
Facebook Post..

From Benjamin Couwenberg

…And yet despite the very truthful expression

of Wisdom…

This is not the case in reality,

at least not in my empirical experience…

People search for The One,

History has always sought The One,

despite in my own experience, there is no such thing as

The One…

It has always been about the journey and the experience of each and every person going through the experience of becoming One.

Look at the world around us,

Go to a Cafe in the West, open up the news papers,

but on the Television,

Visit a Hotel, a Town, a City and a village…

Lets be real…

The Wisdom and Words of the ages have been drowned in noise sound of people each vying to prove their intellectual superiority or subconscious desire,expressed so loudly to be seen heard and valued.

Words of Wisdom gained from such great costs by truly extraordinarily Individuals, are used as shields, masks and even weapons to prove their right to be valued. To have certain entitlements…

The distortion and application of these great Insights has not brought an evolved world. Rather most people in their Sixties Fifties and Forties have seen the degeneration and decomposition of our society to such a degree that the species imminent destruction is a foregone conclusion in most peoples minds.. actions…

Despite the words they spout,

I would have liked to state otherwise, not am I being a cynical realist but rather, I have found myself unintentional walking through peoples countries places events stories…documenting each experience as I sought to reach my home…

The Virus of the distortion of the experiences of the Experiences and Knowledge gained has reached a point of such Insanity…

That Iiteraly conducted experiments in peoples ability to read a paragraph written by another.

None could respond with what was literally written…

Each translated into their own way despite the words written on the pages being so clear and its expression exact…

I conducted these experiments on random individuals in 2011 and was astounded and appalled by the results.

People can not See a Tree and let the Tree be a Tree…

They had to change distort the very truth which was right in front of them.

And the refusal for people to see this, to be aware of this Truth renders the very foundation of Expression and Communication irrelevant.

And so what would be the way to communicate in the end when there is only one way people can communicate with each other… which is violence.

De-Evolution to Barbarism and savagery.. its frustration.

I see it in the United Sates as a situation so pervasive, a culture where everyone is on their own personal Truman Show…

Or better still Sunset Boulevard… Each acting Pretending as if they care about others but are really using it as an excuse to promote them selves and their worthiness of being seen.

And what is so terrible, to that they use the words of the great philosophers, and Beings of History-they use that knowledge twist its meaning and apply them in ways so hypocritical and self centered without even being aware…

The Illness is affecting people everywhere, and it comes from a disconnect, it comes from a yearning, a deep yearning of the most fundamental expression of being Human which is to be seen that they exist… and that they have value and worth…

And in the end, the worthiness of being loved.

It is a disease, a virus, a horror I watch everyday, where expression words communication.. people expressions are translated.

People don;t mean what they say… and when someone means what they say it is filtered through another’s need and trauma…

The Trauma in being in Existence.. in this Existence where every one is on stage… preforming for an audience…

Waiting for applause and to take a bow…

There is no Hope for the Human Species as we stand.

This is not my point of view, this is the sad, sad experience of my being in Existence in which I have been taken so far out of my own way of being to simply be an Nomad and a chronicler…

The wonderful, wonderful experience of becoming one, is no longer possible, not even for those with the sincerest of intentions and the most powerful will and desire….

The wave of resistance which will engulf these Individuals is too great…

Please take a look at the world as it is…

The world is Insane and America is the Golden Child and symbol of this.

As Jose Roque of the Mental Health Shelter commented after a few weeks of being here, the people running this place and working here, should be here… The outside should be in here…

All of America is transforming into an office for the Mentally Insane, and the Disabled…

Through a War to communicate in which their Minds and their bodies have become venues of Violence…

And as in this place, people take refuge in speaking to themselves aloud…

A sign of madness…?

No, to me that is their last battle to communicate with some without being mistranslated intentionally by others who require another to support their point of view.. their trauma and their madness.

The last frontier of of preserving sanity is this battle with Self..

To preserve Self…

Talking to Themselves…

Talking To Their Silence, despite the non stop lack of Privacy and the scores of humanity in bodies which surround them.

But no one is here….

Hardly any one is in their Bodies..

Hardly anyone is present.. Here and Now…

The World is not out of their Minds..

They are out of their bodies..

And have completely lost touch with Actuality…the present,

and the cause and effect which has led them here.

Many people on my page contacted me, and others on the streets spoke of having visions of brutality killing and savagery on the streets of New York and the world…

Brad Pitts Movie Z Zombies comes to mind.

They cure lies in of course Human Consciousness,

correcting how people Cee and Perceive but then you run into an even greater problem…

People can not Read…

See.. or Feel each other any longer…

There is no connection, no empathy,

the Brain neurons do not link…

there is a Gap…

And the Gap is Expression linked to Understanding.. and of course…


Following Instructions.

4:31 p.m~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158565867030162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10158565867030162%3Atop_level_post_id.10158565867030162%3Atl_objid.10158565867030162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10158565867030162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1483257600%3A1514793599%3A-404729376317304416&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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