
Facebook Post..

3:43 p.m.


C D C…

B O T S…

I do not wish to explain or embody prove the E Consciousness to the world or train the Elected Chosen Ones to take over when I am gone ( left this play)

We are 1237 Facebook friends which Eric James Murphy correctly stated that was the play taking place on Facebook.

This completes the Evolution of Wu-Man by the Professor of Love and Beauty..

B L..

L B.. Both Shaggy and Stephen spoke individual the code B L..

Brotherly Love.. S K.P.. ( Krishna)

and Stephen as ( Thor… ) Light Blue…

I do not wish to explain express ever speak about the E-

The experience has bee so traumatic that despite my always rising back to Bliss and Extase .. Home, as Sol has proven,

I will never be the same, I am eternally transformed, changed by this experience..

I am no longer the Spirit of 10 9.. 1O 9… One Full Circle of the 9 planes of Existence as Ethereal Energy Embodied… E E E 5 5 5 To 6.. to F A C T…

It was just to much.. too much added with the lack of support of the E and my being left to carry the full weight of proving the E into Existence even after the chosen ones were given all the Intel to fill the gaps of their revelations.

That I had to fight for those who did not complete their Home Work, who cgose by their own Free will as to what they decided was real or to focus on… That I had to fight for them, fight them and all their secret rages and resentments- that Love Hate so like the Sun as Life and Death… Light Rays and Black Hole…

– An experience meant to be so joyous, so pleasurable and not my Exam Test…

And the response… ?

The last 29 years… 18 years…


How could it have been allowed to go so far.. to make one person shoulder the entire responsibility of not only proving the E into existence, but to be forced to carry others on my back in order for me to simply return to my True Self and thus Home…

Which everyone who stayed clean, natural .. knowledgeable would have reached without this meddling…

One man by himself … Why..?

Why was this O.K for so many people to accept..?

If you denied my evidence and facts.. my truth.. fine.

But to pretend, to act as though you accept the facts but behind my back.. Back to business of the Material enrichment being the chosen focus to use, even for the Awakening even with the Awareness of the E pointed out to you..

Spoon Fed you…?


I wrote a post earlier and my computer crashed- just another expression of the Nightmare I have been in, the constant frustrations of having to explain to the World the consciousness of Eternity to entire world population in a play.

The limitations, frustrations… the will which fights me ever step of the way.

The will which believes that it has the right to Control.. anothers Expression, even the Expression which not meant to be mine but rather the worlds.

There is no doubt that I will be forever scarred by this Script and the disbelief that this is the play and Script of Humanity proving Its evolution by using one man to prove it in a script so limited, circumstances which throw obstacles instead of support.

.. I am tired.. tired of this script.

Tired of facing down the entire world view alone while there is an obvious Elephant in the room.

Rays McKayla has expressed her understanding of the E and my Expression of using Silence.. not even sound- Silence and 6th Sense to move the world past to present to understand the Eternal Consciousness..

Alicia Klein sent me a message saying she now understands the E Consciousness explained in my page.

Isabelle Ilic also sent a message saying how it really is so easy to understand my post now.

..There was nothing wrong with my expression before, I was saying the exact same thing 7 years ago…

The only thing which has changed is Your Cee.. your eyes..

18 years after being brought to New York to explain the Eternal Consciousness called the E.

Bound in a script to tell the Truth, imprisoned in my body, my being Possessed and fighting to simply get home to Emeka, the real Emeka Kolo rather than all this characters which I had to play to live with all these people which the wave of my Father Mother have kept me confined in.

The role of telling the truth in a realm of the Lie, where everyone has their opinion of the Truth, and thus challenges the truth bringer every step of the way.

I hated having to be less than I, to accomodate the expressions of others and their way of seeing things.. reality.

I just wished to at first share the beautiful wonderful news of the Evolution Awakening of Everything.

The response and experience given in return, through the last 18 years has transformed that desire to will, a will and drive to simply get out of this existential nightmare I have been in.

Where people literally expect one person to prove into Existence in this reality of enslavement and entitlement, who do not remember what Truth looks like sounds like…or even how to tell the truth.

A realm of Ego.. Perverted transformed into a Black Hole of Existential Death.

18 years.. 666.. 18… To bind some one, in this realm of Humanity mentality… for 18 years, to prove into existence the truth.. To Evolve God -Father.. G F.. 7 6.. To awakening.. 6th Sense linked to Crown Chakra 20 20 Vision.

back to Harmony Infinity…

Call me by my Name! Beauty is Truth.

7 6.. To 8 6… 9 6… 106.. 16…P..

Back to its original Template Blue Print…

and interface it with this perverted expression of History and the present by cleaning up the sum total of collective and individual expression through out time.

C I S U M../

M U S I C… Harmonics..

M H/ H M…




M A I..

I A M…H..E..

4:11 p.m.

11 4..

Chiefy is here… he is working in one of the rooms 4-11-1987..

Tree Sage Kim… meaning Gold.

MAI… Is French for May the 5th month.

My youngest brother was born 5-20-1973.. 73/37..

I am at 1237 Facebook Friends.. Evolution of Consciousness represented in both body and being

Sacred Masculine, S M…Sun Mon.

Sacred Feminine.. S F..

12 Is completion.. Cycle of one year.. A-Z.

13 Is Ressurection return to starting point M… A-A.

E.T.. Is 73..

T E…37… Ti is the 7th note.. Color Indigo Purple.. I P.. 9-16-2016.

Tea! A Drink with Jam and Bread….

Sacred portal 37 is the Source of Woman.. and of her Evolution

Sophia O Lauren.. S O L..

Te Sol.. T S… Tree Sage born 4-11…

Sol Te… 5 7… 5 Seas 7 Continents… 12…L..

Complete Earth…

13 Is Manifestation.. Mikki is the rep..

14 Nature represented by Shagun Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater N T B…and the playing field represented by Esteban Miguel Filgueira

*Kyle Murphy observed the sign E M directly opposite his apart.

Emeka Mckayla… F… Focus… Fil-Gueria…

E M F…C… Current is Consciousness.

M A I…

I AM..

The Sacred Feminine represented by Two Men and One THEIR Source E E S…/ S E E… or E E N… E S N…

And 3 as M A I…

God Mother.. G M.. Evolved now as Matter’s Rep, to H M 8 13, I M..9 13…( beyond the Age of the Universe…13.8/8.13…)

I M.. I A M… A is Male even in the Sacred Feminine play just as the natural enactment of the script saw 3 2 then 1 man present in the portal 217-219 South Whitney street on the 14th Valentines Day… Venus had three four messengers Hermes Mercury …from the Sun…

Sun..Mercury Hermes…Venus/Aphrodite… S -M/H V/A..

Earth Guy Ah..Lunar Moon.. M =13… S=19… M S

S M V E M… Do you see the riddle?

M is manifestation.. Supreme..Splendor..

Majestic Supremacy

13 19..32… 16 Is P Perfection ..16 16.. 32… 5… E

T L E… 20 12.. 32… 5.. E.

Sarah Kaizer

E:E S…

S ..M V E M… Add the full circle ( The messenger Hermes Mercury… Represented by Malacoda Hermelé Follyon my page…

M H F… E M F H…

Achievement of the messenger Hermes delivering the message through 9 Circle Rings, Orbits of 9 planets around around the Sun…)

The planet is 4.5 Billion years old.

9 Circles -Orbits make 1 Billion.

4.5 is half of 9.

That means Earth Nature represents half the point of view of the 9 planets, Physical States of being.

Earth is a Physical representation of Energy.

A Mirror Reflection of Spirit, the Invisible made Visible.

I V..and since the Earth is an Orb..so is its reflection in the Spirit Realm..

I V.. V I… 4 6…Roman Numerals…

Two Full Circles… E M F… S.

S – M.O V E M E N T…

S is really E..See meaning Sol Sun as well as 5th Note..

Solierys Rosario

Rays McKayla… S.R.. Spectrum Rainbow Rm.. Reflects Matter..

S N O V.. E M.. E K A… N-14

S L O V E.. M..E A N I N G… Love is the giving true meaning to things persons places things… Recognition of the Truth and essence of everything, and when you see them clearly 1-7.. O-8 even inanimate objects begin to vibrate- Particle and Wave..

Vibration Move to become Waves…The Object and its Expression .. Secretion Release.

6 men passed through this portal yesterday..

C.F… E M…E F…S.P.. and Wayne…

And I slept here alone on the 12th.. 13th… 14th… 15th…

L M N ..O..

M.J are in New York.. they come back Sunday the 17th.

I am alone…

Just as I been alone publicly and privately sustaining the Eternal Memory..of Eternal Knowing,through a constant non stop Expression of Knowledge and Awareness…

I am tired…

Yesterday I watched an episode of Supernatural

I thought about the Two.. Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueria…and Shagun Kumar Pradhan..

E S… M K…F P…

I reflected on the 5 males who passed through this portal yesterday and myself the One sleeping here.. alone..

5 in 1…

and then 3 to 1.. 2 to 1…

and finally the One of One with myself…

Today Tree Sage is here…

I have heard no world from Stephen and Shaggy..

Its alright, this is a play a Script…

I am here with T.S..

E K.. T S..

Emeka Kolo.. The Source…

Emeka means…

Tree Sage means..

I thought of Sarah K who was contacted me yesterday…

Mikky and John…who did too..

and Liberty who I almost saw yesterday.. she reached out was in New York with a sore back…

S B…

S O R E../ E R O S… E Cosmic Egg… C E.. H

B A C K E… That which is behind us, but which we always carry with us.. the Passed.. the Past preset in us..Chest -Face Front.. Forwards.. The Future.

I have been explaining myself since I came into the World..

Explaining myself because there was such a gap in myself who chose to Remembers and those who chose to Forget…

You chose to forget at the moment you chose not to fight for the truth you know..

And so when I watched Season 12, Episode 4…( 12 4.. L D.. Life Death..) called :The Big Empty ( T B E… Truly Beautiful E)

Where Castiel the Fallen Angel who is as a brother to Sam and Dean…S D… D.S..)

Where is killed by Lucifer and who is dead sent to the Void.. the Darkness called Eternal Sleep but wakes up when he hears a voice…

*Reminding me of the voice Sol heard in what was not the big Empty but the realm of Truth Bliss Extase… T B E..)

And Robert Kyle Murphy conversing with Beautiful Death…

Castiel not only wakes up in the Void but manages to be the first being in .. like literally Forever to escape the Void.

I could not help but link it to me.. but more especially my sister line 7-28.. 19 64.. 65…66…

Evolving from 7 the Crown Chakra still linked to the body as Time.. to Her lines Ascension to 8 along with my Mother Line..

But who can only do it by an example set by one person representing The Source… E.. T S E… 2017… 37…

12 37…Completion of 2017…

Sacred Portal 66 Coming out of the Black Hole..

Kyle Murphy represents the Original 7 -28 now evolved to 8-28.. 8 10… H A..O.. H A.F…

To get the full picture.. Earth Reflects Mirrors Spirit Energy..

Two Full Circles Filled with Inspiration and Truth.. Supremacy and Transparency merge…O O.. Esteban Shagun.. Energy Expression Supreme..E E S/ S E E…

5 Males came Christoper Eric Esteban .. Shagun Wayne…

C E E.. S W.. S A W…

SEE.. CEE.. S W… S A W… E SAW..

I saw everything…

I am not dissappointed in people, how they chose to enact their roles and parts… Free Will and Choice… and the fact that I already lived in this world, and in peoples mentalities dimensions planes.. and loved them enough to understand their reasons and point of view, but that I personally would never chose as they did. enact what they did.. do what they chose to say…

The Elephant in the Room…

5-20-73… OBoom Boom.. E T..

37.. O2-5…S O.L. ..T E…

T E Ti… Crown Chakra color Purple.. my room…

Tea Master… T M… 20 13… 33 Oregon.. Storm Thunder… Hurricane in a Tea Cup…

Oregon… 33rd Satte..

* I went to Tisane’s-a restaurant near here, Tisane means Tea

I saw on the board a note… a casting call… for a film called

In God We Trust

I took it of the wall and placed it on my Altar, on the Black Velvet section representing the Black Hole.. near the Scissors …

I connect and I cut…


Right next to the Black Tapped Bamboo stick… symbol of the Universal Sensie.. Represented by the Bamboo Stick..

This is what is written on the American Currency…

I am representing GOD in this Story..

Fritz Vennique F V recognized this as far back as 2010 ..

G OD… 7 O 4… 11 28… 5 704… E 11 28… 39 C I..

G=7.. O Is fulled with Facts O=15th letter 6…4..

76.4… 7 64…

DO..G.. I even passed the code of the DOG…

Jack and Sagan… J S… 10 19… 29…

God is Truth.. Harmony… Expression Energized .. To Beautiful Symmetry…

T H E.. E T .. B S… Portal 217-219.. 3rd Floor..

6:14 p.m

F N..

Father Nature..

F I N..

There is absolutely no respect for God, or the Truth..,or even the Do.. Doing… of G..



Absolutely none… but the E..

There is no one who I have experienced who trusted or consciously recognized the truth and acted upon it..

Esteban came close, he acted on a Instinct but even then what was the true driving force behind his Human Awareness.?

6:18 p.m.

What did he act out…?

Despite my being fully aware that he represented and what his truest and highest intentions were…

6:19 p.m.. F S.. Feelings Sensational…

F R E E DOM… And the Truth.

But whose responsibility is it to find the Truth?

Is it one individuals responsibility while everyone else places their bets on money, and not Energy Expression as Security..

No, I have known that there is no respect for the Truth for God, for Harmony Peace…

In God We Trust…

There is no Trust just a demand for the Truth-a failure to recognize the Truth .. then the blame rage and the truth and to anyone out of compassion or because she or he is the literally rep of the Truth…and can not be any thing but that-

Can you imagine how much the ones who tell the Truth are punished..?

Jesus.. even when wrapped up in Beauty…so ungracious has been the response…


No. I have seen only F E A R…

The testing of the Truth to the point of making the truth bearers carry the heaviest load, adding to burden to prove to those who are meant to be examined and graduating .. and have done all this work themselves.. The Burden of Truth…

Be he Bear and beat of Burden despite being the messenger of the Beautiful Truth… Hermes Mercury…

I would never have gone this far, explained and worked so hard if my body and being had not been bound by G F..and M.G.. who needed to Evolve so this Universal Multi verse play script was complete.

I alone post each day…

nearly all who were given revelations obey…

Energy is Money.. Fact Currency..

But as the literal Universal Blue Print and Template say..

Above and Below… Nature=Order… Hierarchical

Pyramid, Food Chain..

Heaven there is Harmony Music…

Henk VanVelsen…H V V..

O.H.. And the space in between .. E.. Expression Embodiment.. the Source of the Above and Below…

All Round..

A-A.. B A R..

Rob and Bar. the Source..

Correct equation


B A.. R R… B A.. Is Red to Red.. Full Circle..

Doe to Doe…

No one Trust God.. The Truth…

I do..I trust my Self… I trust my best friend Harmony which moves through all and Everything…

But with total understanding after having observed and watched undercover from this Emeka character I play..

I have no trust in anyone in this world or the Script..

Because I have observed the true expression to me – words thoughts actions..

So I have seen the Truth of the lie of You…

Come Clean… Nearly all refused.. Painting a picture where nearly always they put themselves before those they have hurt, see themselves as more important even more important than God .. and the Source.

It is so absolutely astonishing that even now, they enslave the Truth, use it for their own benefit…

No.. No one here I have found Loves the Truth..

T L E..

The One Truth First God.


Never played God

I never lived in this realm or recognized it as Home..

I lived in the E realm of Harmony. shared it with the World..

And for my trouble had my Truth denied…

even after 7 years in Hell and doing the impossible returning from the Void the Emptiness with my Sister Brother S B/ B S in tow..

Brought the world to Consciousness Infinity Harmony…

And still I have not my own Home.

Every one.. especially the males but themselves before even Truth.. The Beautiful Truth.. the One true God.. Harmony Eternities Source…

And then have the balls to insist that I am the one who must prove the Truth standing right in front of them..

Which is something each one of you could do..

I have quietly witnessed an Abomination Nightmare ..

proven True…

But not the way of the Beautiful Truth,

Fair Exchange.. Energy Exchange… and even if my contribution is not quantifiable in monetary terms, with all that I have shared since I wrote the story as a 7-8 year old boy…

A Gesture, a True sincere gesture would have done the trick..

After all.unlike so many others, I did not lie to you…

I brought you the Perfect Truth..



12 37… 123 7… 1 23 7-8…

L C G.. ABC.G… A W…E G E H..

There is nothing I wish to say or add… but my body is still possessed as is my Being… Which is why I am still alone fighting…

to return to Emeka.. and to my Original Eternal Home..

6:55 p.m.

F E E…




Let the Eternal Laws of cause and effect send you my Bill..

6:57 p.m.


Trust no Human Being..

only those evolved.. who do say enact and express the E way…

All others.. a lie..

not impeccable with anything .. not expression actions gestures and least of all The Word..

6:59 p.m.

Not Anther Word…

N A W… E

7:00 p.m~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10161426124120162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10161426124120162%3Atop_level_post_id.10161426124120162%3Atl_objid.10161426124120162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10161426124120162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1546329600%3A1577865599%3A-3708549439185484039&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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