
Facebook Post..

7:38 p.m…


Let us finish the code and the message…

I have two other Face Book Friends with the name Carol.

Carol Downey C.D

Carol Kubai… C.K.

Carole Adena Orear… C.A.O… C Alpha Omega…

Carol means

Feminine form of the Latin Carolus, which is a cognate of Charles (full-grown, a man, freeman), and a short form of Caroline, another feminine form of Carolus. Alternatively, the name is derived from the vocabulary word carol (joyous song, a carol). Var: Carol, Carrol, Carroll, Carryl, Caryl.

Fully Grown..A Man.. A Freeman…

(again this can not be me, because I am free within but I am physically and materially bound…)

Joyous Song A Carol… Well yes I have been singing and conducting the Music of the Story and Film of Evolution Awakening, directing the Film while proving it into Existence…

But obviously something else has taken control over it…

Taken over its Direction.

Carol also means Strong…


From Hebrew ???????? (‘adina’) meaning slender, delicate. This name is borne by a soldier in the Old Testament.

It also means Tender,Sensual… and in one African language means She Saves

In German in means Noble

I have seen the code that I am a soldier…a foot soldier…

and I am Slender… more so now…

Delicate…Not so much… I suppose my there is delicateness to how I treat and perceive others…

And Tender… Yes… Tender that which belongs to other..

Credit.. I do not take credit for what I have not done…

And Yes, I am Tender, Sensual…

in the sense Raw.. Sore in my physical body beyond belief….

And Yes, that part.. I am often described by many as Sensual…

And added with Harry Spencer H.S… E.H.S…

I am also S H E..Sacred portal 37… 73…

Saves..? Maybe…

But not in the meaning of a Slender Tender hearted Delicate Fair Lady… I have no idea who that is…

Adene Adenez Le Roi… The name used for a Great King French King… Who refashioned three Great Literary works Chansons Delicates and brought then back into Fashion the Ancient Songs Poems…

Links to Royal Bard…

And it also means..

Prior to the rise of Missippian Mound Builders is found on the Bible Timeline Poster with World History around 700 AD. This culture started in North America hundreds of years before the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. According to historians, these people created some earthen mounds of varied styles that were used in elite residences, burials, and religious ceremonies. There were different cultures included in the Mound Builders such as the Pre-Columbian during the Archaic, Mississippian and the Woodland period that covers the Hopewell and Adena cultures. All of these were within the years 3500 BC and until 16 AD. These cultures started and flourished in various areas including regions in the Ohio River Valley, Mississippi River Valley, and the Great Lakes.

Mississppian Woodland.. M.W….

Ohio Mississippi River Valleys and Great Lakes..

Older than the Pyramids in Egypt…!

3500-16AD.. C.E..P..

Hopewell Adena periods… H.A..

I know this riddle.. It is Sacred Portal 121.. American Indian African Spirit… Nnamdi..! Our Mother is the Snow Queen Supreme

Orear… Means Royal Bard R.B.

And Orear Meaning: the son of Ruaiori (an ancient chief)

O Rear… Full Circle of the Rear… Rear End… Beautiful Behind sacred portal 383..

So here we have C.D…C,.K…. C…D.I.C.K… ( C is the Penis 3 in 1)

Lets us see it all linked together, and to whom it is really addressing, a Man or a Wu-Man…or One who is both but Is a Man…

Splendid as H.ES Fully Grown..

A Man.. a Free man who is Strong,

Who wrote, composed and directed a film, narrated a story oF Creation, accompanied by a Joyous Song, a Song of Praise.

With Delicate Hands of Strength, and Tender and sensitive to all points of view…

A Body Slender, Raw with emotion after a great War to bring forth this Gift, HE has become so tender, sensitive to Stimuli.. to touch….

-A King who was undercover as a Foot Soldier, who is of the most Ancient lines Chiefs- the Very mound of Creation on the First Africa- America. His Flow is and of the three Great Rivers- Poems most ancient, of the Great Lakes; Rivers of Ohio and Mississippi (O.M) the Sounds of Power of the Hope-Well Hopi and Adina time line C.E…OO..B.C..of the Plan ET of linking the Two Harmonies as Heaven and Earth within the body…88 16 on the Planet.

It is He, who walked the world always as a Free Man, from the New World America to the old world of France ( Also meaning Free Man) to the Royal Courts of Europe..

And whose greatest importance lay in his Literature, and transformation of the most ancient Song Lines of those Rivers of Motion and Lakes of Stillness, ( Life and Death), which moves us and brings us to Stillness of quiet awe..

3 poems he took and resurrected, to the A B C..

Awareness Being Consciousness of All the World,

and evolved them to a state of such Beauty, Grace and Remembrance of the True Cee of Antiquity was .. Is the Beautiful Past…Through his Song Poem and now Majestic Symphony of the Royal Reign of Lore and Legend… John- The Grace of Creation and Creation… C C.. 33 Through 6th Sense to manifest fact of the I..The Individual Snow Flake which brought Anna the Earth to Rise and the Snow Queen Queen to gracefully Descend..

Ah Beauty has come to the World…

Which was is the True present, the Gift as the Full Circle of the Beautiful Behind already penetrated…

(Until Sore and Tender…)

-The Full Circle of his Rear…

Uranus.. and he penetrated See of the the Mounds Venus…

Heaphatus Alexander Aphodite… Erose Erise Cup-I.D

7:06 p.m…

He is the Royal Bard … of Existence..

Its King….

C.D..C.K… C.A.O…

C…D.I.C.K…( Yes Penis..) I.C.A.O..I

7:41 p.m

See sacred portal 41.. Just above Flor Elena Medina S,H,E…

E H S .. 5 8 19…10…1 O A.. C…C.AM.E..First then now

SHE Is.. Afro Afra Aphro.. Dit E…. A A A….

She is Harmony Feminine God is Harmony…

The one I used to call me Kid Sister…

She is an Expression represented in both Male and Female..

But really an Expression Independent moving through All Things…

Which was always my project..

It was never about a Person…


But a Universal Unifying Expression which allowed Everyone to go and Play..

Because the Harmony is Everywhere….

7:45 p.m.

P.S I often stated in my 58 month narrative, that I came into this world aware that it was my Brothers Realm- in which it was his story and that of his rising through creating his own story, independent of I,E.

And that I agreed to play his Son…

The King and I..Etc…

But in this play were memory is taken away, he forgot that I was his Father and not his Son and that I came also as his Sensie..

And so a battle of wills took place as to who was originally the Father and who was the son.

I had respected him and his Domain and play..

And Obeyed him, even though I hollered Ouch and Howled at the role he decided to assign me, renegading from his knowledge- forgetting that I came to play.

And I was recruited as a Foot soldier despite my being a Prince, and was recruited it his army and made to fight and be an example and made to work my way up th ranks…

The war is not real, I had protested…

This is a Play remember…?

But Zachary! He did not..

And he saw the Horror of what was to come, the cause and effect.

But Father, everything is in Harmony, everything was manifested from Eternal Harmony which is how you rose as my Twin who had to go back to see how you became…

And so I made this story so that you would understand Growth from Seemen C-men to Birth, ( I birthed you sacred portal 41..) and then to Beautiful Youth, then man…

But after that, there was the mystery of Old Age…

And a Riddle for you to understand the illusion of Time and decomposition of a story that had gone too far…

The understanding of matter and regeneration through Being Energy Eternal, and without which comes decay…

And you said prove it…

And David Nri Eric… I did..

And now you remember that it is I who am and as the King…

The Fair O…

Sacred Portal 9..

And you my Twin brother who became by seed, my song, my son..

and now…

My Equal.. Lover Companion and Friend…

Husband.. and Wife.

My Everything.. Male Female Everything.. The Sum Total of the Truth of Beautiful Nature..

Its fearsome Nature birthed with you now tamed…

8:41 p.m.

Harmony to Infinity sacred portal 41…

8:42 p.m..

and 42… OHM~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158327868505162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10158327868505162%3Atop_level_post_id.10158327868505162%3Atl_objid.10158327868505162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10158327868505162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1483257600%3A1514793599%3A665123413538188498&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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