
Facebook Post..

4:55 P.M.

The ONE.



The Beautiful One…

These are quotes from Mma Adu..

Meaning Beautiful Being..BB..V.

And from Kachy Ihems…

The Beautiful One..

Both names are code name for me…

Let me explain…

I have finished but I was used in the play of Africa today once more!!!

I was contemplating my next move, fully aware that I that I am meant to go home now not looking for a job or shelter.


After yesterdays play of seeing Nikoma moved naturally to me at StarBucks 78 Spring Street (Nikoma as David are both code DOB 78)..but I have never met David here, only at the Beans Cafes but Nikoma all three …

But afterwards we moved to Erik Ebright, from the Supernaturals Nikoma, to the EE…

Now get this, I knew there was a code to post about Mma Adu identifying me as The One- T.O)

Then Kachy Ihems as The Beautiful One T.B.O.

And last night a pale man who looked like a beautiful Gargoyle dressed in all black kept staring at me as I sat out side the Punjabi Indian Sufi place.

My body was twisting and I was seeking to control it with dignity as I sat outside on the steps.

He continued to stare from a far in incredulity and I dare say, admiration.

Finally he came up to me beaming..


I said hello but I was not very welcoming..

I sensed that he was from the other realms.

He extended his hand smiling…

I shook it..

My name is Yvan what is yours…


He smiled a bit taken back by my stony face.

He left only for me to find he lived just besides the Punjabi place where I normally sit and drink my tea as if waiting for someone.

I was pissed because I could not believe that I was still being made to solve riddles and that Nikoma gave me 2O USD…

Dressed in his suit as he headed to work.

I knew that I was instrumental or this force moving people to better situations for thier part in the play…

From Nikoma David.. All…


And still I roamed the Street sleeping on subways..

I wanted to Kill.

14 yrs of this..

You all recall when I first moved to 268 the website which had magically opened up on my computer about a secret society of Guardian Ancestors (G A) who had uploaded my Creation Story the family of 1O as well as The Elegant Nomad on thier site under the code 11:28.

1966…My Birthday codes..

About putting about being able to move people without them knowing to places..

And of having retreated to the shadows…?

And thier search for The One…

And thier testing likely candidates and placing the most likely in a place called abandon all hope, all you who enter here.

A place so terrible that only The One can pass through..if he is The One.

Through Mma Adu- by reaching Erik EBright through Nikoma, I had qualified as The One by thier revealing it to him in his Dream.

Such tests are Barbaric and Savage..

Not of the E.

Only the E know that my secret code name is The Beautiful One…


Truth Beautiful Full Circle perfect symmetry…

So last night and the riddle of H.U really pissed me off and then having 1usd in my pocket..

I knew I had passed the test which was crossing the Universe and the Universal Awareness Simulation Matrix as well as the Matrix Web of human deciet and lies

5:28 pm

And that of Universe Nature…


To reach * Galaxy 11O1 6OX I.C…

And END the World Z…Zombies

What was I still doing on the fuckin street.

I do not feel or even look like a 48 yr old man but I am tall elegant dignified walking on the streets and living in the guise of a hobo..

And no matter how well you carry yourself there is a way people begin to judge you and treat and talk to you

14 yrs…

So when I saw Nenads texts as well as Safter from Istanbul.

And 14 likes I was outraged and refused the play..

But I saw the message from Nenad and was drawn in..

He was seeing African peoole all day…

I knew it was a riddle..

We conversed he wished to send me 2O euros..

I knew his intention were pure but I was outraged.

The Ego Money, Oge Time Ego False Ego play again…!

I never feel Hatred but this play brought the Truth of that Hatred and desire to murder and kill..

The way it has been used against me..

To do another thing which pushes me to these feelings..

Manipulate Control Deceive..

I knew that I no longer wished to be part of anything which had the power to do this to a person, to anyone much less the Source undercover..

But Nenad ended up speaking of NRI and the 12 villages which arose after the Deluge as well as the 12 Followers of the first Eze NRI..E.N.

Who of course is Yeshua…

Emeka Yvan

Emeka Yonathan..

Nenad did the codes beautiful

Garden X Y..24-25 letter 49..D I/I.D


Alfie Ndubuisi NZE Eziefule…

A.N.N E..

Grace and Favor..

Nenads codes moved to

The 12 ..1+2=3..The C…TC..

Of E


12 disciples +1…13…+ his twin Mary Magdalene


I found only a man there and two children Royal Reign and I E…

I gave Nenad Nikoma name because I could think of no one else…

But I had to call him…

I was tired of this I went to his office..

Which he did wish me to do..

I wondered why and did so pushed.

The same way he had later asked me not to tag him which I was pushed to do so which ended with him unfriending me on Facebook and my own devilish chuckle.

I had to call him.

I have no phone and setting up a phone with Google has been a nightmare because my email accounts will not allow me access

Instead I thought of Nexus…

He was there eating.

Without a word he slipped me 5 usd

I had not asked him nor had I asked Nikoma butb Nikoma had made me feel as if I was his inferior even though he spoke words on the contrary.

I had been with ppl from begining to end money I and this force, love life homes security mental health I had been instrumental in all..

How dare they…

Those who dared.

I had know Nexus on the streets he had come to the streets.

I have known him the longest.

I met him with Erek Eclass M.

14 yrs ago!

Erik to Kari Bazemore his real name…

E.E to K.B..E.K!!!

I spoke on the phone to Nikoma..he rebuked me for going to his office.

I am.The One.

He had denied that truth.

He had played his part.

Just as David.

I canceled his code of Money.

Nexus was the missing link.

He gladly agree

My body beings jumped and spoke through me.

Africawas all he said

I was asked to draw a Tube and a Ricky sign on a baseball cap by Nexus..K.B.

Did I mention that in 2OO2 I Literally rose ascended in the presence of two ppl in a room.

Erik and Kari..B


Erik Nexus.

It was a riddle.

Nexus is African and American Espirit.

Love Joy.

So I texted Nenad with the correct link equation name…~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155638404070162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10155638404070162%3Atop_level_post_id.10155638404070162%3Atl_objid.10155638404070162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10155638404070162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1420099200%3A1451635199%3A6438355824277091237&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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