
Facebook Post..

12:35 pm



9-13-8….I.M.H…Instant Manifestation Harmony


I have a new Face Book friend…

Welcome Ioana B. Udroiu… 🙂

Is Romanian Name… (Roman..CE…a Novel)

She also sent a picture of herself and her son Daniel whose is Romanian and Senegalese…


Whose name is Daniel…

My Grandfathers English name…

Ioana sent me a very polite text with her full name as Iona Carmen Udroi with Bhakti being her name given to her by her Sufi Sensie and friend..


Sigh… It has been a long road this last three years of linking and weaving.

This play which was complete in 2OO5 then once again in 2O12…but the original script was usurped by the N line of Nature to extend the play three more years because It sought to give the people a chance to be part of the play and have them Victorious participants of this play..

But at my expense since so few people took the time to read the Posts and Understand the play I found myself in…

We have reached 365 Facebook Friends once again after establishing that A Year as Linear Time does not exist..

That time is Cyclic and thus a Spiral…

Circles which cycles which move to a point.

The cycles seeming the same but the content of each cycle or Circle different, moving us to its point like a great coiled Serpent.

The Name Ioana means First Born as well as the Slavic name for John..Yohan..


Slavs…Beaux Gens

Beautiful People

The name Carmen is a diminutive of the nick name Carnel as in Mary Mother of Heseus (Jesus) Our Lady of Mount Carmel

In Hebrew it means God’s Vine yard

As in the code play Le-vine Nicholas and Kenny Levine…Lisa Levine…and the neighbours at of Eden.Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan at 18/Mountain View.

It also means Garden

Song, Tune Poem…Verses..Truthfully

To Charm..and Guard..

See Sacred Portal 43..

True Life

Please see my posts of which Paradise Garden of Eden, Sine, Song…Songe..

Poem A Freedom Song…

Bhakti is the Sanskrit word for Devotion

And Udroiu is the Romanian equivalent of the name Adrian which means Dark, Black..the Adriatic Sea…

Which aligns the Adriatic Black Sea and Iona Sea..

A B.I…

* Ion Udroiu.. This name just popped up, which adds to the Equation

Pls note, that this my Facebook play is an end Equation formulated by my self in what I can only describe for now as a Challenge thrown down (and forced upon me) to solve the riddle of Existence ..or else.

With death not even being an option.

Only pain and suffering literally..

Since I do not believe in Pain and Suffering only the Literal Boogie, and have always guarded the literal memory of a family and the True Earth..

I accepted the challenge (despite its unfair play) and rose with quiet indignation to prove a Truth which in itself, is a ridiculous thing to have to prove…

In 1999, I lived in Istanbul, having moved there in 1997 after falling in love with its Natural Beauty and the Cosmopolitan people…

I had decided to create a festival there more to highlight this country known mainly for the film Midnight Express M.E.

I decided to call people all over the world to come down here to Party and a Gathering.

I did not bargain for the almost 3 years it took to Manifest it.

I was tested.

Anyway, eventually I was finally sponsored by a company called Momentum-Beyaz whose founder was of the ancient Turkish royalty..

Who was very intelligent and worked with Pars McCAnn and Erikson in New York.

I state all this to make people aware of how Every moment in your life is good important but that in them are codes which help you see that you were walking a purposeful route guided by your Espirit…Momentum…

And to not be aware of why your life is moving in s direction that you have no control or say in apart from self Mastery…

It can turn into a living hell.

Anyway, I eventually created a small book..

A story which is amazing because it was the same method of story telling I had adopted when I was an 8 year old remembered the reason I was here and wrote a book about the Mission and the End of the world as humans knew it…

And here I was now having written a Story of The Gathering, a 9 day festival in which each day we would create a different world to Celebrate, what only now I can understand was a voyage through Space above as the planets..

Time…The Human Time Line on Earth..

And the Womb…)

A Home comming…

The Festival was cancelled at the last moment but it had sparked International attention and the response was overwhelming…


It was called The Festival of Paylasmak..

Meaning the festival of Sharing..

On the Island of Karada..

Adriatic Black Iona Sea .

A B.I.S…

A.P.I.S…Bull of Poseidon…Neptune…hmm

For 9 years I have lived at a base 268 East Fourth Street..

And only now do I realize with the culmination of this Facebook Sharing..

That my whole Existence since I arrived with my then oldest friend Jon Jason Lee, in the Lower East Side in 1999, just a few months after the Festival was cancelled ( and the subsequent Earth Quake that followed… Poseidon Earth Shakers?)

That my whole Existence and Being (My Espirit) has moved me to full fill that Vision made real when I was 32…

As the one I wrote when I was 8 which also drew a lot of attention.




Full Circle


58..born August 8th



59th Street..

The Ritz..

5+9=14…N…Nnamdi Narcissus… 1+4=E and Erike..

5×9=45…D E…9..2O…29..18..9…

9+2=11…1..2../21…the twins..

See code of Ioana Carmen Udroiu..Bhakti

I. C..U…B!


I see Being is you!



3:O2 pm..


I had a very cool Lady friend who in Turkey named Vivian…

Vie Vie..

The Female form for Nnamdi Alexander John Erike…


Jan is the God of Doorways

12+1 a Cycle completes at A-L

Awareness Love Clarity…

13…Manifestation after reaching



A.B Complete…

J.A N.E is John…

3:O6 pm


Circle O Fact.

Now let’s see the rest of the messages from my Twin Nnamdi now Evolved to the Everything.. E line

Ioana C U B..E..

I Cube…Existence Universe is a Cube not a Two Dimensional Square… Box..

It is a solid Cube

Black Rick


Ka’ Abba..

Soul Father..

The Ion of Consciousness Be, I.C…its you E…

3:12 pm…C.A.B…C.L

312..David Matt Q…

It is Consistent Being, this is the Ion of the In Out of Breath…which moved beyond the speed of light to create a curve in the road, a path way to Eternity..

Through The Graciousness of the Creators Graceful Elan- momentum of Light (The Light Spot Light are his Vision which are literally real)

The Line of Vision of the First Born, the Garden the ESpirit of Truthful Expression who forges a path to the Vineyard and Garden where the Guardians guard the way to enter into the 5th Dimension by seeing how you share, if your heart is as Light as a Feather when you share and pass through Ma’at…the darkest Nights tests…

3:2O pm..

March 2O…2OO1

Time Machine..

The Guy pierces the riddle of Priscilla Queen of the Desert…

With verses, Song a Poem of Existence to the First Born, Borne by him while appearing Naked at his most Vulnerable before the world on Facebook..

A song and a Vision True and so evocative provicative that it forms a picture, is a Story Perfumed from the Heavenly scent of a master perfumer of Natures colors lightened up to hues of a Truth unfolding with every word of his being into Manifest View at Mountain View..

A movement of Existence.

Evolving at his insistent that that his view and message is True..

From the Adriatic Dark Black Blackwell..

To the Light for all to see

I.C.U Beloved…

3:31 pm

C Sacred Portal 31…Resurrection



Reveal Re V Relations

Of Lord Creators Grace…

3:32 pm

Welcome Lady Io Ana…Car-Men…U D Roi U

Of Devotion.

From Devi Nnamdi Jonn…

Devi Supreme..

Twin E.

See Sacred Portal 85~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156032462965162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10156032462965162%3Atop_level_post_id.10156032462965162%3Atl_objid.10156032462965162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10156032462965162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1420099200%3A1451635199%3A-8355968075108466343&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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