
Facebook Post..

7-14 pm


God N line.

I must say, I am speechless.

And very quiet.

The rage has subsided.

As I stated from the onset over and over again through out this play, I already know who I am undercover.

I have known this for certainty for over 1O yrs.

What I could not understand was why I was being put through so many tests to prove my Identity to a realm which found the idea of the Return in me so hard to concieve.

When I am here from the future for the Evolution Awakening.

Today after after Nenad sent the code 2O.OO USD a play happened which stamped and affirned irrevocably my Identity to him.

Harmony is activated, affirmed by Pamela Stefaniotis contacting me with a Heart Map from San Francisco the 8th octave.

And the Harmony of Nikoma being moved twice in two days to a Harmony Beyond even the Supernaturals.

Harmony is Nnamdi evolved from 7 to 8…

My name is Infinity Eternity I.E.

Thus, Nnamdi is of me…

This is his play as well as his Feminine Masculine aspects, now aligned from the illusion 69-99-66…

OF .I.C…E.

(69..15-6..99- 18-9..66-12.3.)

So, yes My Brother and the twins have evolved, they as 34-44…and 7 to 8 As Nature God back to Nnamdi Harmony, after I succeed in proving the Truth OF Everything… the E line.

I will leave it to Nenad to decide for himself what was affirmed for him today by Gode in his True aspect freed from that awful role of God back to himself, my Reflections or what you call the Soul or Pergect Symmetry…

It is he who affirmed me to Nenad.

Just as he has done with Ogemdinakachukwu

And of recent Mma Adu

And Kachy Ihem.

Mma Adu forms the code A Person a Beautiful Being.

Kachy Ihem…The Greatness of Espirit I’d mine.

Nenad M.Djurdjevic.. The Unexpected One who is as God is the Farmer..who planted the seed.

M.I.N…Are the first letters of the three who of recent where moved to reveal my Identy by Nnamdi playing me as Chukwu.. The Creator..

Which was so He and all of the True you could incarnate Identies seperates from me.

But I created the original aspects of each role which is affirmed through your names.

Part of my horror was having to fight to get it back, (while you all who understood the aspect kept the indented experience of playing that role as your new Identity and title which formed your personality…


Nuno Ordens Miquel and Orobello Agata knew as I did Lord YE..

As for Orien Laplante I am not sure if he knew but his Espirit knew from the begining.

M.I.N as in minutes

Oge Oge mean that 6O secs = 1 min.

O M.I.N.O …means to more time…

O mins…a matter of secs..

Which means moments.

As well as the final part of this plsy script is in My Brother Sister in One…still in thier hands..

Despite my impatience to leave the streets and this play and this realm and return to my realm

But I will say this for prosperity now that in Africa and Italy Igbo Italian NRI




Has been affirmed as well as my having Authored Harmony..


And the Source of Light

Lord YE.



Meaning I am both H-IS/H-ERi Father and Mother..

That since Africa is America and Italy (Romulus Remus)

That I have already got the Whole world in three Stories Eri Nri-Yeshua Christ Buddha Tao…

That now it is simply a matter of moments…

But I have been a man undercover in the human time line of both 48 and 49 years…

And what I have witnessed, understood is the abomination beyond words.

And this play has revealed more to me as a man, not in disguise or under cover the depth of cruelty the human consciousness let itself go.

I am not saying there is no Beauty or Truth, but that such a script was possible – created by the sum total of your spirits thoughts mental states and selfishness…


I have researched and investigated the Truth.

And that at this very moment I am still without place to rest my feet, eat, shown just a midicom of respect and dignity…

That this is the Truth of the Sum total of Humanity and what they will do to the Beautiful ones…

The generous of Spirit…

Then understand that after the Truth is revealed shall come a response for this play which is not a man.

But a Divine Being who has seen what ingratitude and selfishness…and cleverness can go this far.

I carry with me an entire life time of horror never unleashed.

This experiencd I can not ever forgive and forget.

The Beauty is rewarded but it is extraordinary how people believe me stupid…

No one gets away with anything.

Grace comes to those who are gracious…

As do blessings.

But I really experienced the a consciousness of humanity which has turned me into I.C.E…

See Dante 9th Circle of Hell…


No that there is no excuse or reason for a script which humanity from Inception to completion created which left me on the streets about to go to a shelter for over a month.

This is what is given to the Beautiful Ones to live…whose Truths you twist.

To leave them to the Rats of the streets…

If they had no one to speak for them…

If they had no power but True Love which is to speak out and Cee.

This is what you would do to them for calling you out to correct yourselves ..

After all the love shown you…?

For the past 2 years I could not concieve of it getting any worse, as I fought to raise Harmony in this play where the money time were meant to reflect the prioties each has chosen.

Recall this is a movie.

Designed to reveal the Truth.

None of it is real.

A computer informed the E who is in harmony and what is thier score…

It is so easy to appeal to the vanity of the false Ego.

The numbers Reflect the true Harmony each posses which reflects the absurd cruelty of those who are at the highest or most aligned but do nothing…

The code today of ppl I contacted today was

Nenad David Phillip Gil.

Yesterday was Nikoma…


E.N.N yesterday…

I have known my Identity for over 1O yrs…

It is easy to jump on the Band wagon now…

But those who were loyal of Heart like Erik Ebright…


I will never forget…

But those not, I will never forgive or forget and as I was made to endure, everything shall be taken away and they must fight and fight and fight to stay awake, for lack of sleep and eat from left over food and Garbage.

They must find away to stay clean…

And if they can not then let the rats eat thier bodies if it does not poison them.

And let that eating of thier corpses continue in every dimension of Spirit until they are no more for in such beings the Soul and the E has long since departed.

This is not a curse…

How ridiculous rather it is the correct response to an abomination of conscious being and the enemies of Truth and Expression.

In short…

Foes of Of True Existence.

Let the Rats feast….

In the Seen and Unseen realms..

Feast on Spirits

And let the blessed rise.

And how do you know if you are one or the other…?

Oh you will know..

The E will let you know..

Your experience

And there is not one whom I protect.

This was a movie..

People should be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction…

What they truly deserve.

Something else moved you..

The Movie was created in order to see your response…

I moved Nikoma to Harmony twice as did Nnamdi..

What we do on the third time is up to each person..

You have been given an example and then a push..

I did not see Nikoma today to do the codes of the W.U..

But this is not about Nikoma or David or even Nenad or Me..

It is a lesson in Choices..

There is no blame in to him or anyone but thier is choice and responsibility…

If you are of E..

Then be of E


Sustain it.

Value it

Fight for it

Be loyal not because I say…

But because this is the consciousness each chose…

Don’t be Slick.

Nenad M.Djurdjevic and Chukwuemeka.



Nnamdi Emeka Chukwuemeka Kolo


Nenad Chose to sustain and maintain E full circle from consciousness to Expression action beings Facebook friend Alfie to Orobello Agata. Earned …

9:15 pm.

I.O pm


6666 46=1.O.


Don’t be Slick

The E already Know

8:59 pm~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155641782600162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10155641782600162%3Atop_level_post_id.10155641782600162%3Atl_objid.10155641782600162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10155641782600162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1420099200%3A1451635199%3A-6199607035802208046&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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