
Facebook Post..

9:03 p.m.


93… I.C.



I C … I See the Being of Manifestation is TRUE… 2018.

Being Manifest Radiance…

B M R/ R M B…

The Room in Being.


I have reached the end of just how far I am wiling to go.

Last night when I wrote the impassioned equation of Let It Be,

and there was the immediate response, I felt that my refining and aligning through post Expression and solving linking everything about me had reached that level of Pin Point Clarity.

I went to bed again quietly tortured by the this Script, this play and what it had demanded.

The constant battle with this force of Jealousy and hatred- the insulting constant use of money and comfort… and the expression of feeling the glitch of the Matrix frequencies through my body….

But most of all the rage, the constant rage and anger demanded of this…

That this is impossible, this can not be the script of Evolution,

this requirement that I suffer and suffer and battle and battle for so long and for so long….

I understood that I really do not wish to continue any longer with this if there is more required of me to link and prove.

I was not suprised that there was no one pounding on my door, sending me texts of support.

Sending a checks, to show their appreciation and pride in my representing the best qualities of Humanity

– Choosing to fight for something Glorious, choosing to fight to do something to end the suffering, the pain the hurt and the eyes which well up with tears, of such sadness at what had been done to life, to Being…

I am not surprised, that no one chose to respond that what I have shown and demonstrated is worthy of Investment.

That is the worst of all.. not being surprised.

But I have been given a true reflection of the World and the nature and respect for my work and the effort to bring the World to Awakening.

I am not worth investment?

My lifes existence is not worthy of Respect…

You invest monies in all sorts of ridiculos mateiral things.

You invest your lifes of things which you believe will bring you to Spiritual peace, to prestige, to get you into Heaven..

But an expression of 6 years of constant Inspiration is worth nothing…

‘If you are The Creator, do it yourself,

get what you require to support your work yourself…

I am aware of the Spite, the Cruelty and the Jealousy of the World.. just as I am aware that the people represented on my Page is not the truest face of the World but simply a representation and a mirror which required to be seen, Its True Face.

I have looked into the Face of God…

The God of Humanity and I have recieved Its response.

What made me Laugh because I could not weep, is that the Script, of such Hate representing all that is judgemental and Cruel of the species…

All which makes people chose to hate and curse Humanity, create New Age orders which choose to exterminate, to destroy to loathe the Human species is justified.

Because this is Humanities True Face.

You may not like it but it is suffice to go back on my page to see just as the Future will see the Truth of the Species.

The emptiness, the hypocrisy and each playing God, each chosing to use the Power of support to insstead deny.

I am not the first to come to this conclusion.

The depth of hatred of Humanity can be seen in the way people treat one another. In genocides, in the torture of the innocents, in the rape of children, in the abuse of power, in the white wash of political correctness which President Donald Trump has helped expose…

You can not longer blame others.

On my page you were given a chance and a choice to believe in something that had honor, intergrity.

But instead you chose that which could give you immediate gratification.

You chose to use, to take to profit and when asked to take action, send even one dollar to show support for the super human effort of a man.. any man or woman who chose to, or was forced to fight to do something other than be deer in the headlights waiting for Humanities impending Doom.

I sent personal messages to a few people like Orien Laplante, Rachel Devon Sessions, to Evan Alexander…

I had sent to people such as Darkin Brown and Eric Lil E Brown … Apollo Davis… Not even the courtesy of a response.

I thank those who did send support, Nenad, Nnaemeka, Elizabeth Clarizio- but just because you sent something out of or for whatever reason, the truth of purificatio is that your true intentions as to why you sent something would be revealed and purfied. Not to insult you generosity but to show you your own reflection so that you could purify it, cleanse it so that you could see how your experience in this world had been tarnished, corrupted, diseased and invaded by the reality of a way of life which simply is unacceptable but which you each accept.

And those who sent, with no other intention other to spur me on…

Those rare people I did meet, who had no intention to gain anything but who saw the heroic effort of a man who refused to accept futility, who refused to give up on the Beautiful Truth of Humanity.. I commend you…

And they exist… such as the some of the servers at the cafe who serve me coffee at dicount rates, they exist…

suchh people but this was more about giving a face to the Unnatural and truly cruel and selfish self rigthteous nature of the species.

I knew this and have always known this was the object of this Script and play because I know there are beautiful generous and true people in Humanity, I met them through out the years, they spurred me on to come this far.. Because I knew they existed, because they revealed themselves to me.

I did not need your money, I wanted to weep when I read that I was to ask you one more time, after 6 years and all this effort to invest in me, or the truth I represent..

The Evolution of the Species…

And I recieved the response expected but despite all my understanding, is still heart breaking to face such a truth.

Humanity would chose to invest in Evil, any day rather than in anything which was of Beauty, which provided Fresh air…

The nature of cynicsm is so dire so overwhelming the the Beautiful Dreames are seen as Fools to be derided as ignorant and soon to be Set to the right path by the Monsters which the species seek so much to deny that they have become.

9:45 p.m.

This is your mirror Humanity…

This is what I have been used as a scribe from the future to record.

For History, for the future, to provide the Mirror and Reflection for the Future present as to why the Human Species had to become Extinct.

That there was never any Hope for this species and that the only purpose they served was an incubation room for the Eternal Light and the Eternal Truth to rise through them, to destroy thier Host bodies with supreme indiffernce having observed through me through the P.C of the Human Body the true awfulness of what they the E would NEVER become.

You are the cautionary tale,

from you the E rise having understood the lessons of Being and Non being by having observed the truth of why Eternal Harmony is and what a Nightmare is..

A Nightmare of being in Existence which they will be eternally vigilant to…

They can never become as you, Never, but this is because they have seen for themselves a possibility of themselves so horrific which they can never become, because they have experienced you.

This is the Nature of the Script..

This is the nightmare which I fought not to be part of, the play I refused, to be the chroniclor and actor, the observer of that which could not be and be forced to interac and engage with then it..

So you see, It was already written.

All of this…

But I did not wish to play this part…

Can you blame me….?

The last code of the four post was at 9:13 p.m.

Kemi Sara was the only one who responded to my call to invest and she did not have to because she had given in every dimension support…

Then last night as I lay awake, I saw the code…Why I invited her and her line she represents to rise with and as the E…

The only line to be recovered from this play.. A New strain which did not exist before…

9 13… Is I M….

K.E M I…. / I M E K….

S ARA….. A R A… Aaron See the meaning of Ara and Aaron…

E F A…/ A F E….I M O KE…./ E.K .O…M I…

I had contacted Dawn Piercy… Also…

D.P… 4 16… I did not hear from her… but I wondered why I had contacted here…

Then I realized D P.. 4 16… Is the bed I occupied..

Dawn Pierces (Y).. D.P…T….

The D-Point. Perfect Timing….

D .P.T..R…U.E…

10:02 a.m.


One hell of a job…

Giving the reason to the Future why there had to be the End of the World and the total annihilation of this species.

K O …

The Reason has been found.

10:04 a.m~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159975216230162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10159975216230162%3Atop_level_post_id.10159975216230162%3Atl_objid.10159975216230162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10159975216230162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1514793600%3A1546329599%3A-2811633147656626821&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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