
Facebook Post..

11:28 p.m.

Yes that time is the date of my birth.

Is anyone looking and what is going on in the World?

The non stop Revelations

No One is Being Allowed ( or encouraged) to see the Evidence of the Beautiful Truth And Love…

This is not a celebration of Beauty ( Symmetrical Perfection the Full Circle OH)

Not Truth- which is Manifestation as Solid Fact….

Nor Love which is the ability to CEE.. See Beyond sight but everything…

Instead, this is a Story a Script Celebrating and Focused on Evil….

It is all of Sexual Nature, Power.. Greed…

Ugliness Lies Haters….

Can anyone doubt that I have been in a Game, a Play in which I am moved, impulsed, to different venues, then set up to repond to tests, questions.. challenges in which I have to respond and by responding correctly it moves the Script to the next step represented by Number, Facebook friends…

Where I am forced to defeat a Rage.. a Horrorible Rage H.R…which was given free range to do everything to me..

11:33 p.m…

Yes the Nightmare.. 11 is New York, the 11th state, Dopplegangers Twins.. 33 state is Oregon…

Oregon you may recall, is where the Total Solar Eclipse last years made landfall… and left at the 8th State, South Carolina…

It was a map… Sacred Portal 11 are the Horned Devil Sister (brothers) and behind it is a King Cobra it reads Hypnotize Magnetism the link of Sensuality and Seduction…

33 is D came to E to Arouse and Awaken him from the most Terrible Dream…

Dee. Aka Dwayne Samuel who I found myself being moved to link with whether I liked it or not… is From South Carolina.. the 8th state…

Can anyone doubt that the World is under a Spell…?

Can anyone doubt that this is a Terrible Dream… Nightmare which people are being forced to swallow as Life.

Can anyone doubt that my equation of taking my British Passport from me, my Canadian Immigartion papers… all stolen,

( my Nigerian passport I do not posses any longer, because I was born here, not in Nigeria… )

And yet can one deny the story of Immigration sweeping the World and see the link with my being forced to exist without a Passport or I.D for 16 years, since 9-11-2001…

Can one deny the I.C.E… and what it is doing…

Or the title given to people born and brought up here by their parents who came here Illegally. The Dreamers…

Can anyone deny what is happening all over the World with immigratiion…

Or the Rising of Racial Superiority which was always present but now rising every where…

Look at the World news…

Look at the the number of children being raped…

Look at the state of the Injustices in the World…

Look at an A.I being named a Citizen…

Look at what they news celebrates…

Oregon is the 33rd State.. It means Hurricane in French.

And after it completed its landfall.. The United States, the Caribbeans, Puerto Rico…

O S C….O S C A R… O S C I L L ATE…


Osron Scott Card.. Authour of Enders Game…

Could anyone not read the instructions…

The E Manual…?

Oregon to South Carolina … O S C…

Sacred Portal 33 to Sacred Portal 8…

Sacred Portal 8 Love Links Desire

That is the Image which Dawn Piercy’s painting linked to.

It is hangining in the office here…

Meaning….We had to move from the Terrible Dream- to reach the Consciousness Creation CC… O…6… O F… Infinity Harmony…

I reached it, I proved it, passed through a Differnt Version of the Enders Game in which it was no believed that I could win the Game… A Video Game…


G.V… 7:22 pm… See the time noted on earlier post…

And I did it in a Shelter… A Mental Health shelter.. 28-29 years after leaving Nigeria….And passing through a Hell using the Truth of Beauty Love in a most unfair script…

Even in this last craziest place but logic based on what was done to those who were seen as borderline Mental Health risks or ready to be given Housing by the State.

A place of where Evil seeds incubate and manifest all the representation of the foulest nature of Humanity- which the few Clean are forced to pass through.

And I am forced by the Script to pass through…

The worst place ever, to place a person who had walked and solved 24/7 going against the grain to prove that the Beauty Truth and Love are the principles which not only manifests Everything All.. but which is the guiding principles which has always been here, but people could not see or read it because they had forgotten, sold out, given into the Spell.. rather than the Beautiful Truth they were born innately with.

*Scandal is on the Television….

Have you ever watched that program…. ?

It is exactly what I am speaking about…

…And those who did kept, loyal had to go through hells.. my word… or go so deep undercover… that many could not even remember why they had to go so deeply undercover….

12:33 p.m.

It is done, and yet the Hatred Rage continues unchecked…

A Hatred and Rage which does not care about anything other than Its expression…

Its Malice, Vindictivenesss, Pettines… giving, and allowed to give full expression of Hatred.

Their Is beauty in the world, there are people who fought an retained generosity of Heart and Spirit…

Maybe they are not here on Facebook and are only represented by a few facebook friends…. But I know they Exist.

This Evil Force for lack of a better word, from the past? from Africa- from Pangea.. or from the collective Cause and Effect of Its rage for Humanity….?

12:39 p.m.

For 5 years… 11, 12, 13, years, since 2004-5..

Since 2012, I have observed that this Hatred directed at me and or what I represent, was Personal…

And I fought it because I had sought to prove it out of Existence by showing that it had no Reason Logic… for that Hatred and Rage….

But It does not obey these rules, the laws of Universe Existence…

It exists without Reason… just to enact It Revenge….

It is this Amoza Born which I could not accept, I knew that it was sustained in Non Existence, but I have proven the Truth of Non Existence… That is was the Nothingness which is Bliss…

Sacred Portal 44… Right to Myself bed 44… Blair… My Mother-Sister line.. to you…

That all is Beauty Truth Love… and that all that manifested as Evil…. that Rage Hatred… Power Control Dominance…manifested from not seeing the Beautiful Truth.. not seeing correctly…

And even as the Play the Script.. It Script concedes that I have Victoriously represented the Beautiful Truth…

It malice, it desire to humilate, humble, make me grovel beg… remains undiminished instead of it vanishing into the Nothing at All…

12:50 pm.


Coffee cup 600…

Second one 639…

F O O…. Foo Fighters…?

F..C.I… Rey bed 3-009… C.I…

Don’t you see, that for such a thing to exist even after it has proven out of Existence… even out of its harbor and Marina of Non Existence.. the Shadows.. The Impossible…

That it still standing here…

That I am still here at Delta Manor…

My chest bursting with the Flu and cough of disease and germs which I normally battle and contain…

The portal not opened.

Money and Shelter and clothing and all basic necessities fed to me, as if I were a child and only if I did and obyed Its summons each day to fight to challenge….

Dont you see… it means that nothing is Safe… No one…

And so Existence .. comming into Being and Existence… is teh greatest Evil of all because this is what Being in Exstence can do and get away with…

And it has, no matter how Victorious the E are…

It did this to me.. the my line… it did it.. put me through such a Life from Birth to Now….

It did it….

I lived it…

Yes I transformed it…

But it did it and my experience, Dream, Nightmare is irrelevant.. it managed to make is Actual and Real..

That is the horror I could not accept and why I fought on and on…

12:58 a,m.

Until now…~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159897348495162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10159897348495162%3Atop_level_post_id.10159897348495162%3Atl_objid.10159897348495162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10159897348495162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1514793600%3A1546329599%3A4052824209248970127&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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