
Facebook Post..

7:56 p.m

H.. G : E.F


I E.T S.

Harmony Grace is E Family.

Infinity Eternity The Script

Exemplified by The Source.

7:58 p.m

… And truly I am not amused.

( Because it means, that I am being told, that which I am already aware..

That I was used as an example, to show and demonstrate how the seemingly most lost lamb has a homing device, G.P S, and built in Secretion which leaves a trail, leading one home).

I am at 13 91 Facebook Friends,

M. I.A

( Hmmm.. I wonder who is M.I A..

Missing in Action…)

Mia means My or Mine.. as well as Darling

My Darling

And links to Sacred Portal 91

Hell Fire

Ms Manners..


Yes, linking all the lines of 7.9 years of posting that which is taking place Inside and Outside of us and all around us, that we are officially in the ..Harmonies

8:08 p.m


Full Circle of the 5th Dimension and I am after a life time and 29.11 years in a Web of We Be… my sister Self P.U M.A.

/ A.M. U.P.

Yes, its an equation and its a message.

Just as my being graciously being invited by Liberty C Liscomb and her 5 children to pass through their portal via Jesse Macias

After the confirmation of the play of Jump Man. J.M

And it linked to John MacDonald and echoed by John McCorkle both Norse names yet at the same time linked to Egyptian Gods, Greek Y= Man and the story of Perfect Timing and Universal Pangea. Africa-America-

Thor to Harmony to E.

From 29 Street, before that, base portal of Stephan Filgueria – Esteban Miquel Filgueria


To 219-217 South Whitney to 319-317 Fair Field Ave..

All linked to the Gods reps of Man as well as now back out of Creation Existence as 9 Billion years in University School.

Passing through the portal of Lady Liberty

L L 1212.. 24 E M F.

Portal of leaving lifes battle field, but carrying all the E Family with me on my E M Field.

An invisible Electro Magnetic Field

Basically I am playing Hermes Mercury Erose ..

And Odin Freya..Thor Loki… O.F. T L..

O F. 2012. 32. 5 ..

7 years 9 months..


Year code of Jesse Macias

97 John Mack

Its John Macks line I have ( We B ) have just passed through.

V.I Kings.

Lord and Lady Heroic of 6th Sense.

V.I Kings is a frequency of Being all over the World.

Its a story of 6th Sense.

Everything and everyone has sixth sense


Violet Indigo..

I V. I 5th Dimension Energy

I Express…

I have been formerly, and I must say rather elegantly invited to stay chez Liberty for a couple of months, and though appreciative and touched by this vote of Liberty and her E Harmony awakening children, the apprehension, the storm of rage and fury rise in me, and the Dragon and the Phoenix

The Black Panther.. The Boy, The Youth..

The Eternal Youth looks in the mirror at my intentionally mishaped body, the face transformed less by the illusion of age, but more the Mask and Make-up of the characters given me to play, characters recognizable, in which the West feels comfortable and are familar with.

And my make up is running, I have worn that mask and make up painted energetically on my Face for far too long.

And my beautiful vanity, my beautiful pride rages on me: the Battle: Epic and quite of such an unseemly role as the Script calls out for me to call out my Title..

Supreme Expression

Source E

How ridiculous it even sounds to me.

The Source, undercover… ( what cover, I am naming defining, it publicly…) and the Response?

Oh its there but not with Awareness Consciousness or Focus.

Not even the courtesy of attention and a pause to take in, down load the simple possibility.

And so I sit here, 64th Move..



Do I have any guarantee?

I am living the revenge of an entire species thought process.

The L…A.S H. E S. of age is of dare to stir, and disturb your accepted complacent, your waves of hurt that you felt through ages of all you dreamed was and yes could be..

And I am exhausted.

Why can’t I just leave…

I have tried believe me, but its in my body: movements not my own, voice a quivering stream even tirade of breath squeezed out of me.

I speak at night to the Silence,

After all these years..

Childless, rootless, a nothing who is being begun to be seen as something but has not yet earned the right to live and exist as I please.

A Spacehip..A Living U.F O..

A school bus driver,

A cargo Air Liner

A submarine

A Space Ship

All a board!

Destination H O M E

Do you wish to come and ride with me..

Where are my wings Damn it,

So I can take flight in the night,

Leaving with Joy and ecstatic relief..

Lightened no more passengers and delays..


For each to decide to choose.

No such choice was given to me..


10:10 p.m

Of course, I want you all to see the realm you forgot is real and beautiful beyond belief.. which is why only by coming with me can you see it real.

But 7.9 years of posting, battling egos and insecurities and the most preposterous reasons to hold onto a 3D School has taken a toll on.me.

And this Story, lord this awful script ( I transformed) and Story of even The Most Beautiful Truth used against..

The Sword of Truth used to cripple..


The Script demands I am Truth and must speak up, stand up..

And tell the Truth.. I am The Source..

And I am a Man..

.. I have a Supremely Beautiful Family undercover so deep, so deep undercover I have to dig to the very core..

Finding nothing but the Eternal Truth of


Who cares?

Who reads.

Who understands that Love literally Links.

51 years in this world

Eternally 22 and now 33 years old.

This world tires me, this language people still speak, which drags them down back into a story which should have long since ended.

So stale .. so old.

I am the Source,

A man

Stuck in a tale,

Every one who is True E linked to Naturalness Harmony..

Or do not come home at all.

And I am speechless..

Wandering quietly in my Heart and Mind no longer feeling anything.

Caught in a Spiders Web

And Hypnotists spell.

Which most cling onto despite their knowing it is not real.

I am not from your world,

I am from the Origins of Man

I am in a Script, where I am made ridiculous and absurd even to the Truth of Me..

And I Be.

And so I speak to the Silence the only place I can be me and free..

Not explaining solving riddles, pointing out, making aware..

That which is so self evident and obvious even to all of thee.

I post because this World, this Script has done to me that which can not be concieved by anything which could be called E.

And yet if all there is, is E

What has the power to do this to that which is the only thing which is real.

Alone even after 1989..

Almost 30 years ..

Talking To The Silence


79 /97

16/ 16



Perfection Long since Attained.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10162245575385162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10162245575385162%3Atop_level_post_id.10162245575385162%3Atl_objid.10162245575385162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10162245575385162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1546329600%3A1577865599%3A-126682989050055308&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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