
Facebook Post..

8:46 p.m.


84 is Harmony Death as Transformation through 6th Sense and not the Death as starting the Cycle all over again.


Amazing, I have moved from 806 Face Book Friends to 805 Face Book friends in the Blink of an Eye….

Or more so, in a moment when I moved from Room 3A

to Room 4B… a Four room Dorm, Bed 4016…

B.R.C.. Room B bed 49 to Room A bed 007

Code From Room 5A…Bed 5019 for just a moment

to Room 3A bed 3002…. And now to Room 4B 4016….

B.A….49…. 007 (7×7= 49…So from the Expansion of 7 or its Square Root, 49 I am moving backwards to the point of Origin)


3A to 4B….

Notice the code B.A…A.B….But not evolved from no number

B.A… 2 1…49 007

A.B….1 2…(3 4…4 3..) 3002…C.O.O.B…

(C.B..3+2=5 Room 5A is the Point of Home)….

Bed 4016… D.O.P..DO..G…./ P.OD…..G.O.D….

I am moving backwards back to the Fifth Dimension….

From the furthest point of the Square Root.. (S.R…Raoul Silver) of sustainable Human Existence…

Existential Death Sacred Portal 49….in B… Being..B=2…49/94…D.I

Is in OINri Igbo…and I.D..Identity.. ‘Awakening Memory- A.M

to 007 With the play of Spectrum… The 1-7 Colors of the Rainbows aligned…

then from Green Point Avenue.. G.P.A…G to Delta after completing the O Full Circle in perfection from 2015 Room B, to 9 months chez Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan to the very Day..

And aligned to the Birth Day of her Father…

Venues – G.O.D…

The to Room 3A.. bed 3 2… 3002… Consciousness Fully Circle, in its Full Circle of Being.. Through a Room defined by 3A…3 Awarenesses watching you…. I I..I… The Two and the One…

Then that completed Victor… At 806 Face Book Friends…

Sacred Portal 86….

And Finally to the Room 4B.. and to what Dewight Chase and Emmanuel tell me the cleanest bathroom and one of the best rooms in the building with 3 other chill guys I was told by another as I hauled my stuff up.

Paul was sad to see me pack up and John Dudley, understood but could not stop Bitchin…

But I reminded them both that this is a Play…

Which Paul, had expressed suddenly about the World being a stage..

7 stages of Man…

And the line he remembered was Hypocrites…

It was Hamlet.. 3rd Act and 2nd Scene… Page 18….

32.. 18… C.B…. R… Robert….

I did not tell him that was the first true expression and had Hurtled at John Dudley and then later at the room…

But it was not said with Malice…

I am now at the alignment to Sacred Portal 85.. which is the Crowning of Solving C of Consciousness…

And it was Sacred portal 75.. Sound… Hindsight and Foresight as I had stated…

See the loss of 75 USD by Thaddeus…

Bed 007 to Bed 519…. 75…

Solved already at B.R.C With the play of Bed 005… Michael Prunty who got to go home to Staten Island… One stop from Grant street where the E.B.T card play began…

I have been moving backwards.. Aligning the 4016..

DO! Planet….

Having Evolved G.O.D… to H.O.E…H.F.E…

Hindsight Foresight Existence…. Letter O=15.. 1+5=6..F to Fact…

Thus to reach the True Middle Earth… The 5th World..

is through E= 4 3…7…49….

I am just hearing the music playing here at the Star Bucks and once again, I had to pause…

It is Jimmy Cliff…. J.C….

You can get it if you really want, you can get it if you really want, but you must try, try and try….

First Bob Marley. and now Jimmy Cliff who are amongst the foremost artists whose lyrics gave me so much intel about this reality when I moved to Nigeria in 1977….

B.M J.C… Which I have always known and stated here, confirmed by the pathway of my voyage… that Bob Marley is Jesus Christ…

It is all recorded here.. But he is combined with Jimmy Cliff and is not completed by himself. For they are the same being.

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X…

Daniel Craig and Raoul Silva….


9:26 p.m.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157812173255162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10157812173255162%3Atop_level_post_id.10157812173255162%3Atl_objid.10157812173255162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10157812173255162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1451635200%3A1483257599%3A-9019045050062179205&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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