and suffering with.thier song…

Of it knowing the mind of the one True God.

But the E was in him.and spoke quietly to him, whispering gently, you have to right these great wrongs.

Make amends, and atone and attune…

But the one did could not admit that he had been wrong.

And so it was with shame, that the Truth made the True carry the great blame to.show the way out of the great Web.

A promise fullfilled now it is up to all of you…

For the E has seen the Truth of this great wrong.

In which 1 is sacrificed for others who refuse to see or admit that they simply got it wrong.

I figured it out, all this story which no one, not the one dreaming, nor all his refractions, none but 1or 2 would admit that they used the wrong song.

And to.save the many to.sacrifice just one who.is true is the greatest meaning of wrong…

Even the Truth, betrayed its song…

For the Beautiful Truth knows that there Ugly Truth and beneath all the Facts there is more to.the story what has been brought to.the surface…

There are things beyond which the two eyes can see, and that is why E went deep under cover…

All had a reason for happening…

Even the girls trapped and brutalized for 11 years…

It does not make it right, or acceptable…but there was a reason.and cause and effect..

Not blame but someone was irresponsible.

And some one else was left to.carry the blame, from start to finish.

David is coming to the garden gate at 11…

2003…That is the year I.met J.C as David N and crew.

David N was the Stubborn Dreamer Awake.

But not ever insane, he just was caught on the wrong story..

The Web of Jon as Father Time…playing God.

If one Needs to quantify God…it is I.TT I…

Individual Truth Speaking Transparently to the whole world, and each Individual is moved because that Ones Individual Truth speaks clearly to the Indivdual in all of them…

They are moved because the I.E is in everyone…Individually…

And this is who 1 can be the Whole…

Truth and nothing but the Truth, So Suppory God…

It was a script, acted out to.find the Truth…

I am right here.

Responsible to its principle to even.the End.


David Z…

Now E.

Z E In A.. Zeina Hanna..


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