
Facebook Post..

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Just because…

its is Natural Solitude

Beautiful Expressed…

Because it has no concept of itself Being Alone or in Solitude,

Until it discovers by meeting another, then others just as Itself.

that it was Alone…

Because all it felt in the Solitude was that Quiet Bliss and Serenity of its Existence, which came to be described as the Expression of Nothingness..

Not even of the Awareness of itself…

It was solely focused on the Beautiful View,

and the Balance of Being with this State of Feeling Sensational..


But the moment that another comes, and the One become Two,

there is a Change, an Expansion form that point which only by looking back in Hindsight do you realize that you have understood the meaning of Being Alone…

Quiet Silence..Everything Balanced

Nothing to Say…Silence…

And in it as you look back.. it was beautiful..

A Step, which has now evolved to Two..

and the Sweet, Spicy..Salt of the Enhancer of Appreciation of all that was understood in that foundation of Your being in Existence..

That Stillness

You being the Lone Expression in that Nothingness,

That Somethingness, completely unaware of Itself

but yet aware of the Everything.. The Beautiful View…

And so from the Two comes the Conversation which brings forth Poetic Music…Symphony Song Soul Brothers Soul Meeting…

And its only get better,

It only took Two

To created the C.O..3 C..33 CC 2 C O 6 OF ( 33) 8 9…H.I

Harmony Infinity..

From this Solid Foundation…

Of the Peering into the Sum Pool


Sacred Portal…

View, C of Naturalness

Created Creation Beautiful Expression


Which has been the hardest lesson for Humanity through the Ages to comprehend and apply…


Nobility Bright Intelligence


When you are able to sustain and maintain Naturalness in any environment or conditions set up,

even in the conditions most adverse, and against naturalness..

You have mastered BE=I=NG

And when you have mastered the full Circle of Nature TAO,

Full Circle of Naturalness- Being, and the full Circle of Beau-ti Full..

Flowing as Water, Double V..

The Double Element Agent Binding Agent James Bond…

of the Four Fire Earth Wind Water Woo-d Air.Bearth Moisture Dew Rain

F.E.W…A.H.B.M.D.R..I RE..Flow Cee!

That Water is the 5th Element..

The Expression who source is VV…V=E..Vie

Truth Life…

From the 5th Dimension..

First Drop…



The World…

6:O1 p.m~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156376450765162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10156376450765162%3Atop_level_post_id.10156376450765162%3Atl_objid.10156376450765162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10156376450765162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1451635200%3A1483257599%3A-1025563083159352943&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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