
Facebook Post..

7:14 pm



L R.

Grace Naturalness.

Luca Roca?

Left Right

Living Room.

It is so extraordinary now, the play.

Today’s setup involved Kim and me, and the awakening of the Supreme Being and his-her Supreme Body.

Recall, we concluded yesterday with the arrival of my 1531 Facebook friend Bessie Spann

B S which aligned to this very address 2 17

And two beings and one left standing in the play.

E K.

E K K A H.

E V A H.

E V A…I.

And of course, the play of challenge on my page by a being from France initials E V and aligned to Vaihere Cardonnet. V C

E V has already been linked via John Mack intel ( Satya) and

Jeron Satya S L.

J S 29 S L Supreme Light/Love.

= 60.


66 which is what is the code on Kims Door.

66= Sacred portal 66.

66=1 A 3 C 36 C F / F C First Contact @ the Full Circle 36O O with I. ( 9=I)

And the code of Adam AD-A.M ( Dawn)

Naming things, but before one can name things, one must know the meaning of that thing, from Height Depth

Span Breadth… Wing Span Hand Span.


Add awareness and expression

A N O M E ( Alaska ) A Name E

N A M E. / M E N E M O N E Y

I D.

What is in a name…

And so, I contacted Luca again for the third time knowing that he was being examined and tested. I have had it alerting people, or being fair to people who had ignored the benefits and resolutions of their problems by someone forced to play The Comforter’ T C and the Voice of the Holy Spirit.

I was tired of dealing with peoples Ego.

Mine was proven pure and transparent publicly by making me appear so naked that even that which was going on within me and in the rape of my body as well as my body of truth shared with such respect to that which I already knew was not real.

C V is the code aligned full circle to Arden Beautiful Leopard

Fahad Hassan F H whom Liberty had found to arrange the E Manual proving Emmanual Nnamdi is already present here ( PH) and never left.

F H /HF… Hidden Figures? working behind the scene to meddle even to the last moment.

Eva means Life, V.E N US. means Goddess of Beauty Love Fertility… Grace.

2nd planet from the sun

Being Body… Dark matter

1 2 One two army motion movement March Forth… M F.

Alicia Norris just sent me a text.

7:37 pm right now… Full Circle.

( A N)

Luca Roca means Light Bringer to the Rock

As well as someone from a region in Italy, and Sacred Wood. Identified by the play Sky Oak Speaker * Park Slope

The Glowing Oak from Thomas lang brought into the house.

And of course Cock- Erect Morning Wood. MW.69

All aligned to Arden and then Kim.

yesterdays play was about Money but more about the correct door to Life as the two men sacred portal 43


E=CM.e 4/3.

I had stated that there was no more intel from Kim, to me and so he had completed his play.

And he too felt that way… as I do.

But after the Government as God play, with Markesha C

M C,

* C Me 4/3

B M C… Moore ( a Moor is both Black and white, not only black in complexion as dark Matter… ) Conscious

Bella M C .. see Sacred Portal 9.

MC C Me/ MCe

8:07 pm.


So yes, still the challenge of Hidden Figures as to which is the door of life and the planet Earth and the foundation of Existence and everything.

Dark Matter Energy Knows.

I watched Dark Materials around 4 something am, and as I watching the part where Will ( Will and Lyra L A W… Jude Law) had cut through to another dimension with his Subtle Knife ( S K Sofa Kantank-A) that is when I saw that Kim had sent a message of having had a dream in which he had pierced through the veil of the red frequency adam Red Earth, Terracotta Soldiers.

The conversation and recounting by Kim as he linked connected intel was making it clear to me, more and more what was going on…

Sacred Portal 86 then we were at 1 10 then 86-10 ( J)

76 Sacred portal 76 shows a Trinity in one Love C, Eros-e, and Desire.

Then we were at 86 + 11 ( see sacred portal 11 9 rep L and K).

We arrived at 97

Brainiac Light of World Existence L O W E… L O E W

And then by the time we completed I exclaimed ( to repeatedly, nudge-Nudge, wink winks from Kim Nnamdi Arden -Christ ( Krist Nna- Krshnna yes a family surname)

After establishing the true cause of the Cosmic entanglement C E and the Jealousy of the Ancestor of the past, and their awe and worship as Gods, their true ancestors The beautiful ones and the message that this is what the seemingly primitive human race would evolve.

8:29 pm

And insanely beautiful play just took place between Jae, his-her higher self, and I.

Milk Crates Red one at 29 Lincoln Street.

I acknowledged it

Be Moor Conscious

I have already Seen Cee all that I require to see and done everything and I told her higher Self it’s up to you and here and no longer with me.

It went too far.

So yes it finally admitted ( the one who usurped Father Earth Father Nature to declare herself the one Supreme.

Look how far this challenge went and now you speak with regret? because you have been defeated?

Kim spoke almost immediately of code 30.

He did not realize that I had moved from 1531 Facebook friends to 15 30

And after we had completed our conversation, I looked down and saw the Luc Roca had called me via Facebook at 4 31 pm

The code is 30.

J S … S L was completed yesterday 31

J L V… J L O- V E…

I sent him Kims number, but I already understood.

House of Micha-Nnamdi Akil my brother Obums children part Japanese.


I had already much earlier sent a message to Alicia Norris Frank.

It was elegant and seamless

A N to 1 14 to Grant Moore Hotel

A N A.

The code she sent 9 square 9 by 9= 81.

H.A See sacred portal 81 transformations of 1 out of the 4 into a female form. Swan Lake.

Amazing Grace ugly duckling to Beauty Supreme.

I had no iota of doubt or question as to why she was the 4th person I was compelled to test them ( not with intention but which as you saw was not my intentions as I had to figure out why I had been moved to contact 3 people and one who was there waiting on my page M C.





K.H Kim Hinds

E K…. meant for me but had to go through Kim I have no I D.

A N K H… E K

And the only one present and who sent me the rose quartz while I was at Jesse Macias the stone, card money code all sent straight from a pure rose crystal heart…which is the crystal uncut (which I still have )

via Kim.

A N KH A H! A – AHA! E K


AHA… is E K.

the One here Present

Frank Alicia…

Free the Noble Patrician ones

the beautiful ones of Humanity who can merge and rise with the Beautiful ones- the ones who evolved to the point

ANKH means Key of life

* Egyptian Art.

a tau cross with a loop at the top used as a symbol of generation or enduring life

A submission from India says the name Ank means Lap and is of Hindu origin.

I have a lump on my Thigh or Lap

( Green House Jerry Joseph present as I formed a Martial Arts movement) yes, they shared a secret smile when it happened Green House Soho, 25 Green Street Jan Feb 2005.

LapTop.. L T. my Blue Laptop from John and Donna 18 Mountain View.

Alicia told me that she had been reading the post, I had posted 19 hours ago. ( 19 is S… Steven in the Tree name tag M W Starbucks) A I. D A V I D E-A

And she had seen the code 9 9 but only realized this in Hindsight when I kept on gushing Well Done, she went back in hindsight and realized it Go Figure ( G F

Guide Father.. 76 My Friend’ ( M F is what she addressed me and yes that is a Friend) were here first words of realization of what she had done.

True Love

Rose Quartz

Crystalized Prism

The Light which awakens the Rock, tHe Earth, the planet, the universe, the Body as death awakened by 6th Sense.

Cleaned up.

9:06 pm.


Sacred portal 96.. All things bright and beautiful…


9:07 pm

Sacred portal 97

Jesse Maccias Orejula is the one aligned rep with Tuan in perfect harmony

Jump Man

Quantum Transformation Leap

Faith F O I…

is the Know already.

9:12 pm



9:13 pm

I M F A C T… No Longer Possible

Impossible is this idea of what yo think is the truth and origins of all of you.

9:14 pm

I N.

N I 149 Sacred portal 149 19 Alien Father Alpa.


9:15 pm

I O.

I A E.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164497577145162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10164497577145162%3Atop_level_post_id.10164497577145162%3Atl_objid.10164497577145162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10164497577145162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1577865600%3A1609487999%3A3096549610672732742&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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