
Facebook Post..

A Woman was sitting besides me, after I finished the answering the questions which I knew Rahul was being used to ask me…

I held my temper, because he had no idea and even as I gave him an idea that I had just finished talking me my Aunt Julie who is 54…

and whom I have not seen in 28 years….

And in the last post, I was doing the link and the equation of the illusion of Woman as Death…Linked to Donna…

J.D and sacred portal 104…

I had already identified that play at 18 Mountain View…

Crossing Death…. J D…

104…14.. N..5..E…

1O4 14…5….E.

I had not seen my aunt for all these years because She and my sister decided not to because each for their reason..

But they two of them were very close, and I was already aware of the higher play.. But how to explain to these two Elder Sisters, each so strong willed and stubborn.

I had already known that I had passed that portal and equation, that it was Two Men not two Women and that both of then were originally Men.. David and Jon… D.J…

See code Nenad M. Djurdjevic… D.J..U.R..D.J..Emeka Victor I.C..

Ikemefuna Chukwuemeka…

7:41 p.m…

D.A…Da Enlightens… Which I have doing…

See sacred Portal 41 what all this rage is about.

The code was not 104… That is the code I explained is James Dead.. East of Eden…

That it was From Here To Eternity….

Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster in From Here to Eternity (1953) From Here to Eternity (1953) Frank Sinatra and Montgomery Clift in From Here to Eternity (1953)

Montgomery Cliff.. M.C../ C.M…


I knew my Aunts expression was pure, but she had become a Pastor- which was a bit of a surprise despite her having studied Theology in University…

But as she spoke, I felt the depth of Sadness fill me…

Nearly everything she was saying aligned in perfect harmony with what I had used Reason and Logic, Empirical Evidence and Facts to prove…

But it was exhausting speaking to her about my perspective though mine included hers- hers was limited to the Christ Story..

And it was clean but the expression made me understand how this expression just as my sisters, refusal to see another point of view to the point of leaving her beloved brother to perhaps die in the streets…

Or not fight for him, or investigate his truth.

I listened to her as she spoke so emphatically, that God would manifest this years, that this year was a great year for Humanity.

She spoke about being able to Astral Project and move through Space and Time but the only persons she could access out of all my grandmothers, grandchildren was myself and my uncle only Daughter Ifunnanya Which is the Nri Igbo word for Love…

I See you-

When she said that, I understood what her spirit was saying…

That she loved me.. and that her highest Espirit was confirming that which she did not realize, which was that I am Love…

And that it is Love which is what allows one to See…

True Love opens the portal for one to Cee.. Truly see…

It wasn’t her, because she still could not see me,

But I could see her…

I had already passed through her portal to reach her

David M Chileshe…( D.M.C)

The David I met at the Bean Cafe, who was from the Lone Star State, Chike-Cyprian Nwosu whose family lived there…

I know I had been used to reach her and the line she represented.

She is the person Sacred Portal 2-3 was modeled after…

But she was looking at the past…

Her Nri Name is Azuka… The Past is greater… but really means the Back is the Strongest to carry the Load and heavy burdens, not the Shoulders… As mirrored in what has been done to my Shoulders and Balance.

And illusion made real by the Witches and the Weavers of what they thought was their being the creators of the tissue and the fabric of the body and Creation..

Which they were given leeway to believe and have the power to exert until proven otherwise.

I understood a long time ago that Nnoyem was John and Julie as my mother and Ana Leonardo Caixas linked to David…

They were Males who transformed into the Illusion of themselves..

The Beautiful illusion to bring about the True Lady Female.. Of the E line…

A Being never incarnated in Existence before…

See sacred Portal 37… Sophia.. ( Sophia Mayer.. Linda Good McGillis)…

John is called Wisdom Jon the 5th of the Family of TEN the Bridge Child with his Twin Feminine aspect Beautiful Pride… B.P.

It was never about Physical Gender, but Energetic Principle..

E.P.. Pure Energy Pure Expression…

John is the Grace of the Creator…’Music Harmonies’

David is not a person per say it is a meaning and Embodiment..

‘Beloved.. Beloved Grace…

B.G.. 27… See the number of Face Book Friends…

927 We are at…

9 2 7.. I.B.G… I B Grace… Music Song Harmony…

I woke up from another night of torment and once more could not conceive a power being able to do this to a being who has been carried forward to such a degree to represent the Truth.

Who, what could condone this… allow this…?

To make me a channel to the impossible, to deform my body, lead me through such challenges…. Through such misery and suffering and aloneness…

Close all portals to which to leave- and force one to accept such a challenge…

And when I saw looked at my phone after not being allowed to sleep at night or even get some rest in the early hours…

Because of the rooms I had been placed in, the beds.. All in Harmony with the Script…!

Meaning an awareness had forced this upon me, wished me to go through this, endure this for the Truth…?

The Horror in me, so quiet in me…

watching what has been allowed to do to the Truth…

I understood deep within me, that there was nothing left, that each day I returned to the Shelter, where i am like a caged animal, upholding the Truth of Creation in a Shelter….A Mental Health Shelter, I knew and know deep within me that there can never be any redemption for this…

And then I come to face book, and just as Delta Manor representing the Universal Simulated Awakening Manifestation Script me quiet question is what more.. what more…

To swallow yet another day of people bull shitting me, and seeing what was what and is allowed to be done to me for standing up and bringing forth this Truth of which I never chose to bring forth, and certainly not in this way.

I listened to my Aunt, who is the one who first told me with such pride the story of our ancestors, the legends in the family which allowed me to solve the riddles of that past…

For I had no need of it.. I came with the consciousness of the E..

To tell the E Story.. Truth..

Instead I was drawn into the past over and over again and the Impossible done to me… Evil cruelty so beyond belief…

And as I saw that my aunt had called me at 10:31 a,m

On the 3-1…T.E.N…Meaning her True Espirit knew my Identity…

And yet when I spoke to her, the emphatic tone of her expression of her point of view made me understand how she so pure in intention and her line had incarnated the Evil Beyond belief…

By not being able to be able to truly take in or evolve from a stance.

She had forgotten the Ancestors, the Julie who had loved that Nri past… She had moved to the Christian Story and its expression and I heard the Truth of her expression- it was aligned but it so easily could create that thing called Death as Eternal End of Life.

I knew that she was the bridge as my sister, and my mother and her sister, my grandmother and her sister.. to the Past..

To the First Big Bang.. Mgba No’ Shouted the White Light of Sound…Mgba Afor Ocha.. Me in Female Expression…

M.A.O/ O.A.M…


Vivian Lavey her brother Adrian Mesareja…

A.M.. Her Brother is the A.M… Meaning in the mirror my sisters brother is the A..M…

Adrian means Adrian is a form of the Latin given name Adrianus or Hadrianus. Its ultimate origin is most likely via the former river Adria from the Venetic and Illyrian word adur, meaning ‘sea’ or ‘water’.[1][2] The Adria was until the 8th century BC the main channel of the Po River into the Adriatic Sea but ceased to exist before the 1st century BC. Hecataeus of Miletus (c.550 – c.476 BC)

I am sitting here at the Siren Logo Star Bucks…

Sitting across from me was Rahul… Asking questions- using my energy to get a job, using my knowledge and codes.. And I had to answer him because of a Script!

And then take monies from people when the Unseen knew and know who I am…

What is this.. I really wonder..

He came at precise time I was writing about Woman and the Womb and began speaking about his living with in his mothers Room and had lived in her Room in India…

She is not around and had rented the other room in her apartment out.. And the day he got the job.. which was stalled again.. it was thr day he the person in the room was moving out…

And today he had moved out of her room- Womb..

He had been there for 8 months.. And the last time he had lived in his own space was in Jackson Heights.. J.H.. 108…

18.. R.. 9..I… 9 months..

A Woman sitting besides me is talking on the phone and gives her birth year as 1964 on the phone…

She looks 20 years younger..She then speaks to her thirteen year old son…13.. 31..

Now all of them are gone and the Beautiful Persian youth Henri is sitting besides me…

17 years old… 8:45 p.m… H.E.N.R.I… HENRY…

Adriano Bencini who I met in the Green House a Painter…

*I just asked Henri how old he was, I thought he was 18 but he is 17 and about to graduate from Hi school.

When he asked me why I wished to know, I sighed then told him that I am solving the riddle of Existence but not the way scientists do using absract symbols but by knowing that the people are the literal equations.. As I explained to him about the names, perfect timing symmetry and their alignment (unawares) to a the Script I had woven for the last 27-28 years…

It took me 5 minutes before he said.. Ah like a Painting…

I Blinked…

You know if you wanted to paint Hunts Points in Manhattan you would have to talk to the people, interact with them, listen to the preachers and understand the energy and then paint it…

My eyes just opened and so did my mouth…

He smiled matter of factly..

It Art…

Art.. Thou Art.. Art

‘A Living Painting To Make You See Georges Seu-Rat..

New York Times Article… Theater…Jake G

Sunday In the Park with George…

I am in Parkchester…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic aligned to me…

Djurdjevic.. means ‘George.. George means Farmer…

G.F.. 7 6.. Sacred Portal Awakening

The Story of Colors The last Theater Production I did in Istanbul Trukey.. I.T.. 9 20…

How is it that he grasped this in an instant after I have been explaining this for 16 years… 23 Years…

9:02 p.m..


Because this was all Set Up…

Vivian Lavey contacted me at 7:28 am.

That is my Sisters Birthday…


I did not even with to finish this post…

Emeka Henri…


5 8

9:26 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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