
Facebook Post..

11:45 pm,

Infinite Love. I L… 9-12 Serenity and Erabella. S E.. E

wriiten by Donna O Sillivan in 2016 letter to me.

@ 18 Mountain View.

Infinite Love

I dare speak the words I love you

Without knowing what it means to utter it…

To mean it whole heartedly

Means I have to first say those words to myself.

Until I hear the words, I Love You reverberate.

Fill my being.

Truth recognized.


Enracing all IS.

..Love is the light which sees through illusion,

Discerns Truth with its vibration.

Expresses it as Beauty and Harmony.

And the Humility and Compassion of True Love.

As the 4th, moves to th 5th and now the 6th…

Absolute Cee through the eye of Love.

Now to hear the words, I Love You.

Not the Hypocrisy uttered indiscriminately.

But by someone who sees, truly sees me.

Reflected through poetry, a harmonious song..


Love=Harmony+ Beauty= Infinite Love.


I love you Emeka-


The Lady.

I Love You.

I L Y.


Go back and see what happened in that play.


Jae Sherman asked me a question some moments ago.

S.he politely contested my remark that she had gracefully left the play.

I paused, just as I had gone back to that paragraph to revise what I had stated about him, then satisfied that it was correctly worded and aligned, I posted it.

It was that pause, that space in between which she asked me about.

The night before I had indicated that the play with what s.he represented was complete and further responded to his statement that she was not way up there where I and Kim where, and that I had done my best to make him feel comfortable by explaining what was going on.

And at the same giving him a taste of what Lyrical conversation is,

Concluding with it is obvious, that the play of Eternal Knowing and Jay requires an Individual expressing for themselves the E consciousness which reflects the E Original.

And despite the two Cheeky mischievous devils who took over our seats, for a moment the Alien Council undercover as Mother and Father, Jeron and Serenity…. to be their mouthpieces, ( See Sacred Portal 74)in the end it completed with Emeka and Kim at the Helm.

Emeka Kolo.

Kim Hinds.


K H… ( Not really in Hells Kitchen but in Harmony of my journey in the United States, but on Facebook where Nnamdi had led me to 8.11 years ago at Green street chez Akila Apollo Davis home,

J.E.A was connected to A E J Alexander Evan Jude.

J E A L O .U S .Y

I did not wish to explain any longer but the very words, about being grounded here in these illusions of reality and at the same time grounded by common sense which can bridge the 4th to the 5th but to enter the 5th requires Expression embodied without prompting or training to be aligned with this frequency represented by E K K H.

This is the enders game.

Each an Individual code Snow Flake Solo Flight.

Hands Solo

Out of the Eagles Nest.

I paused to listen because he has the right- despite it obvious my exhaustion and condition of my body and of course, my being broiled with a literal war of mind in the darkest and most veiled thoughts of all those including the government officials, secret service, secret societies- Gautanomo Bay ( G B… 7 2) and all the forces above and below trying to stop us me, from reaching the finish line.

I paused as He explained to me that she had no intention of leaving the play, and why had i stated that.

My response was that I had tagged him, and he was not there, there are people if you notice whom this template allows me to tag and others, who when i usually tagged, now since this new silver computer, it does not work the same way.

But I noticed that with new Facebook friends it was easy, I could tag than when something I was saying I could alert them by tagging them, to be fair. So they if they choose can respond.

This is a play of perfect timing, and if you not the play it’s outside of time and moment to moment.

So when I tagged he.r, and she wasn’t present, I aligned all the conclusions confirmed right up to my posts and Kim stating on the 10th he had posted the song just the two of us and the actual interaction of having to explain …

I explained that the play was that which had coded him out, not I.

Because I had tagged her, and he said that at that time she, was doing something with his computer, which created that gap of where I could not tag him.

Fair enough, logical reason in this grounded reality of this matrix, but not logical in a realm of common sense of being a play of perfect timing and being equal to the E and K ( and two cheeky buggers behind the scene and yes the one ANK E Arden)

Yesterday it was Tree who had liked the comment which I acknowledged mt self as THe Source and the Source of the C Vision Sol to the 5th…

Tree acknowledge E.

T E .. see sacred portal 10 with Baphomet Beauty and J S in his John Thomas

Jeron and Serenity.

See what both names mean.

As well as the world Serenity.

And then note the arrival of my HIghest Facebook Friend yet.

Osei Bonsu Sofa Kant- A.N.K.

Gold Coast.

Kim means Gold.

So whatever he was doing, it was at that very moment when I tagged him, and he was not present but was so when I tagged her with the Whale and Moby Dick… add Whale Rider…

Mother Ship. smh.

That is the play, and I had no time to wish to explain or defend my words when it was obviously very clear.

T E is E T.

This is not a Human Play nor of Human Intelligence unless not in fear anxiety worry frequency…

Kim and I, as obviously representing above… and below on the ground from our space ship MF- where for one month I.. we have been stalled here, and instead of passing through the portal – again another human was used as a test to my awareness and Kims surety and confidence.

And by the way… that we were being tested at the Astral plane of the 4th Dimension to enter the 5th means that which was testing is were Extra Terrestrials and Ascended beings as well as the E undercover confirming Kim A Hinds as E AR DEN line.

Anyway, after a bit of explanation and she got to have her say, I then stated that that makes it clear that it was not his intention to leave, as she said but something else at that precise moment aligned me to tag you and you were not there.. present but that you were doing something else.

One of the meanings of Jeron by his fathers definition and yes also true is apart from He sings also means Holy Sacred

Yes, his mother had brought me over and over again Holy Basil.

Holy and Sacred is the Holy Spirit.

Holy Espirit actually. ( H E 8 5)

So at 1525 Facebook Friends- a New Peak from 1520. 35 ( 8 0) I am at 1 5 2 5= 13 Letter M and oh yes today’s date.

12:27 a.m.

Single Numbers now.. no longer pairs.

15 25 is not 40… it is meant to be 41. which was confirmed even with monies spent and my completing the movie Fahrenheit 451 45 1 A Arden- Alexander.

40 is DO Doe First Note.

This aligns to Kim code 69 tel and Sacred Portal 69 Note Eton bracelet I which I gave him on his birthday… Crown Wrist…


20 20 = 41…. or 1 4O.

140 is the Present 140 lbs

N O New Orleans

AD O.. Historic Map 800 BCE- 150 AD.O is the full circle.

Sacred portal 41 Elegguah Elu and the Child of 6 6th sense O full circle. 66 = 1.. 67.

Savage is the past Prehistoric age as the lie

Savage Response to the first contact with True loves C..


No two Tall brown skin men both over 6’4′ not of this world

Cee Vision Speed of Light.

Kim telling me the story of two men as if he were there with me in the Eternal Begining when that conversation E E and Atom now AH Tom.

K A H Twins.

12:52 pm.

There is a reason I explained this and made this post.

And the reasoning is not yet of this world and since you do not acknowledge or recognize the truth of respect that which isself evident its impossible that you even exist if you can not recognize your source as E or as A or as N or as K or as

Jeron Satya Serene Language Lang the Tall…

There is no point is there?

It just goes over your heads.

12:55 p.m

Simple Common Sense.

C S South Carolina

Courtesy Manners Hospitality is why i explained.

And yes, i was intentionally placed in that awkward situation forcing me into a corner.

12:57 pm.

See the meaning of O B S K names meaning Corner…

PS and Jae was satisfied with my explaination and convergence of fact stating So there was a reason why I was not there at that moment’

I said yes..

He-she said Bingo

1:01 am

101 Beds @ Delta Manor.

H D M E~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164476801610162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164476801610162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164476801610162%3Atl_objid.10164476801610162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164476801610162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1577865600%3A1609487999%3A4270608198651881816&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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