
Facebook Post..

From Michael O’Donnell

And without the ability to imagine,

if to suspend disbelief and simply

read, or imagine for example, that what I say

that I am doing, demonstrating..explaining as

I literally make my way home…

is real..

(Using sixth sense and Fact, to literal reveal the genetic coding and Blue Print of Human Existence, by transforming D.N.A; /A.N.D..Link, Con-junction-dn a/up.ah.

To D.N.E, /END, dn.eup-e; by programing through linking daily posts 36O to Symmetrical Perfection, revealing underlying, and the underscore- of a Majestic Royal Symphony, a Whispering Song in the wind, the silence and roaring sound, of a River flowing through us all, unveiling a deeper meaning of expression and actions of All.. being in perfect harmony with that score.. asking each to put each of their understandings of each experience into song..A play of Show and Tell)

Then you are likely to miss the greatest

train ride and event..

The Evolution Awakening of a species…

And the possibility of every going Home..

Cause you missed that Train because you claimed to

know All…

Even when Vast and limitless Imagination does not know All..

Only the Source of all Potential and Possibilities

can make that claim, for within is the knowing of

what even Imagination could not conceive..

Manifest into even this dimension of Existence,

manifested by Individuals who literally see

the Alignment to infinity in the possibilities and the potential of All..

to be Beautiful…

And the Ugly?

Why Truth can only be Beautiful..

So that which is ugly,

really is nothing but people in the awareness,

of fear as Imagination of consequences of acted like a Know it All

limiting, murdering, expressions which literally prove Its Truth..

..And literally lead a Species to Evolve.

What a shame to miss all that for assuming the Role of a Know it all

without having listened to All the Facts, Acts, E.C.T..Evidence Consciousness T-rue..T-Ruth..

When some is sharing more than a Beautiful Vision,

but rather Sharing THE (not his) Beautiful Truth..

C.I…Ga la XY Z…1O-11

Gate Way… Consciousness Infinity…?


Childhood Imagination…

That is the Literal Truth..

The Way home, to the Family,

The Truth of your Origins, as the line of E

lies in the literal experience and consciousness of your Childhood,

your memory banks not of hurts, but how you played,

and where you went to, in the silence Zen moments of Childhood

when you are all by your self..

Tis in this places Play and in Silence..

Tis there where you will find and remember the Way..

And that is the Yellow-Golden Brick Road

RoygbivR…Y.G.B..R…..R O Y G B I V R..

Which in turn is a River of Awareness and consciousness

aligned to where you are as a grown Man or Woman…

And When you Align them then merge them, read it in the Quiet Zen

light ‘Zeina Zorro’ you will See..

And the Portal to Me..



Imagination (unencumbered by the parasite of fear)




I’m Possible..

I Exist…




2:31 p.m.

The only thing one thing, Infinitely and Eternally

Possible, is the Facts that only the Beautiful Truth is Real…

And the Reel of Existence…

2:33 p.m.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156418011165162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10156418011165162%3Atop_level_post_id.10156418011165162%3Atl_objid.10156418011165162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10156418011165162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1451635200%3A1483257599%3A-5175806895012879549&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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