
Facebook Post..

From Michael O’Donnell…

I was in a shelter for just over a month and my neighbor was an irish man..

initials P.E.N….Proton Electron Neuron….


Before that I spent just over a month sleeping on the 6 train…

In 26 years I never relied on the state for Shelter, apart from once in London- and it was taken away…

I instead was forced to rely on people…..

it scared the stuffing out of me, not the people per sey, but the worlds and consciousness they lived and exist in…

thus, the great navigating through they, the Nicholas: the Victory of the People- was my journey paved to find my family outside, The Beautiful Ones, literally face body expression…And the more i went inside myself to retreat from the consciousness of the people i lived, with, the deeper I went into Sub space of their inner worlds, deeper and deeper i went..

to Olukon… the abyss, the bottom of the Ocean, to death, to Hades, to beyond… yes..

the deeper I went, the more that depth of following the trail of my family existing deeply within each person I lived with… Deeper and deeper, without home, and without shelter…

because it is within the Shelter of the Energetic Beautiful… the family of the victorious People called the e line….

where I exist Live.. and prosper and feel Safe….home…

because there is nothing to explain…

i they we, just say Ah..

its good to be home..

where the language of silence and sound SS..

IS so beautiful linked to Eternity Harmony E.H…

Supreme… we Sigh..

Spendor in the grass…

Mice to Men….

then it ends with A Lady saying..

I get It..

the play of E men..

brought forth the truth of ME..


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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