
Facebook Post..

1:34 P.M




I woke up today once again restless and with the urgent desire to simply walk away from this play…

The play of 18 Mountain View is exhausting despite the Beautiful Enactment of the Jonn and Donna…

My state has nothing to do with them but rather this play at which I am solving riddles which keep pointing out who I am and my true I.D.

My quiet rage comes not only from these riddles and equations constantly alluding to my Identity but also that I am placed in a position so insulting to me personally of this play continually created to make people aware of my Identity who mostly do not give a damn.

The complete lack of respect shown to me on a daily basis, the inconsiderate Nature of the play to my feelings and point of view at how outraged and insulting it is to my being moved to solve riddles which I can clearly see are designed to call attention to who I am.

The Truth of the matter is that I would never have put myself in the position to advertise or announce myself to people whom are so consumed with thier own realities and egos ( self projections) that it becomes like pulling teeth for them to pay attention to any other thing other than thier own desires to be seen, heard, respected and that thier point of view no matter how askwed should be respected while refusing to see the Truth right before them.

But this does not surprise me and never really did ( though the blatant disregard for me and my own point of view created by this play and humanity I do not think I ever would have conceived could go this far…

This complete and utter disrespect for this play and the utter disregard for myself…it makes one feel especially by peoples expressions as if I am a bum and a slave sent to serve others needs and that my own personal Existence is dependent on thier being made to feel that they are special..

And you are.

But you must rise to it

This impasse between humans ignoring and disrespectful of this play and my own personal view and all I have endured to simply deliver a message..

The Indifference to the Truth which everything but Human Beings (Apart from Lady) keep acknowledging and the Everything insisting on continually forcing on me situations and circumstances in order for them to use me to alert people of thier presence and my own identity which I have noted that people mostly of the dimensions of Illusion False Ego and hypocrisy, will never acknowledge without a show of what they presume is the True Masculine principle;





One would have assumed that Light which enables others to see clearly in the Dark would be received with gratitude rather than the refusal to respect the Light Bringer because of Jealousy Competition Envy Desite…

Because they wanted it to be them?

Because perhaps I do not fit into that mold of A Powerful Being..

Because this wretched impasse of Victory of the People requires that the people see and recognize the Source or the first born E…

Has made me almost nauseous with fury.

I do not care who acknowledges me.

I do not care which play each chooses..

I already know my worth and the worth of all Beings..

I know what I deserve and it is certainly not that this play of getting people to read these messages of proof evidence and Pay Attention that the Creator is here…

I am fully aware of the value of what I have shared and who I am.

I have no Need to have people be convinced of my authority and qualifications..

The Blackness of my wrath comes from this, this Human Response and this play of Nature.

Who are you that I must convince about Evolution Awakening, the play and even more outrageous….my own I.D.

Or the import of every word, post and image and play….

Who are you that the Truth has to beg plead and set up a play so limited in scope for me to Choose which Controls all aspects of my Being while existing in its realm that I can not truly concieve that such a Creation could be of me.

Out of all these pretenders and claimants to the Throne, of The One E (T.O.E..) that I am compelled to play scene after scene of this obscene play which is a Cold Play- a Heartless play of which power is given to illusions of Being In a hypocrisy of Caring for the masses who intentionally refuse to give Praise or truly C not because they can not but because it interferes with their own private agendas…

When did the E consent to such a play where we have to prove our Existence Merit and worth to those who with words actions and expressions seek to negate the Truth and natural respect reverence and devotion naturally accorded Beauty….?

The play of Enika Olah was so pivotal in once more providing evidence meant to invoke Awe Reverence Exclamation but instead created an almost non existent response.

Business as usual..

You Dare…

You Dare set up a play which Controls and perverts my way of Being to indulge a realm of illusions of Grandeur in Beings who have no ability to recognize thier Source and Truth and Beauty..

You dare put me through such a play to prove the Truth of the E for those who choices and perceptions are rooted on Selfishness Coveting that which is not earned or merited or made clean.

That Enika Olah response even with her own Human Form affirming is Blaze for you..?

It is not Humans I hold responsible because I can simply walk away and turn my back on them and in so doing teach them lesson in respect acknowledgment and gracious Expression along with the True Awareness of why it is always Wise to be alert to whom you are really addressing.

No, it is this Universe Nature who set up this play taking in only its point of view, no matter how innocently which created an imbalance in all things then converted it into a challenge rather than take responsibility that it saw things only its way which creates a rage which I can no longer even express..

To make me and the E endure this play everyday, the bearing of the Human Insult to everything that I personally have had to put up with to deliver a message called a Fact and then waste so.much time and energy to get people to pay attention is my realization that that which was Nothing, has been given so much leeway in this play that all I.have percieved in this play is not Grace or Beauty by Hatred Evil Beyond anything I could have conceived…

I sat this morning pondering the insult of this play, the set up on the Patio of Jonn and Donba when I saw two Hares…

I saw them and thought that they were just passing by but they actually came right in front of me…

Perhaps ten feet away.

There they stopped.

One of each side of me forming a triangle with me at the Apex and the two Hares at the base…

I alerted Donna to the spectacle and she was stunned.

They sat in perfect stillness for what seemed a long while until I stated that I would check the significance of the message they so obviously had brought…

The moment I made the gesture to check on my phone, relieved that they had got thier message through they left Gracefully leaping forth…

Donna informed me that she had never seen them ever come so close to the house before nor adopt such a pose…

It was Donna who retrieved the Sacred Meaning of the Hares…

They are Symbolic of Aphrodite and Eros…




66-(÷+x) 1..12 3…36….9…18 Mountain View..

1+8..9…(27..+X 14..5…9…59 Ritz…14-5…45-54 DEED)….9…I.

2:44 pm.

244 Facebook Friends.





Ann means Grace…

OD…Odd… (O4…Do Re Me Fa)



Donna had given me a card with A Giant Hare Talking to two frogs…

It was all about Gratitude so sincerely expressed.

Jonn had discovered a frog who was so bold and calm it allowed Jonn to stroke its back.

I had gone with him to his place of work…

There was an I Zen meditating frog at the entrance…what I knew was not my Place but Jonns…

Gratitude… Palace.. Cloud 9…C.9..C.I…


God’s Personal Computer I?

Or Grace….


I.C (David) Phillip Gil

I.C.(D) Friend of Horses the Winds called J.O.Y.

P =16.


7 is G…

It is on the desk used by Donna and sometimes I…the Number 7.

Jonn informed me that he would see me in 7 hours as he went off to work.

Grace …is the correct version

Not my being God’s Personal Computer his eyes his Slave…

Line of the Enslavers

Those who set themselves up as Creators and God’s…

Hare Krshna…

Eros Afrodite.



6 door of fact.

Now, since the way of the Nature of Love has no affect on the Brothers and Sisters who have gone so far as to acknowledge themselves as God, and show me a continued disrespect and disregard for the Truth so painstakingly given and exemplified by me being forced to demosnstrate what a Creator God is…

Which is a Being of Grace and Gratitude…

Cease to exist.

All ties with I.E are severed.

I do not acknowledge you of Being of Manifest Existence or of M.E.

Thus, I condemn you to the pit of the Black Hole and there you can prove why and how you dared Usurp the Truth of E and not pay hommage and respect to the one who oonc called you brother until you proved to my very face the truth of the lie you have become all the while aware of my presence.

Let us see if my power is an illusion and whether it is true, that I the Land Lord of The and Fact of Everything truly am the One.

It is my turn to show the True meaning of Power.

Which burns.

3:15 pm

Zeina Hanna H.

Spear of Destiny.

Adolph Hitler


18 Mountain View





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