
Facebook Post..

From Michael O’Donnell

And this is where in todays extraordinary play of posts from Michael where the Harmony displayed earlier must pause…

Of course, I agree with this as my literal experience but nothing is further from the Truth at the same time…

This statement and conclusion was created by the societies we live in, the frustration of not being able to live the most beautiful truth..

And while its is true that my very own creation story of memory of the Original sources of human expression called the family of 1O- literally states the same thing as written in this posts- that the abhorrence and compassion (not really pity) at thee accepted view of Existence caused the family of 1O to come down undercover in this world, to enact out the truth, in the same conditions of which caused humans to embrace this idea of suffering, brings great beauty, into the true Cee which enables humanity to see a different view…

They did not come into this realm to suffer, or promote the idea of Suffering but rather point out through enactment a way to perceive another way of evolution, which is by reading the blue print of Existence.

Only ignorance, the feeling of isolation, and being blind, groping away in the dark creates and feeds the illusion that suffering is the only way to reach beauty..

But this is in truth a most Unnatural way…

I was brought up in a very disciplined house hold, where suffering was celebrated as Good for the soul..

I rebelled against this from a very early age, because everyone assumed that what I was going through with my siblings would make me, and us amazing individuals, so wise and accomplished..

Instead my life took this unexpected turn, which created a situation of hardly anyone in my family speaking to me, friends, society all abandoned me even to die on the streets…

I had disappointed them..

But why, from childhood, I was told that I had great Beauty, but the suffering many witnessed I and my siblings went through, I witnessed became an excuse to not feel true empathy, outrage, which would demand action..

Instead I saw acceptance.

And I witness myself prematurely age, I witnessed my brothers, death, my brothers and sister;s terrible hurts which they had to transform and make successful lifes for themselves..

I saw the lie of it and if anything has galvanized me, even in this play which I fought tooth and nail to not be part off, yet at the same time offered up the gauntlet, it was to prove and riddle out this collectively embraced assumption out of Existence..

Pain and suffering scars, it diminishes rather than feeds…

And those few, who can rise above suffering, and transform it into light,

are never as the light they could have been, were created to be..

There is a reason why humanity collectively revolts against seeing pain and suffering even if it is to act as if it does not exist in others..and why at the same time it is used till this day as the tool applied to create fear and ensure they get what they want…

People fear pain and suffering worse than death..

And hence Humanity is aware of that it has this fear and hence, this is why so many use these this tool to torture others…

Why so many have reached for this Ultimate too and force and control..

Keep the people illiterate, ignorant, not educated, but programmed through the education system…

Keep the people distracted..

Why distract them, why go to all these lengths to distract them, what do They who use these tools of fear and abhorence, not wish you to see, to percieve, to link, to read..

Read- perhaps they do not wish you to read reality as so many Special children read reality and move through, the illusions and Matrix of fear as if they these walls and boundaries not exist.

If one must learn to be a great sword man, or car racer, or surgeon, you study, learn read, practice discipline, self Mastery.. you have set a goal and you work towards it..

You are training, training to full fill a role…

A part you were born to play, a part you recognize and embrace..

This is not suffering…

This is Sweat and Tears…Perspiration..

Suffering is when you are well trained only to enter into the most absurd arena..

Where the nobility of the quest and expression is distorted and deformed into a grotesque mockery of the truth.

You train all your life to become a doctor or racer and when you reach the Top, become a master, you are not only not allowed to do your job, but enter into an arena where the basis of your lifes training its point is regulated to the bottom of the list just below Do not be Naive Don not be Silly

This creates Suffering by the absurdity of the Arena….

Embracing this as truth for me is the meaning and source of all that is

Truly Evil… the Height of Unnatural

Nothing in Nature, nor within the Blue Print of Existence supports this Human claim and acceptance..

When one looks at the universe and creation, the Cosmos, the beauty, the order…One does not see this evidence of pain and suffering…

One sees the setting as that of all being part of a structure…

A structure of Harmony order logos…

Then we have the World..and our own self projections..

Animals when they kill their prey do not torture them for days, form bonds of marriage which create Mirror- Mi-Rage…Tormenting our partners, destroying each other, divorcing each other, and still tormenting each other even after Death..

What nonsense is this?

Where in the blue print off Nature does this exists, even the most dangerous venomous serpent bites you and kills you after terrible suffering after at most a few days- and you know why it bit you- It is off nature, it is transparent, it does not invade your space, you invaded its, and now its pissed of.. This is its nature, some even have warning bells-

Rattle Snake- is that not natural grace?

I am pissed off so stay away?

Leave me some time to cool off…


But Human beings will hold grudges for generations, destroy everything they hold dear to give into one fit of rage one sore point, throwing all 8O% of the Beautiful moments of shared Harmony, for that one sore point which causs them to explode into rage..

Where does this rage stem from…

Not knowing, ignorance, not knowing how and who to trust..

Try asking others to write your letters for you, and tell you how to see, because you claim that you are blind…

What does it make you feel, why does it unsettle you, why does it awaken a sense of distrust in you- when that person has never given you reason and cause to doubt he or she is deceiving you judging you.. gossiping behind your back…

Is it really Trust, or that irritation of you feeling inadequate, that you do not know how to read, that you are blind..

And hence are open to the frustration deception, vulnerable to all manners of guile and evil..even if it is not there..

The possibility is awakened in you simply because you can not read..

Would not the logical thing to do- the most important world issue, beyond ISIS, and economic security, and the supporting the military, so they might protect you..

Would the most important world issue, which EVERYONE-EVERYTHING- even the animals in nature who so many profess and understand whatt is going on in their world…

When in truth it could be they and nature sending a message

Quit the conscious expression that pain and suffering is a needed requirement in this world..

To be a might warrior capable of striking with the sword.. and if you can not buy a body guard, an army why not, turn everything around you into something Military to protect youu from the shadows, in the darkness of that void..

Where can not see or read, that it is your move on the chess board.

Perhaps Nature and its children are turning on man because of this way of thinking which is infecting the whole world..

Driving them crazy with this absurdity…

Creation manifested with ease, one senses it by the tides of change, the way night falls and Dawn- Morning comes, repeating that cycle. Crops grow, rain falls babies are born, despite every imaginable fearful possibility in human imagination of fear acted out, life Creation Nature moves steadily, chill, coolly through a magnificence which stupifies and still causes the grumpiest predator man, modern man to for a moment forget everything and given into the beauty of a moon lit night, or the ambience and comforting set up nature as sheer poetry..

One senses instinctively that there was no Pain and Suffering which brought this setting of which the play of the Word acted out which the example right there in the backdrop, around you within you, and above you North East West and South..

The Heavens move, the Earth Spins, the Heat rises from the Sun within the Earth and the Sun outside of the Earth…

Your opinion does not matter.. that is not truth.

Truth is that which remains constant steadfast..Vigilant- Virgin- Virgil- Flourishing…

Nature is True..

That is the meaning of the Phrase My Word- Twins Tom Mot are the One Truth…

This is the setting, align your world to its expression, this foundation, all other interpretations are absurd.

Addicted to pain and Suffering, the narcotic of disappointment and rejection..

This is my REFUSE…

But to others, most it has become their refuge.

That need to suffer to make validation real..

for it to scar and indent and use a tool of superiority over others,

an excuse to defile others, to look down on others

all unintentionally of course, but you current stature you earned by such suffering, this is the reward for your pain…

the memory and scar that won’t go away

the road to get to the illusion of the Beautiful you..

That way that you could learn..

through Fear and pain and suffering from the refusal to let go of a point of view of Ignorance because you do not know where to look, how to see and how to read..


Creation just as Nature, rose with an Orgasmic sigh, and release..

That is why those who touch upon that F.M frequency near that of Creation suddenly fill Extase and Bliss…

Human society created that alibi, that to reach Home, you must suffer.

this has been my literal experience…But not my Truth.

Pain and Suffering, is pain and Suffering

all it does is what pain and suffering are meant to do..

drive the already Angry and Mad, Insane..

Me me me!

Instead of Mi mi mi!

ROY G Golden=Green…

Reaching their Truth, True Worth and fulfilled Value and potential..

Golden Race who are the true children of Angels and their Expression called the Daughters of E.V.E…

Sacred Portal 15…Father of Women…

The Jolly Green Giant

Hoe Hoe Hoe..

the Till which ploughs the Earth

and who Fruit are the Golden Ones…


The E’s..

Line of E…me.

9:16-17 pm


I PI…I.Queen~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156242422350162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10156242422350162%3Atop_level_post_id.10156242422350162%3Atl_objid.10156242422350162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10156242422350162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1420099200%3A1451635199%3A3171952259227207653&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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