
Facebook Post..

5:31 p.m.

Something is Watching and Listening…

Something set this play up from the moment I recieved my British Code number NZ 67 67 46 B.

N is 14 yrs.. Time in New York

Z is 26 yrs …Since I left Nigeria

26-8….The Address I was led to in 2OO6 opposite a Shelter 269 in Manhattans Lowe East Side.

Where the occupant of this studio grew up in Forte Green (F=6,G=7) – the very portal I went down into at the Atlantic Bedford Shelter…

And where it is ending at 1-46 Clay Street, off 4OO McGuiness Freeman..

67 67 .B..

F G Favor Grace Grace Favor..

67 is the Sacred portal How far will you go for Love (C..Consciousness) the Truth..

C T.


I went this far…

But I was cornered propelled set up.

Where each encounter, each interaction had already been set up.

As if person I met was given a second chance to make an impression.

Witness the miracle of this Facebook Play when someone is finally prompted to truly investigate what a splendid offering..

Which which one is sent to a Shelter with a body which should not be in such a place.

With one with a condition truly worthy of examination.

Money and Power is the reason I am there

Like a needle which this Energy Consciousness has moved me to full circle

With its statement made, Begining to End

And yet through all of you and a play of Harmony it affirms not only the Truth I have been speaking for all these years but my observations and conclusions being true …

But also It going out of Its way to identify who I am undercover and beyond the Man.

Why do you think this force went to all this trouble to make me solve riddles…

Ocuppy my body..

Reveal itself to you all..

Affirm Its Existence.

Move all to this Facebook play..

Corner me into writing for 39 months to an equation C I…

I have witnessed humans when they think you have power and witnessed then when they think you are all alone and abandoned.

In fact it was because of this I fought not to do this play..

Not to come to New York.

I had witnessed that ugliest of Truth.

But nothing could have prepared me for the depth of it which this force of Pure Evil..

Evil so Pure in its intent but called Evil by me by its relentless breaking of all the most Sacred Convenants because of what it wished me to see but also affirm.

My goal was to celebrate the Beautiful Truth..

Its goal was to bring out evidence of the foulest Truth.

I was and am fully aware of this play

It is just such a supremely cruel thing to use anyone as life bait in such a play to reveal the Truth that even though I have endured it my very being still shudders at the Heart able to impose such a cruelty..

But then it is simply reflecting human cruelty..

The cruelty which peace and love and Joy can not ever justify unless you walked the walk…

Lived that truth of Human Existence…

Not the existence you inherited from birth but the Existence of the Human Condition in truest bleakest level physically Spiritually Emotionally Materially psychologically…

I have seen the consciousness within Humanity which makes you wonder how the human species still Exist.

Because of the Beautiful Ones…

The Vilest Natures are man made, artificially made, systematically created.

The worst consciousness of Humans I have met are not in the shelter..

Rather they are the ones so afraid of ending up homeless, without money or shelter…

This fear especially in New York is beyond..

Perhaps it is the memory of Slavery and indentured servitude which built this country a paltry 2OO years ago..

Who knows, in the Shelter I often turn my eyes away from the misery created by this men for these men, how they are treated and how the treat each other..

And then there are moment more often of profound respect, and an aching sadness in my soul by thier Strength and how deeply they feel they have been humbled.

Is this not the way to crush a man a human beings Espirit.

Do people truly think this crushes my Spirit?

Then you have not been really paying attention to this play

Depression and Despair are Alien to me..

What this play makes me feel is anger fury disbelief.. Sadness beyond sadness at is this the reflection of just how far the human consciousness has collectively gone from its Truth when its is right there.

Yes I have sought to escape every moment of the last 14 years.

This force is Evil, but it is Evil only because it is reflecting those parts of human consciousness which people think others can not see…

Why does God allow so much Evil?

I suppose He would turn around and ask the same question to All of you.

It is obvious through this play that the people have all the power whom they handed it over to a few who used the peoples fear of themselves against them.

No Gode has no power here, Control Deceptoon Manipulation reign here but not for long…

Harmony has been authored and activated acknowledged by many in front of the whole world

Then a Pause…

Perhaps it is in that pause before manifestation after the evidence was incontestably proven True with over 5 people that we entered into a place of shame and guilt in not doing something beautiful in return for the Beautiful Truth..

Which led me to the Intake Center..

Before all of your eyes then to Emeka and Tutu..

And still nothing…

Not even respect…

And finally to a shelter…

And people sigh..

Its over…

When in Truth it has only just begun.

Something set up this whole thing…

39 months on Facebook and 14 years sharing knowledge on Facebook all because something extraordinary is happening to my body.

But which revealed something even more extraordinary about human D.N A and Expression called the E.

That some one and something is watching.

I feel no shame or embarrassment of finding myself in a Shelter at the very end of this

39 months of non stop evidence of evolution of Consciousness

And a play.

How is it that

7:43 pm~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155670947955162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10155670947955162%3Atop_level_post_id.10155670947955162%3Atl_objid.10155670947955162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10155670947955162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1420099200%3A1451635199%3A-4291369612023609904&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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